Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog vacation

I will be uber swamped all week with testing 8 hours a day until Friday. Because of that, I don't anticipate any time for blogging. Please forgive!

Monday, November 29, 2010



I am feeling positive and dizzy. Interesting combo, really.

I have been swamped all morning, finding myself without a blog until 11:30?? So as you can imagine, this will be short.

The weekend was good. Restful, and at times even a little dull. LOL! Christmas has been mostly set up in the house and not enough chores were done.

This morning I have found myself Dr. Philling people, which seems awfully cocky of me. Then again, I suppose if people ask for advice, I must say some things that are insightful and inspiring. LOL!

I am a little concerned at the detachment zone I feel, but I know a lot of it is due to staring at the computer screen even more intently than normal this morning. I have been testing our new system with a lot of vigor and have felt super powerful in doing so. I am staying a little late for the twice rescheduled meeting today and hope that it was worth the extra time at work. If anything, I suppose it is paid OT!

Hopefully tomorrow I will have a more interesting dialogue, but until then, let’s hope for cups to half full everywhere. Don’t worry, this over optimistic crap will return to its normally scheduled programming of over thinking and gloom and doom soon enough.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010



Do you ever worry that you will be disenchanted by doing good things? Or does just the knowledge that even though your kind words, good deeds and well wishes were unappreciated, you are still good?

I worry about it. I am not saying I do a lot of nice things for people. But when I do, I unfortunately feel more entitled to gratitude than I really should. This then causes guilt because then it reinforces the idea that there are truly no unselfish acts. I agree with Joey on this. Even doing something nice is selfish because you usually feel good about it. And if you don’t feel good about it, it makes you some kind of a martyr. The dilemma!

The over thinking monster rears its ugly head!

I deleted coach and ETM from FB. Coach sent me a text last night asking for my current email. I don’t know if that means she noticed the lack of electronic friendship or if she truly is just that retarded that she doesn’t just have it in her email. Hell, ETM may have told her my beef and she is going to email be about it. My other thought it that she is going to ask us for money, too, for a present for the assistant coach, who is ETM’s husband. Sigh.

Ken asked me if my not wanting to go to the party is “doing it for Bobby” or just because I am a bitch. He didn’t use those words, mind you, but he should have. It is true, I have told Ken all season that we should bite our tongues and just cheer for Bobby’s sake. A party that will last all of 2 hours is doable. Yes, it is on a school night, an hour before bedtime, but whatever. Suck it up, Gena.

I want my kids to learn how to pick their battles. I may need to learn this first.

Ok, this is an admission that I have not told anyone. I tell you, my readers (I believe there are what, 3 of you?) because you see what I write (and some of you can see what I don’t) and know me. I have noticed a small amount of the blues. I have no reason for it, and I tend to perk back up when I try to figure out what it is from. It feels almost as irrational as baby blues. It worries me because I believe my crazy pills can cause this. I will continue to monitor it and see if I can come up with any ideas for an alternate cause, but I did want to document this.

It is much too early for the boss to be annoying. I will cut him slack. I think I am just cranky and it isn’t as though he was trying to be. It comes natural.

Skeleton crew at work tomorrow. If I am lucky, the boss will be one of the missing.

Apparently no amount of caffeine is going to wake me up this morning. I hate being tired. Stupid bad dreams.

I find it interesting that all of my bad dreams include someone leaving me. Not in death, mind you. But dumping me or just deciding they can’t be around me anymore. This must be my biggest fear. The idea of being alone. I have always has this fear. I am sure it is some of the subconscious motivation behind having children. Of course, that it just silly since they are the first to leave.

I am pleased to report that I was granted my time off request. This means I am off the 24th through the end of the year. I am being issued a company laptop so that I may work from wherever my ass resides during that time. This is way cool since it means that I don’t have to worry about not being around. This means a Compound Christmas! I am hoping for snow since it will be fun to watch Luna in it.

No word yet from coach or ETM. Don’t know what that means.

Do you ever have one of those days where you look in the mirror and realize you have flaming red hair?

When you have to blow on the eyelash twice, does it mean your wish doesn’t come true?

I am now rocking a Red Bull thanks to Ken and the boys. They had to come get Brandy’s keys from me since he didn’t realize they were in my car. Oops.

Ok, I need to figure out why my report isn’t available yet, so I will post this now since I don’t expect to write anymore.

Monday, November 22, 2010


I got me some courage and emailed ETM to let her know that $20 is excessive. I was polite and thanked her despite the fact that I so didn't need to. But I told her that no more than $10 is needed for a token present for Coach.

I am kind of hoping for an email back, but it is hard to say. I cced the papa of the other boy, too, to let him know how I felt. Hopefully he agrees. Either way, as Stephanie pointed out, what are they gonna do? Kick us off the team??

Weekend of rock stars


My busy weekend was good. I am looking forward to another 4 day weekend this week. Woo hoo!

A dilemma plagues me this morning. I am unsure of what the correct path is.

The evil team mom that has said no more than two words to us all season approached us and the other kid’s family to ask for a $20 donation for a present for the coach who didn’t want to be a coach, the same woman who scheduled her kid’s birthday party during a game and therefore didn’t show up, the same woman who barely did anything all season to make my son’s first soccer experience magical. She essentially felt that this woman deserved a $60 present from the boys. I was outraged. Even setting aside my hatred for this woman the anguish she caused Dax a couple weeks back, I couldn’t believe that in all this season, the only thing she organized for the team was a present for her friend, the coach.

I don’t dislike the coach to the same extent of evil team mom. Coach, despite her short comings, I really do believe cared for these kids. She was an awful coach, but she wasn’t this way because of evil blood. Just retarded blood.

So the question is, do I just suck it up, give the $20 and go to the team party next week, and smile for a couple hours since I don’t have to ever see them again after that? Or do I say something? Do I tell Evil Team Mom (ETM) that this is bullshit? Do I stand up for the fact that ETM and Coach sucked ass?

