Friday, November 5, 2010



It is 90 degrees in the office. No joke. Air conditioning went out. I walked in and the wall of heat hit me. It is awful in here. It may be a long day.

I woke up at 2 am this morning from a horrid dream. I don’t know where I was exactly, but it was near the beach. There was some kind of seismic activity which led to this big what must have been like an air conditioning unit to fall from the top of the building. I was on the phone with Ken at the time. Next thing I know, everyone is screaming because the ocean receded and then turned into a giant wave.

I remember running. I also remember somehow that I left Matt behind. I finally managed to get to this fire escape on this one building and climbed up it so I was behind the building and up really high. The water passed me, but I was pretty far inland at this point. It was terrifying. I was upset, too, since for some reason I knew my house was closer to the shore. I worried about my dogs and cats. I worried Luna was washed away.

I really couldn’t get back to sleep after all of that.

I also managed to sleep on my neck wrong again. It had felt better, but now it is worse. Ok, not worse than when I first did it, but it isn’t great.

I used the BBQ last night. It was so nice out, and we even ate outside. It was a little nerve wracking to use the BBQ since I am still a little spooked to have it on. Dax managed to stay very far from it. Too bad the BBQ apparently is jinxed.

My nephew, Matthew, burned the shit out of his hands last night. He and his wife were deep frying and I guess the oil caught fire. Matthew took the flaming pan outside where it exploded onto him, causing 2nd and 3rd degree burns over his hands and arms. It was awful. He posted the pics while he was in the hospital. Scary shit, and I am worried I jinxed him by using the evil BQ that burned Dax.

In theory, Ken is getting me my Tito’s tonight. I hope he remembers.

Brandy got me my very own Keurig. I am so freaking jazzed! I am going to put it on my desk at work, which will rock. She even got me some coffee to sample, which will be way fun. I am telling you, at this rate, I will never need to leave my cube. I am going to also bring in the little fridge Ken has. So I will have a nice little area over here. Woo hoo!

I had to lay down the law last night with Bobby. He has back talked a few to many times. It isn’t good. It wasn’t like he was an asshole, but when I told him to put the toys away in the bath, he said no. Not mean, not rude, just a simple no. It is time to nip it in the bud.

What always cracks me up is when one of the boys gets into trouble with us, the other one turns into a complete angel. I guess they really know when the other fucked up and they know not to poke the bear.

I am working on tossing toys out from the playroom. Man, we have a lot of crap. But clearly, this is the perfect time to do it. I told the boys that Santa can’t bring new toys if they don’t toss the old ones they don’t use. You should have seen how quickly Bobby was ready to toss the whole lot. I hope to get a lot done this weekend.

Ok, I have work to do. Have a fab weekend, all!

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