Tuesday, December 14, 2010



I am in a foul mood, which is a shame since I get to go see Dax sing in a bit. I am sure that will cheer me greatly. I leave here at 8, then come back to work. I have a Christmas party and possible meeting to attend.

Yesterday was fun. We went to Disneyland as we are about to enter the month of blackout days with our passes. Plus, I needed to get a present for my mom. What we did not know when we got there is that they closed at 6 yesterday as it was the Disneyland cast members Christmas party. LOL! Actually, it worked out well, as it allowed us to not get sucked into staying too late.

We hit up Alice in Wonderland since Bobby requested we go on it. We rounded the first corner in the ride to be hit with an amusing, and super potent smell, of pot smoke. It was great as it was right where the caterpillar was chilling on his toadstool. We were quite amused.

We did the Small World Holiday ride and Storybook Village, both rides we don’t always do. It was fun, but there was a lot of people there. As we headed out, with a crying Dax in tow as he was pissed we were leaving without allowing him to fight Darth Vader in the Jedi Training Academy, already in progress as we passed it. He has become the king of tantrums lately. Thankfully, there is less head butting involved.

We went by Build A Bear as I had $15 in gift coupons I needed to use before the end of the year. I had Ken do the purchase while I ran interference. They had a small tiger and dinosaur that I wanted for the boys’ stockings. Bobby is obsessed with tigers these days, with Dax really gravitating towards dinosaurs. And free stocking stuffers! Woo hoo!

Our intent was to hit up Pick Up Stix for dinner in order to help out Sabrina’s school since it was fundraiser night. But silly me, I didn’t really read the flyer because I was just gung ho on helping out. We got to Pick Up Stix when it was discovered that we needed to be at the one in San Pedro, and have the flyer in hand. LOL! Oh well, maybe next time.

The boys ate when we got home, and we had told them it was bed right after because it was a little late. Dax wandered off from the table, and I had assumed he was in the bathroom. Next thing you know, I hear him yell out, “Mom, are you going to tuck me in?” Awesome! The kid put himself to bed!!

Holly Jolly Christmas was on the radio and where they say, “Oh by golly, Have a holly jolly Christmas” Bobby was sure they were singing Oh Bobby, have a holly jolly Christmas. He rules.

I am rocking the Santa socks and hat this morning. Does this make me spirited or crazy?

I need my own theme song.

I am seriously considering not work on Thursday. I think I could then go to Dax’s Christmas party, and then also go to Bobby’s performance. We will see how it goes. I may need to work my half day as planned. Besides, I get to work only till noon on the 22nd, and not go back for a week and a half!! YAY!!

Several times now, we have been at Disneyland and seen the pin trading business. We are thinking of doing this. Get the boys and us the little pin necklaces and start collecting. Could be fun for a family tradition. Some day we can pass these on. Sure, it is trivial, but I think the boys would get a kick out of it.

Amazon delivered my 3 packages last night. 1 is a present for Andy, and the other two are for Ken. I am excited since I really don’t think he knows what it is. Of course, he could just be saying that so that I am not bummed that I didn’t surprise him. I hope it is a surprise, and I hope he likes it.

There is a huge part of me that wishes I could have taken this year off. School year, I mean. I would have loved to have been a volunteer in the classrooms for the boys. I would have loved walking them to school along with picking them up. Plus, a year off would be heaven. I could organize the house and really get work done there. I really need to start playing the lottery. Despite my complaints, I do love my job, but I would give it up in a heart beat if I could. I would like the idea of being the mom at home, maybe taking time to work on the house, then write some epic novel. Ahhh…dreams.

Ok, time to get ready to head out. YAY!

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