Tuesday, March 13, 2012

angry hair


My hair and I are not on speaking terms today.

I had to touch up the dark roots that are creeping in at an alarming rate. As the boys splashed about in the bathtub, Ken applied the chemicals to my head. I was pleased when he said that even while the stinky goo was glistening on my hair, you could tell that it was getting lighter. At the very least, I knew that my part would no longer look like a dirt path in the middle of a field of cut hay.

After I rinsed and applied the deep conditioning product, I could tell my hair was a little angry with me. I don’t blame it. I have been in the habit of adding color to these strands, not the opposite. Blonde appears to really fuck with the integrity of my mane. Even as I am sitting there waiting for the effects, I am contemplating that pink I had been eyeing since last week.

I had Ken brush out my hair last night and he even put it in a braid for me. It was so tangled when I would brush it; I felt that a braid would be the best way to go while I slept so as to not make it any worse. When I got up, I washed it and added my normal conditioner, hoping that routine would lull it back into submission.

Instead, I am left this morning with what feels like incredibly gooey hair. It is almost sticky. Granted, some of it is still wet, I think. It also doesn’t help that I may in fact have the world’s worst hair brush at my desk. It barely penetrates even the top layer of hair, let alone is it able to get all the way to my scalp. Then again, my comb doesn’t seem to want to mess with the rat’s nest that is currently residing on my head.

Thankfully, I seem to be able to have molded it into an up do that will pass as ‘nice’ for the day. I am still picking up the hair that fell out during this process. It is a good thing I have a lot of hair to begin with. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a less frustrating hair day.

Until then, I am just trying to not think about it.

Truly, what I would like to be doing is reading my book, curled up on the couch with the dog next to me and a cat in my lap. I downloaded Hunger Games, and so far I am quite impressed with it. It is quite compelling and interesting. I am already invested in characters. Really, I was pretty invested only a few pages in. The author has done a very good job of making them intriguing and likeable, even when they are not in so many ways. I am happy that I broke down and got the book. I am still unsure if downloading it was better than getting the actual book, but I do like that I don’t have to find another place to put a book in my house.

It is a shame Katriss is such a great name. I could never use it on for a person since it would obviously be connected to the book, which doesn’t bother me in terms of using a character, it is just that it would be so very popular for a while.

We had our parent/teacher conference with Mrs. Fasheh about Dax yesterday. I would say overall it went well. He is smart, something we already knew. The kid is also insanely charming, something that will prove useful if he continues to dink around in class like the other kids do. When he sits down and writes something, and really takes his time, I am telling you, it looks better than things I have seen kids write in the second grade. His penmanship is gorgeous. Sadly, this only happens when he wants to. It is all based on his mood. Mrs. Fasheh paints a familiar picture of how he rushes through things only to be chatty with his friends. It sucks especially since he is already reading at higher levels than some of the other kids, but because he isn’t truly using his skills, they go, I can’t believe I have to say this after years of hearing it from my own parents, to waste. He isn’t living up to his potential currently. I know, I know, the kid is 5 and I shouldn’t be so hard on him. Mind you, I don’t let him know these things. When he was working on homework, I make sure he understands what I expect of him, and praise him when his work is his best. I don’t ask for more than he can give, and I am even a little lax at times. But I know that I need to push him a bit.

His testing shows good. She is very confident that he will do well in 1st grade, which is cool since we still have 4 more months of education ahead of him before the summer. I know that the homework levels will come as a shock to him at first, but thankfully now that we have this online reading program the kinder students log in to at home, we have him work on that after his paperwork, which has him doing work as long as Bobby does.

One of the other things I did in the playroom for them is to set up work stations. They each have a table in there and on Bobby’s desk (I have one to bring home from work for Dax) there are two baskets. The bottom one is for school work he brings home. The top one is for his current homework packet. This way they are responsible for their homework, and putting their old work away. It is a place they will make their own, and I even told Bobby that the hopes is to give them both a computer for these work stations. I know that Bobby really appreciated the space. Dax’s is not done yet, so he might not fully appreciate it yet. I do need to do something about giving them space to play in there so they don’t use these desks, but that might not be something I can control.

I have taken to wearing this bandage tape on my fingers to prevent picking. I have been destroying the skin on my fingers and an alarming rate recently. It is so bad that on more than one occasion the boys have asked me what happened to my hands. Just walking through the kitchen while Ken was squeezing lemons made my fingers sting with the thought of even one drop touching them. I wish I could keep from doing it. But sadly I don’t even realize I am doing it. I suppose it is my current twitch, which especially sucks since I am so prone to it anyway.

I am very excited to have started reading a chapter book with the boys. I am reading them The Indian in the Cupboard. This was one of my favorites as a kid. This of course can’t possibly be shocking if you know the story. Toys coming to life have always messed with me. I was happy that as I read them the first chapter that they seemed enthralled with the tale and that the thought of a tiny Indian was really threatening this boy.

The girl emotions I was dealing with last night are now making a little more sense if only due to the new clues my body is offering me up this morning. I appear to be in the beginning stages of a premature period. I may only be spotting, but it feels like it is more than that. I don’t know what is up with this, especially since for the most part I have been pretty regular. It is possible that I may have just been under a lot of stress that is finally subsiding and my body is relaxing.

Sadly I am also rather tired this morning. I so expected to crash out hard last night, but instead I found myself lying there, listening to all of the Big Bang Theory that Ken watched, and I could not settle in. I woke up several times, too. I don’t know what it was. I am not used to any form of insomnia.

I suppose I should power on through the day. Perhaps some random work will speed up the clock.

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