Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Doing 20 minutes of step on the Wii, with a raised platform, is not easy. It is quite the workout. I started doing that now as my beginning workout, and then 10 minutes of things like jogging or other games on there. I want to get up to doing 30 minutes of step and then doing 10 minutes of the other stuff. I may start that as soon as next week. The only issue so far is that I have noticed my legs being sore at night. They were just kind of a general sore, but enough so I noted that it was hard to get comfortable all night. This is two nights in a row. I think tonight I will need to take something like an Advil to perhaps relax them.

I have a meeting at 8:30 which should prove to be heated and long. The only good is that it will make my morning go by quickly.

I don’t get my school walk today since Ken picks up the boys on Tuesdays. I am considering going on a quick walk with Luna when I get home from my folks’. I can do the same route. It doesn’t take all that long, and it will make me feel good. I am also doing weight training today. The question-will I have time for Wii, too? I suppose I will just have to make time.

It is gratifying to be wearing the dress I have on today. When I purchased it, it was way too tight around my belly. Now, it is loose and flowy. Yay me!

All 4 of the cats were on the bed last night as I fell asleep. I was quite happy with this.

I have been having random spotting, which is slightly annoying. I have not had this issue in some time. I wonder what is causing it this time.

I want to buy some ankle weights.

Do you think this is the same cat?

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