Monday, December 8, 2014

So much soccer

I am sore.
I am guessing being on your feet for two days along with some running for referee duties will do that to a girl.
We arrived at Hull on Saturday morning around 7:30. We prepped the fields and then got ready for the 9 am game. Ken and I were refereeing that game. It was a lot of fun, especially since the girls’ teams were so sweet and personable. I also liked that I was the AR for the side that won. I have to say, it is so hard to ref when you just want to cheer for all the players. Luckily, I get the opportunity to tell the kids after the game about the plays I saw them do. I also got to know some of their names since I had the game card.
Players are also encouraged to thank the referees after the game. I have watched this process, and I can tell you that most of the time the kids don’t act nearly as excited about it as they were with me. Maybe I am tooting my own horn, or maybe it helps that I am the super chipper purple haired chick with a Santa hat, but either way, I was mobbed. I was in heaven! It was so wonderful. Clearly when I get older and hopefully get an opportunity to retire I am totally volunteering in the school.
Our Saturday game was at 1. It was an important game. It also was a team that there was some bragging rights if we won.
The Firefoxes were amazing! They played probably one of the best games I have seen them play all season. They were passing, they were talking, they were busting their asses. It was fantastic!!! They scored 6 goals. The other team had 3. One of their best players was also quite frustrated since he is normally one of the fastest on the field. Yeah, that’s until my Dax could outrun his ass every time. I was getting a little crazy about him, too, since he was getting a little pushy and should have probably been called for more dirty play. So when he went down, I know I was a little awful. I hissed my approval to Stephanie and Nicole (who came to watch the boys play! YAY!) in the form of indicating that Karma is quite the bitch.
A parent on the other side actually got ejected from the game. I guess he was talking smack to the referee. The Center Ref isn’t one to just toss a guy for no reason, so he must have been particularly vile. I feel kind of bad for the team since that removal meant 2 points were taken from their team, which effectively took them from a chance to move on, all the way to last place. I like many of the kids on the team so you hate to see some asshole grownup blow it for the team.
After the game, I presented the survival box to Becky that my mom mostly put together. She was so incredibly touched and I am so glad that I could see her being so moved. It means a lot to be able to do something nice for such a nice lady.
Sunday morning started pretty much the same way Saturday began. Field prep and a referee spot. I was all excited that one of the parents from the girls’ team the day before recognized me and asked me if I was reffing their game again. I got to cover their game and I loved that the girls and the parents were happy to see me. Yay!
Now during this game, the coach on the other side was an asshole. He is always an asshole. He snipped about a call the other AR made and even had the balls to come out at half to snip some more about it. He was angry about an offsides I raised my flag on. He didn’t dare yell about it to me, though. Not sure if I look like I don’t take his shit, or if he was just happy they won. Either way, part of me wanted him to get up in my face.
Between my reffing and the Firefox game, I had to run home to get sandwiches for the boys. Sadly, I ran out of gas about a block into my trip home. Sonofabitch. Thankfully there is a gas tank in the van so I was able to fill up enough to get home and back. I was proud that I didn’t panic, or opt to walk home and back.
Our game was well fought. This is a team we lost to in the season 7-1. Damn! Although we lost, it was only 2-1. I hate to betray my kid, but the only goal that was legit (the other two were questionable penalty kicks, one for each team. I think both should not have been given) happened after Dax dribbled the ball into the center in front of our goal instead of going to the outside.  Sadly, this resulted in them scoring. I would NEVER tell him this. I just felt bad. Thankfully he didn’t feel that he caused the goal. He did cry after the game, though.
After the field clean up and a quick jaunt to the grocery store, we were finally home. It was about 4, and we were all pooped. Dinner was made and Ken and I vegged out in front of the tv while the boys watched their YouTube videos. Sure, we could have done something as a family, but all of us were clearly too tired to function at all.
Today I have my parent/teacher conference with Mrs. Van Wie. I am excited about this. She seems like a teacher that totally understands Bobby. She has a quirkiness about her that I know Bobby loves. I am sure that I will be told he chats it up a bit much, but I think overall his academic performance is ok.
Mr. Chin came by on Friday and we went over his report card and everything in class. Overall, it seems Dax is doing just fine. He needs to work on some writing on personal narrative, but I am certainly not stressed about this at all.
The boys will have practice on Tuesday as a fun practice. They are technically knocked out of the region championship. However, due to referee points, we may be one of the top teams left that is qualified for Area Playoffs. It should be interesting to see how it goes.
Although we don’t play on Saturday, I will still be at Hull. From 9 to 1, we have Spring Registration. I had planned on refereeing, but since the game I was doing was rescheduled, I may not be able to. We shall see. I have to be present for registration since I am in charge of the money. We will see how it goes.
Wednesday I get to go to the burial of unclaimed people. I am a little nervous if only because I don’t want to get lost. Other than that, I am quite excited. I am going to most likely hang out in the cemetery a bit after.

Ok, work is piling up.    

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