My answer is probably contained in the conversation I had with Bobby. I asked him if he liked Coach, and he told me he really did. Although I was livid at the craptastic team experience, Bobby was no worse for wear. I think that had he been damaged or upset, perhaps I should say something. But I watched Bobby be happy and cheerful and thrilled every second he was on the field. He never once complained that he had soccer. He never drug his feet when we had a game. Hell, he liked wearing his full uniform all day on game day. He was thrilled. That being said, maybe I need to set aside the contempt I have for these people, and just continue to be there for Bobby, not just me.

I can guarantee you that I will be unfriending them after the party.

My company sent a beautiful arrangement to the funeral home for Virg. My mom said they were the nicest by far and totally beautiful.

Dax and I shopped Friday morning. It was awesome. He was delightful and funny. The second we got Bobby, the dynamic changed significantly. It has become clear to me that the two of them are enjoying some independence from one another. Don’t get me wrong, they are still thick as thieves, but they don’t want to be twins.

On Saturday, Bobby had his last game, which was almost rained out. Mind you, this would not have been the kids’ choice. They loved running in the rain. It was the killjoy parents that were raining on their parade in the rain. Thankfully, the other team finally showed, and we were able to convince enough people to let the boys play. They had so much fun!

After the game, Ken headed out to the tournament he was helping with, which left the boys and I to hang out. I should have cleaned house, but instead, I fell asleep while they watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Then, they played in the playroom for 4 hours. No joke. I sat on my ass with the critters, watching my shows while they played and played. It was cool.

This was until I saw footage of the play.

Their monitor for the playroom is delayed by about 15 minutes. As I was setting out their dinner, I noted Dax watching the monitor. I asked him what he was doing and he says, “I am watching Bobby and I fight.” I looked up to see a knock down brawl. It was a bar fight sans beer bottles. It was WWE. It was frat boys punching each other just for the hell of it. It was AWFUL.

I punished them for fighting. Even though they fought for, gasp, 30 minutes and I didn’t know, I had evidence now. They had fun, actually. They were never hurting. They enjoyed kicking the shit out of each other. Sigh. Such boys.

I am rockin my new hair, sparkly silver dress and black pumps with stars. I have gotten gobs of compliments. I was also super flattered when Vicki told me she had kind of hoped that I would get the cut and rainbow color I had posted on FB. LOL!

Sunday was filled with lots of running around. Got a Costco run in, picked up some items from the Braskins and dropped of fund raiser bags to my folks. We also got over to the grocery store and even went into an open house that contained a pretty awesome house that would be perfect for us. Too bad I don’t have that kind of money. Sigh. It was so cool.

We then went over to Alyssa’s MIL’s house for Payton’s birthday party. It was mostly family, but their families are awesome. I know all of Alyssa’s nephews and niece from hanging out with them at the bounce place. They are awesome kids. Not shocking since both Alyssa and her husband Brian are pretty freaking cool. Payton is seriously, so fucking cute. I loved that she reached to have me hold her and I liked the idea of little kids starting to think I am not evil. When we saw Sabrina earlier in the day, she also seemed to think I was funny, which rocks since she is a total sweetie. I like that I may be the cool pseudo aunt to some kids. YAY!

Thank goodness Dax is a fast learner. His homework over this week is to practice “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas”. The kid already knows it. We sang it all through Costco, which was super fun.

We are taking the boys to Disneyland tonight. First, it has been far too long since we last went. Second, we need to renew out passes. Should be a good night!

Friday night was a much needed girl night. I went to Stephanie’s where we hung out with our old friends, Mr. G Goose and the Captain. I did not partake in nearly as much, but it didn’t matter since we got to chit chat for several hours. I really should do that more often.

I feel random this morning. Probably because this is going to be a funky short week. I have a meeting on Wednesday which will actually keep me late, but that is ok since Ken has the kids. I am excited since my schedule of 5:15 am has been approved. This is good news also because I was thinking I needed to start getting up at 4 to get here by 5, but really, there is no reason for the extra time. So yay! Sure, I complain about my job, but sometimes it is the little things that make me realize how lucky I am to have it.

On Saturday the boys and I did manage a mini party aside from the fight night they scheduled. We made cake, sang and danced and had some fun. Dax kept singing Revolution, so I helped him with the words. Bobby says all impressed, “Wow, Mom, you sound really good!” My head was swelling now. I love it when the boys give me unexpected compliments.

Ken and the boys dropped off keys and a soda for me this morning. Bobby says, “Mom, I love your lipstick!” I think the whole family doesn’t get to see mommy all dolled up enough. That’s right, I am a rock star.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


So the hair color chosen was a shade called Crimson. It is a super red that borders on hot pink. Awesome on the fake hair, so what the hell, right?

Coloring one's hair with something like this is less than easy. It gets all over the place, which of course transformed my bathroom to a scene from Saw. It was everywhere. It makes me think that perhaps in our next house I will invest in a black sink and tub.

This particular product instructed me to put it in a shower cap and then heat treat it for 15 minutes. Being that I didn't possess one of those cool space man helmets from the salon, we picked up a golden hued one from the beauty supply place that attached onto your hairdryer.

It tried to fly away several times, which made me laugh. It also was ungodly hot, which makes sense being that I did have a mylar balloon attached to my head with hot air pumping into it. The heat also had the tendency to make some of the color try to escape the confines of the plastic it was encased in and had the amusing bleeding look as it trickled down my cheeks from time to time.

After the 15 minutes, I jumped into a way cold shower to try to cool off. I also set out for the massacre, otherwise known as rinsing red hair dye. Holy crap, that was funny. It was once again, everywhere, but with a more splatter, Tarrentino vibe to it. It was pretty cool and I at that time wished I had gotten some help from Ken to photograph the images only I was seeing.

I got out and noted thankfully that most of the pinkish stains on my face and shoulders were now merely a slight tint of it having a sunburned look which isn't too unusual for me anyway. I then set out to dry it so that I could see what I have done.

It is certainly not all uniform bright red. I don't have Rhianna red nor do I look like some kind of Katy Perry reject. Instead, it is a cool color that mixes nicely in with my already super dark hair. It is wild with enough tame to not feel too out of place at any meetings in the next few weeks.

I would enjoy the idea of doing it again once this is washed out. I am considering some deep purples since we saw a girl with what looked like my hair color, but with this underlying grape tone which looked freaking awesome. I also would be tempted to look Ramona from Scott Pilgrim, but I don't know that I look right for that cool. Maybe in my better years...

