Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I know, no pictures, but I wasn't feeling it today



Ok, it does feel better this morning, but then again, I am not trying to kick a ball. LOL! I have upped my workouts significantly, and honestly, I have not been very good about how I am going about it. I need to make sure I stretch before these things. Last night, when we were getting ready for soccer practice, I noted my right thigh was quite angry with me. I had pulled the muscle. I was able to run around a bit, but kicking is what seemed to hurt. It didn’t help that it was kind of cold out. My muscle would get warmed up, but if I stopped for too long, it would re-tense up.

I did manage to run as much as possible. I even did a backwards run across the entire field area (which is 3 soccer fields wide) and back with a bunch of boys dribbling at me. That was pretty awesome, aside from my pants almost falling off.

Note to self: I need some better exercise clothing.

It was a really good practice. We did a lot of different things and really ran them a lot. My two youngest players had multiple breakdowns. Both of them were upset when they didn’t “win” this one game. One was upset about the running, one was upset that I changed having him be next and let someone else go next. It was all age appropriate drama, but drama nonetheless. Thank goodness one of those kids was mine and it gave me some insight on how to help the other one through it.

Apparently the key to getting a overly dramatic kid over their meltdown is humor. Works every time.

Yesterday afternoon was shockingly productive! Our whole family was in full on teamwork mode. I cleaned the playroom up mostly because Ken was putting in one of the computers. Dax’s machine is set up, but Ken still has to wire the playroom for the net. For some reason the wireless network is not connecting. We will hopefully have a machine for Bobby soon.

The boys did their homework quickly and without complaint. It was really cool! Since they get out at 1:15 on Tuesdays, they were home working by 1:30, which gave us lots of time before practice. I even got to clean a bit in our bedroom and other rooms. I was very happy with the afternoon.

I got home from work and I thought I would surprise Ken and the boys. Ken normally picks them up on Tuesdays since they get out early. I got home and got my bike quickly. I put Luna in my basket and she and I headed out to go meet them all half way. Apparently I was quicker than I realized and I got all the way to the school! It was ok, though, since I was quite the spectacle with my silly Golden in the basket.

With a little practice, Luna could probably ride in there more. She is bigger than Panda, but she has the patience to probably sit in there. We need to work on it a bit. Ultimately she prefers running alongside the bike, but obviously that isn’t always something we can do.

My bed was a level of comfort that felt almost like royalty. I didn’t want to get up. I was cozy, which I love more than anything. Plus, my body is sore from the workouts, so being able to be so relaxed was bliss. I considered not coming in, but it still would have meant getting up to call out. Grumble grumble.

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