Tuesday, October 13, 2009

good day


I must have been tired yesterday. I got home and played on the net for a few minutes before I decided to just sit in my chair and watch some Scrubs. Next thing I knew, I was woken up to the Tivo bong indicating the show was over. Thank goodness I heard that since it was now 3:30 which is when I pick up the boys!

I love picking them up. There is that split second between when they first see you and then the moment in which the recognition turns into absolute joy. I am always amused at the difference in how the two of them make there way towards me. Bobby is rather polite and patiently waits until he can get through the other kids and obstacles that stand in his way so that he can run over to me with a hug. Dax, on the other hand, has no problem getting to his destination and he will take out anyone in his way. I have seen him shove ZoZo out of the way like a rag doll just so he could run at a full sprint for the tackle hug he is famous for. As he grows, I may need to invest in some kind of protective padding.

I should have been doing cleaning and organizing what with Thursday fast approaching. Instead, we watched the Monsters Vs. Aliens short that is in 3D. I sat the boys down and we all had on our 3D glasses, hoping for greatness with the disc. Instead, I saw no point in any of it. The boys were unimpressed, but they did like their glasses. It makes me wonder if perhaps it was better in the theatre.

With my exhaustion increasing, dinner was not formal. The boys requested oatmeal, which rocks since it is insanely easy. Plus, it is one of those foods that I don’t feel bad about feeding them.

It was chilly out, but we all went out back. Ken cleaned up parts of the driveway and garage so that all would be ready for the impending rain. I just loved the fact that the boys were now bundled up in sweatshirts when about 48 hours previous, they had been in swim trunks in that same yard.

While they were running, I decided to use the time to work on our bedroom. Laundry was put away and the window in our room cleaned so that the cool, rain breeze would flow though our room. Of course, totally jipped being that the rain still has not fallen.

Bobby had worn a little kid’s bee costume similar to mine while he was over at daycare. The one at daycare was a bit small, and even though mine would be way too big, we had discussed letting him try mine on. I pulled it out of the closet and put it on him, wings and all. He was quite pleased. The costume, although too big, actually worked pretty well on him since it made him look like a giant bumble bee due to how poofy it was. He actually could wear it.

The orders for the boys to get their jammies on was issued, and Bobby, shockingly, hopped to it. Dax on the other hand, dinked around until I lost my patience. I told him he had now lost his privilege of watching Blue’s Clues before bed. Poor kid didn’t know what to do with himself. He doesn’t tend to get this punishment that often. He usually gets ready significantly quicker then Bobby ever does. We clearly came up with a punishment that hit close to home with him. He went through the 4 stages of whine. First was anger. He kicked, he screamed, he threw things. It wasn’t pretty. Then he went to bargaining. As we brushed his teeth, he asked again for the show, and then follows it with, “I stopped crying! Can I watch a show?” Request denied. Next was just sadness. He cried a bit, and seemed really depressed. The last stage is unreasonable requests. We finished story time and covered him up with extra blankets due to the scheduled cold night. For the next hour, he yelled out saying he was still cold. This kid never gets cold, and we did bring him in another 2 or 3 blankets to see if that would appease him. It didn’t, but he was so tired, his body gave up before his he was done fighting.

My evening looks to be pretty basic. We are going over to my folks’ house, hopefully in the rain. I promised Bobby that if it was raining when I picked him up, I would bring their rain boots so they could stomp around in the puddles at Grandma’s. We won’t stay as late as we did last week. I don’t plan on staying for Matt to say hello, but even a little stomping around will be fun. Plus, I need to work out the logistics of Thursday with them.

I have decided that on Thursday that I need to get up my normal time. I figure since we need to leave by 6, I might as well get up early enough to get ready, do my Facebook stuff, and then it gives me time to get the boys up and ready. Plus, they can then watch a show to wind down. Crap. I meant to ask if Bobby could have a “friend” with him. I may bring one and as they knock him out, I can take it back out with me. I plan on having the giant bag of tricks, so hopefully it will all go well.

I am freaking out about Thursday. I know that it will all be over before you know it, and that he will be fine, but let’s face it, it is a big deal. He will be getting an IV, which hurts for most grownups. He will be in a strange place, which is scary. On top of all of that, he is going to be medically asleep. That scares me quite a bit. It isn’t like I can shake him awake with that stuff. I am going to hold his hand, and count with him, and seriously, I have this image of his little head flopping to the side, and it is so going to take every ounce of strength to be able to walk away so they can do what they need to do.

Clearly, it will be a no make up day on Thursday.

Ok, this sucks. The sun is shining outside! Where the hell is my rain? The weather.com site claims it doesn’t start now until close to 1 this afternoon.

Obituaries are interesting. I really hope mine is. I am reading one right now that is super long, but what makes it surprising (not just the fact that his name is Robert Roberts) is that this is the tidbit they chose to include:

Bob was always known for his incredible memory. It even returned after being temporarily lost during the controversial administering of sixteen electric shock treatments to the brain during the summer of 1966 for a severe depression he suffered after the sudden loss of his first wife, Barbara, to a heart attack at age 40 earlier that year.