Any hoo, I am happy with the results and look forward to some more wacky color styles in the future. I shall post pictures at some point soon, although I guarantee you they do not do it justice.

Sour Cream

How fucking hard is it to listen to instructions and get NO FUCKING SOUR CREAM??????

Thanksgiving feast

That was fun.

We got all the food there and we got to watch the kids perform 3 songs. Yes, they were video taped. LOL!

Dax was a bit cranky this morning, refusing to try most of the food, despite all of his classmates wolfing down on the sweet potatoes, scalloped potatoes, stuffing and bird. With some bribery and threats, I got him to try them all. He liked them, even though he would never admit to it.

I enjoyed chit chat with the parents that I rarely get to see. It was kind of nice taking off a day to just be a mommy.

I pick up Bobby in about 2 hours, and the boys and I will go pick out my outrageous hair color. Should be interesting.

I also am craving Taco Bell, so that may be in order.

Dax's homework over the next week is to start teaching him Holly Jolly Christmas. Although this goes against all of my teachings and beliefs in the idea that no Christmas can come before Thanksgiving, I understand the need to start early with these kids on the words.

I need to get a can of pumpkin for the dogs. Maybe a can for each of them.

I almost don't know what to do with myself tomorrow morning. Ken will be working, and Bobby in class. Dax doesn't NEED to go to Maria's, but maybe I should take advantage and have him go for just a couple hours. I can watch a movie or hell, just hang out. We shall see.

I am behind on my shows.

Boy I am starving. I didn't eat but a few nibbles of the feast. I wanted the kids to eat more. Our cupcakes were a huge hit, trumping cake and pie. And our cupcakes were not pretty or frosted, being that thy were the rejects from the Turkey cupcakes from last weekend. LOL!!

I am thinking of snagging the Dax man and driving up to the Bell to get me some grub. Yee haw! Did I really just type that? And did I really just stop to consider how to spell it? Seriously, I am a little retarded this morning.

Ok, off I go. I hope to post later, at the very least with an image of me with cartoon hair.

A minor post

We are in the midst of heating a turkey, gravy and other various dishes that came with the pre-packaged dinner that Dax's teacher obtained for today's Thanksgiving celebration. So far, it is going well.

Bobby's parent/teacher conference was not bad. She had good things to say about him, and not shockingly, the same complaints about him that we have, which is he is a bundle of energy with no patience, coupled with a daydreaming issue. LOL! He sounds like a text book case for Ritalin, but I still  maintain that it is just a case of being 5.

Ok, timer beeped. I may write more later.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



I am here, but barely functional. Man, I am tired. I didn’t sleep well last night. I just couldn’t get comfortable. I hate that.

Today I just need to make it till noon. Then I am home free! I pick up Bobby at noon thirty and then I go home to clean house. I am hoping to get it all in order so that the next few days won’t be a big deal. I want to complete laundry and then on Saturday I can either work on a project, or just hang with the kids.

I connected with my cousin Wendy on FB last night. I found out that my aunt, her mom, is on there, so I looked her up, and found 2 of my cousins. Wendy seems to be much more active on there, so I have already chatted with her a smidge. Way cool since I don’t know my dad’s side of the family really. I am not assuming we will be close now, but it is still nice to have some kind of connection so that I don’t lose it when my dad passes.

I get very stupid when family dies. I blame my relatives. They should have started dying earlier so I wouldn’t be so deep about it and shit. I was 28 when the first person in my family died. In all fairness, I didn’t know my uncle Dick too well, but after that went Granddaddy and they have been dropping like flies ever since. Now had I been like 10 or something, maybe I wouldn’t get all introspective and shit.

Time for some coffee.

Ladies, I am telling you, use your bras. Don’t leave your cell phone on your desk. I know that you might not have an outfit with a pocket, and leaving the phone in your purse may prevent you from missing an important call. So when in doubt, slide that bad boy into your bra. It will always be close to you. That way when you walk away from your desk, I don’t have to endure your crappy ring tone on uber loud, wondering if you are anywhere near by to answer it. I think a national campaign is in order.

I am already counting down the hours till I get to go home. I am making sure everything is in order here, but overall, I am ready to go home.

I am always disturbed at how I can carry on a conversation about a show that I don’t watch. And what makes it even scarier is when I know more about things on it than the person who watches it.

Is it wrong to angry at a dead person? I am re-reading Virg’s obituary, and I see that she helped in the soup kitchen. The bitch couldn’t remember my fucking name, yet she helped people she didn’t know? Man, that sounded selfish. But in reality, I have seen this woman bitch out people, so it is hard to imagine her with any compassion.

I may have to download today’s Kevin and Bean show since people keep talking to me during the show, clearly breaking rules.

I wonder how long a parent teacher conference lasts.

I am getting a little punchy. We are all in trouble.

Do I have any kind of responsibility to be less Gena in order to ensure that my Facebook friends and family are not wounded to the soul because of my hi-jinx and social commentary?

Bobby and my mother had a conversation last night in which they discussed how long they would love each other. It was determined that they would love each other even after both of them are dead. Bobby then told her that when he was dead, he would dig himself out to make sure he could give her a hug. That’s right, folks, zombie love.

I have been asked what I would like for Christmas. I figure now is a good time to make the list.

I would like tickets to go on a Dearly Departed tour.

Gift cards-Target (always), Lowes, Cost Plus, Build a Bear


Cheesy outfits for my dogs

I am sure there are more things, but those are all I can come up with for now.

FUCK! I was just told that my happy little corner is about to be invaded for 3 months. FUCK! I do not like people in my space. FUCK!! There are some accountant folks from some sister company or some bullshit like that and they have chosen to put one of them behind me. FUCK! I assume this means I will need to move things like my printer and or fax machine. Dammit all to fucking hell. I’ve grown accustomed to my space! They will probably bitch about my radio, too. Son of a bitch.

Sorry folks, that is what you would call a hissy fit. A temper tantrum. A spaz. A whine fest. A Bubba. I will go back to my normally more mature self in a few minutes.


