Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Jury is Still Out

I am heading back to the courthouse here in a bit to sit on my panel. There are 12 folks from my group in the box, awaiting to be questioned by attorneys. They said they think a jury should be approved today, with the case going till Friday, so if I am not chosen, I am home free. I wouldn't mind being on a jury, but I really don't want to be this behind on work. I also would have rather done the murder trial.

I was pretty miserable yesterday, what with the air conditioning being out, and then not getting much of a lunch. My plan had been to go home for lunch. But when you only end up with about 20 minutes, home is just not quite close enough.

Today I am not taking 100 things. Yesterday I brought my book, bItty, iTty, and my phone. I was with too much stuff. My book was too big for this setting. I may take a smaller one today, but really, I am assuming I will be in the courtroom all day, so I don't think there will be much in the way of free time.

I am also all kinds of relieved since I just looked at my Clerks tickets and realize the evening is NEXT week, not tonight. Phew! It means Ken still can make arrangements with his contact for babysitting. Woo Hoo!

Random kid quotes:

Kids are whining, and I am frustrated with. I told the boys (we were in the car) that I think punishment may have to be kicking them out of the car and make them walk a block every time they whine. Bobby was shocked and says to me, "You would do this to your own children?"

Yesterday I was annoyed at something and I declared a hearty "Dammit!". Dax looks and me and says, "Hey! You said 'dammit' like I say dammit!" Neat.

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