Dude, it is one thing to mention his memory. It is another altogether to mention the electric shock treatment he received back in the day for depression!! Holy hell!

I feel the need to read the obits now. These people had lives that someone took the time to write about, even if it was only in a short paragraph. I mean, the people who knew the deceased already knew all the interesting tidbits you can get in 500 words or less. But I didn’t. It would be kind of nice to know someone might read your obituary and maybe for a second wish they had known you.

As a writer, what is really interesting to me is who will do mine? I suppose I could write my own if I was gravely ill. Like if I got some horrid disease and I had time before, I could write up something. Then again, that seems awfully cocky. Someone who loves me should probably do it since to some degree, I wonder if that is like a way to heal once your loved one is gone.

I know I have gone to the dark part of my mind if I am thinking obituaries. Clearly Bobby’s procedure is weighing heavily on my mind.

Ok, the sunshine has finally gone away. I see dark clouds outside, and it looks all gloomy again! Woo hoo! It means the rain must be coming soon!!

I have this sudden desire to remove the ugly wallpaper in our hallway and paint the hall white. I also want to get new picture frames, and new pictures, and put them all up in there. Perhaps that is an easy project that can also include putting a door on our newish closet in there.

We have decided that at the very least for our 10th anniversary next year, we are going to stay in a local hotel that has a hot tub in the room. We stayed in one before in Hermosa, and I think the place is still there so we may even hit them up again. I know, it isn’t super fancy, but honestly, the idea of just having takeout and a hot tub all to ourselves for the night sounds wonderful. Our anniversary is a Thursday, so I am thinking Friday night. My folks could watch them, which would be cool. You figure that is in 6 months, so Bobby will be 5 and Dax 3 and a half, so they will be even easier to watch. Jenni thinks we should do a weekend thing. Sounds tempting, but I honestly don’t know if I can go that long without the boys, specifically with neither parent with them at some point. Of course, that is in 6 months. In 6 months, the boys may not care that we are gone. I don’t know where we would go. Hell, maybe just stay in the same hotel local for the couple days so that I don’t freak out about being too far away in case something happens. We can then spend Saturday at the movies or somewhere like that, and still have a room to go back to. It seems a little early to plan this sort of thing. Then again, if we were say going to Jamaica as a 10 year thing, now would be the time to plan. But I don’t see that in our budget, so that may need to be the 15 year one.

Vyerah just told me tales of her 8 year old and the little girl who dumped him and how some 6 year old is now crushing on her son. Seriously, I am in so much trouble when my boys get a smidge older. Girls are going to fawn over them. Bobby with his flowing locks and angelic smile and Dax’s bad boy self with a heart of gold. Man, my house is going to be filled with chicks!

Lately, when I pick the boys up, Dax starts talking to me in this low, slightly demonic voice. It is pretty funny. Maria tells me that he doesn’t do this at any other point during the day, only when I get there. Do I bring out some kind of devil in my kid?

I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but damn, I make some good soup!

Such fantastic news! This woman, who’s story was profiled on CNN a couple weeks ago, may have found the attacker who raped her and left her for dead 18 years ago. She was 8 at the time, and this man took her from her room, raped her in some field, slashed her throat and voicebox, and left her on some ant hill. She was found the next day, and despite the hot sun and the doctors saying she would never regain her voice, she surprised everyone by not only surviving, but speaking out against this man. At the time, DNA testing wasn’t as good, but luckily, they still have not only the PJ’s she was wearing, but a pair of men’s underwear and t-shirt near her. So they have been able to actually get some evidence with the newer technology. They arrested a suspect this morning!! YAY! She spoke out, which made I guess some group who helps search for these kind of bad guys interested since there was lots of evidence and a very willing victim who would help. She will be able to face her accuser very soon!

I also have done more reading about the Polanski case, and I am starting to get to the point of feeling as though he really does need to do some time on this. I still disagree with how California handled it. I mean, the man was in Switzerland several times, yet we didn’t nab him. The judge sounds like he probably was not the best thing, but he did bad things to a girl. I do struggle with my feeling like I wonder really what happened that day. This girl, her mother, why they would allow themselves to be in that situation, but even if this chick started off by seeming interested, at some point, she said no, which is when he needed to stop. It is a shame, though, that the way our court system works at times, it makes a case like this seem questionable. I don’t know if Polanski admitted that she said no. I know he plead guilty, but he may have just been doing that to get a lesser sentence. So yes, I still wonder what took place, and I feel like a victim should have some say in how the person is punished. Hell, they let victim’s families talk at trials and at parole hearings. How is this any different? Especially when our state is broke. How is spending all this money on an old case smart right now when we could have done it years ago. But I don’t know. I still feel slightly conflicted, but I do think that he should come back and face a judge.

Dammit. Now it is hot in here because I am sure somebody complained that it was cold outside so therefore it should be warm inside. Look, I don’t need it to be 80 degrees in the building just because it is 60 outside. Sheesh. Hopefully the air kicks on soon. Otherwise, my afternoon is going to be tough.

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