Ok, all done.

I actually didn’t watch Glee last night. What is up with that?? Don’t worry, it will be watched tonight. I did however watch my HIMYM and was all kinds of happy at the return of Robin Sparkles. YAY!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Critter tales


It was an exhausting evening. But it was super productive.

I bathed both of my dogs. I put them in the tub together, which turns out is way easier than one at a time. They are nervous in there by themselves, and I think that they fed off of each other’s pathetic look, so they were super easy. Plus, when I was done, I didn’t have to dread doing another dog since I was already done.

After bathing duties came worming. Luna has worms, so we got some OTC meds to treat them all. It has been some time since we had to liquid medicate any of the critters. I now wish I had sprung for the pills.

The dogs were fine, actually. The cats, well, were cats. In all fairness, they all did great. I mean, shoot, I only ended up with one tiny scratch. Plus, all of them got their full dose. However, the screams they do are heartbreaking.

I had the kitty wrestler hold down pat, so Ken did the actual application of meds. Although none of them were as bad as Pixel used to be about this, Monarch certainly tried. Pixel would act as though she was drowning and would foam at the mouth, which was freaky since it was the same shade of pink that the worming meds are. She would then proceed to vomit up anything you got in her. It fucked with her for a couple days.

Monarch started foaming when we were administering the meds, which of course was starting to prove that perhaps black and white plus pink doesn’t mix. Thankfully, the worst part of Monarch was really just his yowls which became slightly comical.

Luna forgave me before we were even done. Lycos came around pretty quick. The cats excepted my peace offering of some tuna juice, but they still were not exactly thrilled with us.

My arms are sore. Turns out just because your cat is only 12 pounds, it doesn’t mean they are not crazy strong.

We climbed into bed before 8. No joke. Ken is still sick so we took advantage of the fact that the kids were pooped, too. Dax lately has been bored mid-Mickey Mouse and actually asks if it is time to go to bed. I am taking full advantage of his willingness to sleep.

My shortened weeks will be nice. I leave work tomorrow at noon and don’t come back until Monday. Next week with Thanksgiving, I also only have a three day week. I am loads happy.

I just had some yummy coffee. The problem I have found with coffee is that it is hot. I know, I could have it iced. It isn’t always a big deal, but due to the fluctuating temperature in here, hot coffee sometimes results in overheating Gena. This appears to be one of those mornings. Luckily I have my ice water.

I was noting last night that it seems wrong that I have not shed any tears for my grandmother, yet I was a blubbering mess when I looked at the footprints on Saturday of Jonathan. I didn’t know Jonathan. In all fairness, I didn’t know Virg. I suppose innocence trumps evil. That being said, I wonder if Virg realized as she was starting to lose her mind how many relatives she was awful to. And if there is a heaven or hell, where does she go? Sure, she was awful to me, and my mother, but does that make her evil through and through? Or was she really kind? I hate how my mind works sometimes.

OMG!!!! The Beatles catalog is on iTunes!! SO HAPPY!! Anyone have $150 I can have? LOL! The box set is that much. I saw the net buzz and I see that there are songs available for download. Apple.com said the announcement is in a few minutes (7 am) but I know what it is since I looked on iTty. YAY!!!!!!!!

Loving this fog. I drove to work in it and it was mega thick. It was like an adventure. I know I drove the same route I take every day, but somehow it was different. It felt like I had never been there before.

I do not think I like the new water here at work. We got a new filter machine and the water is kind of gross.

I need to put a charger for iTty and my phone in my purse. I realize that I use both a lot all day, and at work if I am listening to music, my radio doesn’t charge it. I may need to invest in a new radio so that it will charge since I didn’t charge iTty last night I am afraid to listen to it at work. We will see.

I am crazy excited for the Beatles. I grew up on “oldies” as a kid. While kids listened to the 80’s classics I now love, I listened to Buddy Holly, Bobby Vee, Patsy Cline, Don Mclean. I loved them all. Frank Sinatra meant my mom was cleaning, so it was obviously Saturday morning. His soulful crooning still makes me swoon. When Dax was a baby, despite the fact that I wanted him to know songs from Erasure or George Michael, I ended up singing American Pie because of all the songs in my head, that was the one that was long, and I didn’t mind singing over and over. To this day, he smiles when it comes on. The Beatles were one of my mom’s favorites. I can listen to Eleanor Rigby and still get goose bumps today. I suppose it is nostalgia, but I think it is way more than that. You hear some songs on the radio today and you wonder who the fuck is signing off on these tunes? Ke$ha??? Who lets that woman sing??? Her songs suck and what is even worse is when they have “kids” versions on those kids CD’s that have a bunch of Kids Incorporated rejects sing popular songs. What the hell, people? Yes, I realize that I watch Glee and have downloaded several songs from them, but they can sing? Have you heard the kids on Kid Bops or whatever they are called?? SO BAD!

I am on random mode. No more coffee for Gena.

The last time I saw Robbie was on Thanksgiving Day, 2006. It seems fitting since Thanksgiving and Robbie go hand in hand. It is one of the few days she ended up being able to come out to LA. I remember the year my appendix exploded, she was out here. I was trying to get out of my house to see Greg. I made the excuse that I wanted ice cream. My mom wouldn’t let me go. But I could go with Robbie. We got out on the road and she says to me, “So who are you trying to see.” No joke. She knew. It didn’t matter how long it had been since we last talked. She always knew what was going on in my head. I miss her very much. I will raise a glass to her on Thursday next week.

Beatles on iTunes the same day Prince William announces his engagement. Yay Britain!

I am going to do my hair wild per the boys’ request, but I think I will wait until after the parent teacher conference. I would imagine Mrs. Fasheh would not be able to take me too seriously showing up all crazy.

There is work to be done but I feel so unmotivated.

I have a mega craving for the Big Wok.

We need to get down to Disneyland this week to renew our passes. Yes, I know we can do it online, but for some reason Dax’s pass isn’t coming up online. So we figure we can go down, maybe even get new pictures. Always a good excuse.

The boss is driving me a little batty. Granted, some of it comes from an idiot at one of my customer’s sites. Still, I wish they wouldn’t get all up in my grill. LOL!

