Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I actually had time for a small one today


24 years ago, Panda Dog was born. I miss that dog. She was so awesome. No offense to my current pups, but Panda Dog was something else.

It is going to be a busy next week. I am hoping I don’t get too stressed. I managed to set up an account this morning, and do some other things, so hopefully I did them right.

I need to do my packing list. Man, I have a lot to do. Thank goodness Sunday is wide open and I can gather everything and get it all ready to go.

Dax’s singing was wonderful. It was so cute to watch him get all in to it, and occasionally bust out a “Hi Mom!” from the stage. The kids were adorable. Then at the end of the last son, I watched Dax walk off the stage. I freaked, since I didn’t know what he was doing as no one else was leaving yet. I was thinking of telling him to go back, but thankfully I didn’t because he was going to the microphone where he then got to tell the room, “Thank you for coming to our Christmas Program.” YAY! My baby was chosen to have this responsibility. AWESOME!!

Bobby got his first report card. He did great! It is a 4 point scale, and she told us that she hardly ever gives 4’s. So when he got all 3’s, this was great! He got one 2, in arts, which we totally expected since he colors too fast. Thankfully lately he has been doing much better. He also got a handful of 4’s on things like resolving conflict and respecting the teachers. So this was a great thing. I am uber proud mommy.

My co-worker’s mom just passed away. She was 96. Thankfully it was quick, but the suddenness of it and it being so close to the holidays, man, what a sad day for her. My thoughts go out to Ichu and I wish her safe travels to the Philippines.

Interesting debate on whether or not professional athletes who do something horrid should and when or will they be forgiven in the public’s eyes. Case and point is Michael Vic. He is apparently playing really well, and is trying to make amends for his heinous crimes. They were then comparing him to I guess this one dude who killed a guy, and his crime is forgotten. It is all an interesting debate, but not one I will get into now, as I am crazy busy with my job. But still, it was an interesting topic on K&B.

Turns out, I do not care for setting up new accounts. But I am working with a smile because I figure the worst I do is fuck it up for a week. I mean, it is all stuff that is correctible. So I am not going to fret. YAY!

We have dubbed these two creepy neighbors a couple of blocks over, Tard and Shotgun. We have not seen Shotgun in a while. We are worried.

The boys like Rush and the Scorpions.

I am working on someone else’s paperwork for some extra cash. It seems wrong, but who am I to judge since I get the money.

Ken tells me this morning that there is a present I need to open tonight so that it doesn’t go bad as it apparently does come Friday. I think I am worried.

I am obsessed with Sing a ma Jigs.

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