Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Make it go quickly


My dreams of a bad work day may have been foreshadowing.

Ok, in reality, I had already geared myself up for hell on earth here today. My coworker tipped me off last night that an email message would irritate me to epic levels when I arrived. This only spurred me into cartoon hate and anger which was then put into wacky dreams including a new building that I got lost in while I was looking for my new desk. Ken saved me in the dream, which is pretty romantical, and it was a nice counter to my dream the night before where Chandler and Monica had called it quits.

Normally I would not be in the process of a blog, but the reports I work on are of course incorrect, making my morning a bit of a clusterfuck. I am sure I will get to them at some point.

It has been brought to my attention that the other teams in our division are practicing twice a week. Sigh. Yeah, because I needed more to do each week. Because of that, we are going to probably up our practices to being 90 minutes a week instead of only 60. I refuse to add another day to an already busy week. Besides, we can get the kids more conditioned in that extra 30 minutes. They need to run more and get into shape. It will make for a late night on Tuesdays since we will be riding our bikes to and from practice, but I think it will be worth it overall. We also are going to try to have a practice on Saturday this week.

Dax has decided he hates school. It is not surprising since let’s face it, only the lucky parents have kids who love it. Plus, Dax is my little Diva and if there is even the slightest bit of annoyance, he throws an epic sized pout. Mind you, he does really well in school, but I think until he finds his groove, he will not be happy. Bobby likes going, and it may have to do with his friends.

Please make this day go quickly.

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