After I bathed the dogs I say to Bobby, “Don’t they look all clean?”.

“No, mom, they look wet.”


Monday, November 15, 2010

Busy weekend and Virg is no more


Boy, talk about a full weekend!

Saturday morning was cupcake morning at our house. We needed to make a dozen turkeys. Bobby and I had hit up the store Friday afternoon to get provisions. We would have made them Friday night, but Ken’s cold has left him pretty messed up, so we all opted to go bed early.

They turned out really good. Of course, not that any of the kids care, but we do.

Evil pissy mom who made Dax cry last week actually tried to hold her bratty kid, Katie, back when she went to get one. Ken took a cupcake over to her. Pissy mom was explaining to the kid that the treats are only for the team. Never you mind that this brat has gotten a treat at every other game. So Ken told her that we were all part of the team and that the cupcake was for her as well. That’s right, bitch, we are not mean to your kids. I hate this woman so much.

After them game, we went out to El Monte to visit with Ken’s friend Jeff. We have not seen Jeff in ages. Ken and Jeff were pretty tight for a long time. But once they were not working together, and other things came up, they didn’t visit as much as they should.

Jeff was graduating form culinary school on Saturday, so we were offering up our congrats. It was nice to see him, and he looked good, which I know was a relief for Ken since some of the things keeping the two from hanging out was some DUI’s that Jeff had. In fact, there was some jail time involved. But Jeff was now healthy, has a steady, awesome job, and is doing well.

The best thing to come out of the visit was the smile on Ken’s face. Seriously, you could tell the visit really boosted his spirits. He had been re-Jeffinated. It was awesome. I hope that we can get those visits to be more frequent.

I joked with Jeff that I couldn’t bribe him with lasagna anymore since I am sure he can cook it way better now that he is a real chef. He told me that my lasagna was still tops in his book. Besides, he could now come over, watch how I make it and become a millionaire off of my recipe. LOL!!!

It was late enough that we opted to stop for dinner. The original plan was to go to Nationals since they have kids eat free on Saturdays. Turns out every night we seem to get out is fight night, which meant Nationals was not prepped for kids.

We tried King’s Hawaiian, but kids eat free is only on Tuesdays. So instead, we ended up at Denny’s, which worked out just fine.

Sunday morning, the boys, dogs and I went and obtained breakfast. I love driving with the dogs and the boys since it is almost hard to tell who is more excited.

Since Ken was still icky, I opted to do all of Sunday’s errands with the boys so Ken could sleep.

It was a lovely morning! We hit up the Petco for various items. Then we went to the mall to make a bear and get the free accessories for Shrek and JoJo since it was their birthday and we had a coupon.

We went to the Disney store where I priced out some items for Christmas. I have decided that I know it is impractical, but I want to get the giant Bolt for Dax. This thing is as big as he is, but when he saw it, he was in awe.

The boys were thirsty, so we went and got some lemonade. It was nice to sit and hang out with them in the food court. We enjoyed our lemonade and chit chatted for a bit. I was mostly killing time since I wanted Ken to have as much nap time as possible.

We then headed over to Old Navy. We found this pullover that Bobby fell in love with since it matches his hat and scarf. Thank goodness Old Navy is cheap! I got that along with a 97 cent shirt. That wasn’t a typo, the shirt was less than a buck! It was a Halloween shirt, but it fit Dax well and it was cute.

After the mall, we jetted over to the dollar tree. It was a quick, but good trip since I found a lot of things.

We got home and I mentioned to Ken that the boys were particularly excited about the circus that was near where we go into the mall at. They so wanted to go. I had tried the, “they are not open” line. They didn’t buy it. Then I told them we needed to wait for daddy. They really didn’t see why. LOL! I managed to keep them moving, but they really wanted to go. So I told Ken, and we went ahead and took them.

We went early, so we wandered the mall a bit before hand. I found wonderful shoes that I didn’t get because they were $30. Yeah, I know, that isn’t gobs. But I am such a cheap skate.

The circus. Wow, where do I start?

I have been a few times to see Circus Vargas. When I was a kid, I remember being horrified at the handlers taunting and hitting the tigers before the show. I did not enjoy it. I went again with Greg, and it was ok. Ken and I also went. Once again, it was only ok.

This time rocked.

Maybe it was watching the boys light up at everything. I don’t know. It was just an amazing show!

Before it started, they had all the kids come down to the ring. They actually wanted parents with kids under 5, but let’s face it, Dax is not a normal 4 year old, so I let them go on their own since I was saving seats and Ken was in the restroom. Thankfully, Ken got back and he went near them, but not in the ring, and took pictures. They had all the kids try their hand at hula hooping. Then they got to twirl a lasso. Lastly, they tried to balance a peacock feather. It was cool.

The show started, and it was very fun. Lots of cool acts, and nothing that was super boring. There were also plenty of breaks that allowed the kids to kind of stand and stretch out.

When Ken was out getting the boys snow cones in sparklie cups, he ended up chatting it up with the clown’s straight man and another guy who was an old carnie. He built up enough of a relationship with them that they used Ken in a clown skit. It was very funny. In fact, the kid behind us said that Ken was the best one! So that was way cool.

Dax was pretty tired by the end of it all and even burst into tears when I asked him if he wanted to meet the clown after. I had to carry him back to the car. This explains my sore back this morning.

This morning is tough so far. I am super sleepy. I also have some sniffles, which are not fun. I may be re-catching the cold since Ken has it. I guess we will just pass it back and forth to each other.

Virginia is dead. My dad emailed me this morning. She died at 4:30 this morning. I called my dad just to make sure he was ok. He was fine. I knew he wouldn’t be crying or anything, but even though she was evil, I wondered if just the mere idea that his mother was gone would hit him wrong. He said that he may break down out there, but for now, he is fine. He and my mom go out on Thursday for the viewing and will fly back home Saturday. They are only going for the viewing and funeral, so they are not even hanging out for other family stuff.

I am taking bereavement on Thursday and Friday. I know, this is awful, but I am entitled to it and I was already going to be gone on Thursday and part of Friday, so I might as well use it. Honestly, if she was local, I would go to the funeral.

My dad said he was looking for the song, “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead”.

Part of me feels a little bad that I didn’t get to know her. Of course, that was on her. She never tried.

I know it is on my mind, but I am not upset. What has been amusing is that I was in the midst of writing to my boss about Thursday and Friday when I kept screwing up a report. I then sent the mail, and one of my coworkers came over all worried about me. So at least I know that it is now in the office.

My folks will probably be pretty upset that they are missing Bobby’s last game. So that kind of sucks. I know, death trumps soccer, but I also know that my mother NEVER liked her MIL and she gets withdrawals if she doesn’t see the boys enough. She is a billion times the grandmother that I had.

Boy it sounds like my Thursday is going to be busy, at least in the morning. We have to go get the turkey and side dishes from Ralphs at 7 am. It isn’t done any sooner. We then have to rush it home, toss it in the oven, rush to the school by 7:30 where we have parent teacher conference with Mrs. Fasheh. We then say goodbye to the kids and we run back home to get everything heated and cut up and get it all back to the class by 9:30. It takes 2 hours to heat!! Man oh man! Good thing we are so close. I am wondering if we cut up the turkey first if it may heat faster. I don’t know. We shall see.

Once we get to the class, Dax’s class will perform a little program for us, which will be awesomeness. Then we head home! Phew!

BTW-yay Taco Bell. They brought back my favorite item, which is the grilled stuff chicken enchilada burrito. I am in heaven.

Friday, November 12, 2010

good day, dumb boss


Even though I had to work all day yesterday, I had a good day.

Today is shaping up to be not so good. LOL! No, just work is being stupid. They like to keep me on my toes. This morning I got a project in which I had to contact a handful of my customers on behalf of our auditors. I had to send them a letter asking them to sign off on whether or not they did in fact get a specific bill from us like a month ago. All my customers were awesome, and I already got some responses back. I did all this in like 30 minutes or so. The problem is, my manager comes back and says, oh, just kidding. No joke. They want the auditors to send the letters. All we needed to get for them is contact info. Sigh. Oh, they have changed what they wanted another time, too. Total fucktards.


Watched Scott Pilgrim again last night with Ken. God dammit, that movie is fucking awesome. The only real problem is that I feel way uncool compared to the folks in the movie.

I got a new pleather jacket last night that was only $20 (half off!) at Target. I also got this chick blazer that is very 80’s. I need to get a wide brim hat and a layered skirt to wear with it. Hee! Yay Target clearance!

Poor Dax was so tired from sneezing last night that he actually asked to go to bed in the middle of a Mickey Mouse. Who was I to turn down an offer from my kid to go to bed BEFORE bedtime? He was asleep by the time I tucked Bobby in like 15 minutes later. Poor kid.

I have Turkey cupcakes to make tonight. Don’t worry, no turkeys were harmed in the making of these baked goodness.

Seriously, the boss is driving me a little nuts.

Ken also is sick. He has a sore throat. His voice is all jacked up. Fun.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

kinda quiet


It isn’t fair. I want to be home today. Clearly, I need to find me a job that has school holidays off. I suppose some kind of government place?

Ken is home with the boys today. I don’t anticipate any kind of visit only because Ken told me his car can barely hold a driver, let alone two additional passengers.

I was so tempted to call out today but since I am off next Thursday off and I am leaving at noon on both Wednesday and Friday, I think it best to be here today. Oh well.

Ken didn’t end up having his class yesterday, so my plans of projects and cleaning were put on hold. It is harder to do these things when he is home. I don’t know why. Not a big deal as it allowed me to just hang out.

I have discovered a couple of new blogs that I have been reading. Single Dad Laughing has been great. Rants from Mommyland also leaves me laughing. There is too much out on the net and not enough time. It is a shame.

I really want a donut.

I really don’t have much to say this morning. I suppose then I will stop.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

grandma virginia


My grandmother may die soon.

My dad’s mom has been out of it for some time. She is 93. She was born the same year the US declared war on Germany, in WWI. She was born the same year Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was born. Same year that Desi Arnaz and Ella Fitzgerald, and even JFK were born. She was also born the same day Carl Karcher was born.

I can safely say that she did not influence any band or make any fantastic hamburgers. And from what I know of her, I think it would have made sense if someone had shot her in the head in an open convertible.

Virginia was not nurturing to me in any way shape or form. She was only Grandma to me when I had to write a thank you note. Otherwise she was referred to as the Wicked Witch of the West or simply, Virg.

Two vivid memories of her stand out. One in which she reduced a young boy to tears over accidently tracking gum into her house. The other where she referred to me as

“the girl, what’s her name again?” to me when she thought I was my mother.

My mom had the stereotypical Mother-In-Law from hell. Always compared to my dad’s first wife or chastised for being a working mother that had a job instead of staying home to raise us kids. It was an old fashioned outlook for a woman, but thankfully for my mom, Virg lived across country so her comments could be contained on a phone that my dad had to listen to.

Even though my dad was never close to her, I have a feeling that when he does get the call that she has passed he will be upset. I hate seeing my dad sad. There is something scary about it to me. This is a man who laughs off most things and has a pretty good sense of humor. So when you see him cry, there is something eerie about it.

As of yesterday, she had a temperature of 103, and she was mostly non responsive. Plus, she isn’t eating or drinking. My dad showed me the email from my aunt who is in charge of her at this point. I helped him with an email back, asking questions about the game plan. My dad still maintains that this woman will never die. She does have a devilish quality about her.

I will be curious to see what happens. She has been at death’s door before. Hell, she has tea with Death every few weeks, but she always manages to escape his boney clutches. I don’t think she will for much longer.

In funnier news, I really suck at certain things. One would be home decorating. Ok, I am not bad at picking out colors and wall hangings, but I really should only point out what I like and have someone else place it for me.

I was in a massive cleaning frenzy again yesterday. I had made tremendous progress when I thought that I could hang the boys’ school pictures. There was one nail already available, but I needed to find one for the other picture. As I looked for a nail, I came across the sticker hooks Ken had gotten for me for the hallway. It is supposed to be able to hold like 50 pounds and leave no marks on the wall. I was all pleased and hung up the portrait. I then got the wild hair up my ass to put up some things in the hallway.

In all fairness, it looked awesome. I hung a mirror, a picture, a clock and three tiny mirrors. I was all kinds of proud.

I took some pictures and continued on my way. I was in the living room when I heard the crash.


The clock had come crashing down onto the 3 mini mirrors and they all ended on the floor, in more pieces then were put on the wall originally. The mini mirrors didn’t break badly and were way fixable, but I was quite discouraged. It occurred to me that I think I am the reason it went poorly. I think I put a sticker on backwards. Sigh.

On the plus side, I noticed this morning that after I went out last night, Ken took the time to fix all my mirrors. It means I can maybe try again tonight, but this time, with some supervision.

Last night I went with Brandy to a potential forever home for Max, one of her fosters. The couple was lovely and truly will make for great kitty parents. Even Max seemed to think so as he was super friendly with his new mommy. Max should get to go home this weekend after they do some pet proofing. Yay!

I didn’t watch Glee last night, so I have something to look forward to this evening. Plus, it means I can watch it at a decent time and still get some sleep in.

I am resisting the coffee this morning. I don’t want to become dependent. I was considering a cup if only to help the wake up process. Instead I am going for gobs of ice water.

My radio remote needs a new battery. How lazy am I when I sit maybe six inches from the radio yet I use a remote for volume?

I am hoping to earn some cash this morning. Maryann needs some help on her corporation paperwork. Woo hoo! I have no idea how much cash this means, but I am happy for anything. I figure I have Christmas coming up and I need to get crackin on presents.

I have decided my project this afternoon is the playroom. I know, I keep saying that, but I am feeling inspired. I am going to sort out items they use and things they don’t. Maybe a box at a time, but I can do it!

Ok, I need to get to work.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



I have discovered that chocolate makes the coffee even better!

Last night I was all proud of my accomplishments. I managed to Cinderelly style scrub the kitchen floor. I got a crap load of laundry put away, and even managed to take out all those too small for the kids clothing from their drawers. It was a little depressing to get rid of some of the shirts. Some of those are super cute. I will hold on to the ones still in good shape in case I opt to try for Ezra or some other cool friend has themselves a kid. Or maybe I will enlist the help of Grandma Brenan and get her to make me a shirt out of all the t-shirts of the boys. I will enjoy that when I need something to cry into when they go to college.

It turns out that Luna isn’t as dumb as she wants us to think she is. I got some treats at the adoption fair, that no joke, smell good enough for me to eat. Either way, I took Luna out back (does anyone else get the image of old yeller when you say take the dog out back?) to work on some basic training. She is really really good! She sat, stayed, and would come when called. Yes, it was way treat based, but hell, if that is all it takes, I am game. Plus, she has been really good about not getting into anything in the house (or we have just been good at keeping the house Luna proof) and very sweetly lays down wherever I set up shop, whether that be at the computer, watching tv, or even under Dax’s bed while we do bedtime stories. She cracks me up!

I just discovered that iTty is dead. Not permanently or anything, I just forgot to charge him. Sadness for me. I like having him for games, my calendar and music. I will charge him in the car later and then at home.

I also just realized that I have pictures on my camera that I need to upload. I have been going to be early lately, which has been wonderful. Yes, I feel kind of lame that my bedtime is now closer to 8, but at least I have not been as tired in the morning. Of course, that could be attributed to the coffee.

After the boys got out of the bath last night and they were getting dressed, both were saying how cold they were. Bobby got on his nighttime underwear and announces, “My butt and penis are no longer cold!”

Ken gets to go to Dax’s classroom this morning. He is bringing Lego, too. That should be fun for them all, especially since I don’t know that Dax has done many of Ken’s Lego classes. I get to go next Thursday, so I am counting down the days.

Ken and the boys also have this Thursday off. I don’t know what they will be doing, but I would imagine not much. I say just let the boys run around out back since how often do they get a whole day of play these days?

I need to figure out some odd jobs to earn some extra dough. I am wondering if I should work OT on Thursday and the three days of Thanksgiving week.

I have cravings to get pierced again. Don’t know where or why, just a craving.

I am concerned that Bobby is feeling inferior to Dax lately. He has been kind of teasing and bullying Dax, calling him a baby in a baby class. And yesterday, when I walked them home from school, I told them to run home to see how fast they could go. Bobby had his backpack, so he was slower, so I offered to hold it. Too late since he broke down sobbing that Dax was already ahead of him. I don’t think it will do much good to scold Bobby. But I think that we need to empower him to know that he is the big brother and that he is talented and that he is cool. I think if he knows this, he will feel less desire to pick on Dax. Because honestly, I have seen Bobby be so cool with Dax and make sure he always gets a toy for Dax when he gets one. He really does try. But maybe school and this little bit of independence has started to change him a hint. I don’t know, but I will be keeping an eye on it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I didn't get a duck


It was a fast weekend. I feel like I didn’t even have one, yet I know I did.

Friday night I got to have Tito’s. It wasn’t like I remembered in terms of quality. It wasn’t bad, but I don’t feel the need to revisit for some time. I was just happy to have it for the fact that I had wanted it the week prior.

Saturday was mostly spent up at Universal City Walk. The boys and I went with my parents up there in order to watch my dad “sky dive”. We went earlier than the appt, and were able to wander a bit. It has been a long ass time since I was up there. I used to go a lot more often, and even though there was a lot that was the same, it took me a bit to get re-acclimated to the new stuff.

When we first walked in, there was this giant line of people all clearly waiting for someone famous. The way it was set up coming out of the parking structure put us right on what would be considered the red carpet. A few people actually took our pictures. So lame, people. We figured out we were not where we should be and got out of the crowd. The people were there because some actors from Days of our Lives would be there. It was crazy. There was such a huge amount of people all excited to see soap opera starts. Never you mind that soaps are dying out, or that they are pretty lame. These people were ready for the most exciting day of their lives.


We didn’t get to see my dad do his flight until close to 11, so the boys did get a bit antsy. And really, even though I think they liked watching people fly around in this giant glass cylinder, there is only so much of it that they give a crap about.

It was very cool to see, though. My dad got two flights, and on the second one, the instructor even got him up to the very top a few times. It was awesome! I am sure we will go back so the boys and Ken can do it. I don’t have much desire to do it, aside from the fact that I can’t. It is hard to make a whale fly. LOL!

Sunday was soccer day, and the game was magic. I swear, Bobby was in a goofy state. He was victory dancing when someone scored, not watching anything that was going on in the game, and constantly playing with his shorts (which seems to be a popular pastime for most of the kids).

However, the end of the game brought anger.

When we bring snacks for the kids, we tend to bring enough for siblings. It has always been that way. Well, the fucktard of a team mom chose to bring enough for her extra kids, but not one for Dax. No joke. Dax walked up there to get his goody bag (which by the way has no fucking thought to it at all) and she said she didn’t have one for him. He came back to me, all tears. It was heartbreaking. I am a little teary thinking about it. I don’t like this woman, but this took the cake. I ALWAYS bring a snack for her brat of a daughter, and my stuff is thought out. Fuck her and her asshole family. My poor Dax was miserable. I mean, I had to actually carry him most of the way to the car he was so upset. This fucking broad couldn’t bring another bag of leftover Halloween candy for the other siblings? God damned bitch.

Thankfully, I had candy and things in the car to appease him. Plus, McDonalds Smoothie fixes everything.

Fucking bitch.

After the game, we went to the Paige museum where there was a Super Adoption Event. Brandy was there with 6 of her rescues, trying to get them forever homes. We wanted to show our support and say hello. There were so many cute critters down there. But as we walked the fair, the talk of the town was the boys in their shark sweatshirts. I wish we worked for Hot Topic because I am telling you, we could have sold a dozen or so.

I spoke to one of the volunteers down there who suggested fostering for us since we have done a few rescues. I don’t know that we have the facilities right now, but it is a thought. When Bobby gets older, he would be probably pretty good at helping me socialize some critters. He is quite good with the animals. Dax is, too, but I don’t think he is as interested. Bobby wanted all of the pets down there.

We had parked in the parking structure near the park. It was the only non full lot, but man, it was pricey. $2.25 every 15 minutes. But since we needed a place to park, we went in. What we then saw was the line to get out of the place. It would cost an extra $4.50 in wait time! We figured we would tackle that when we left. So when we got into the car to go, we followed the line of cars. We didn’t expect to see this, though.

This Jeep was trying to go around one of the other exits’ rails. He looked stuck, but I liked his tenacity. A few of the cars behind him scattered when it appeared that he looked way stuck. So this left us and another 2 cars in front of us. The guy in the first car got out, broke the rail and drove out. We all followed. And I mean everyone behind us, which was a lot. It was breaking the rules, but it was awesome! So parking was free.

The rest of the day was mellow. We watched Toy Story 3 while eating dinner, which was relaxing aside from the tears. Damned Pixar and their ability to make me cry at the drop of a hat. Even Bobby looked a little teary at the super teary point. He asked many questions, which were sweet. Dax freaked out again at the evil monkey. I understand his concern. Evil monkey sucks.

No boss today or tomorrow. Yay!

I have been told that I seem chipper today. I wonder why that is. I don’t know that I feel particularly chipper. Oh well. I suppose it is good that I don’t look grouchy.

I need to bathe Lycos. She is filthy. Luna got her bath on Friday, and she looks purdy.

I need to prep for Christmas decorations. We have actually been considering a (gasp) fake tree. I know, blasphemy, but it would save money and time and trees. So we will see how it goes.

Friday, November 5, 2010



It is 90 degrees in the office. No joke. Air conditioning went out. I walked in and the wall of heat hit me. It is awful in here. It may be a long day.

I woke up at 2 am this morning from a horrid dream. I don’t know where I was exactly, but it was near the beach. There was some kind of seismic activity which led to this big what must have been like an air conditioning unit to fall from the top of the building. I was on the phone with Ken at the time. Next thing I know, everyone is screaming because the ocean receded and then turned into a giant wave.

I remember running. I also remember somehow that I left Matt behind. I finally managed to get to this fire escape on this one building and climbed up it so I was behind the building and up really high. The water passed me, but I was pretty far inland at this point. It was terrifying. I was upset, too, since for some reason I knew my house was closer to the shore. I worried about my dogs and cats. I worried Luna was washed away.

I really couldn’t get back to sleep after all of that.

I also managed to sleep on my neck wrong again. It had felt better, but now it is worse. Ok, not worse than when I first did it, but it isn’t great.

I used the BBQ last night. It was so nice out, and we even ate outside. It was a little nerve wracking to use the BBQ since I am still a little spooked to have it on. Dax managed to stay very far from it. Too bad the BBQ apparently is jinxed.

My nephew, Matthew, burned the shit out of his hands last night. He and his wife were deep frying and I guess the oil caught fire. Matthew took the flaming pan outside where it exploded onto him, causing 2nd and 3rd degree burns over his hands and arms. It was awful. He posted the pics while he was in the hospital. Scary shit, and I am worried I jinxed him by using the evil BQ that burned Dax.

In theory, Ken is getting me my Tito’s tonight. I hope he remembers.

Brandy got me my very own Keurig. I am so freaking jazzed! I am going to put it on my desk at work, which will rock. She even got me some coffee to sample, which will be way fun. I am telling you, at this rate, I will never need to leave my cube. I am going to also bring in the little fridge Ken has. So I will have a nice little area over here. Woo hoo!

I had to lay down the law last night with Bobby. He has back talked a few to many times. It isn’t good. It wasn’t like he was an asshole, but when I told him to put the toys away in the bath, he said no. Not mean, not rude, just a simple no. It is time to nip it in the bud.

What always cracks me up is when one of the boys gets into trouble with us, the other one turns into a complete angel. I guess they really know when the other fucked up and they know not to poke the bear.

I am working on tossing toys out from the playroom. Man, we have a lot of crap. But clearly, this is the perfect time to do it. I told the boys that Santa can’t bring new toys if they don’t toss the old ones they don’t use. You should have seen how quickly Bobby was ready to toss the whole lot. I hope to get a lot done this weekend.

Ok, I have work to do. Have a fab weekend, all!