Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the actual blog


I am feeling pretty good today. Less exhaustion than normal, which must mean I slept good.

My poor Luna. She hates being all grounded. She managed to break her cone of shame, so Ken had to tape it back together. We also put a t-shirt on her, which was a suggestion from the ladies at the shelter. Thankfully, Luna wears it in stride. You can tell she wants to play, but when she does even a little, she falls asleep hard afterwards.

Her incision looks great, and aside from a tiny bit of swelling, she looks great! I am thinking by Saturday we can remove the cone. I may even remove it during the evenings when she is just hanging with us. The shirt covered the spot enough that she should be ok.

I have missed her on my walks to get Bobby.

I cleaned house yesterday after Bobby homework. I swept the living room and cleaned the kitchen. I even changed out some laundry. A little at a time keeps it all good for the week.

My friend, Vyerah, is having a rough time. Her nephew, who is in South Africa, is sick. He has always been a sick guy. He wasn’t supposed to survive infancy, yet today he is 34 years old. He has tuberous sclerosis. He has mental retardation as a result, and he suffers seizures daily and other issues with his health.

He is currently in the hospital with a bowel obstruction. They removed some of his intestines, yet his body is pushing out the waste in the only way it can, which is through his mouth for now. Vyerah is a wreck.

She was 12 when he was born. She calls him a miracle child, and her belief in God was cemented the day he was born. She feels that she needs him to survive because she is questioning his suffering and his life. I feel so bad for her.

I told her that even though I am an atheist, I still understand the power of faith. I told her not to turn away, but to turn to. I even kicked her out of the office for a bit so she could have a conversation with her god. I know that she appreciated it. She gave me a hug, something she never does. I hope that she gains her strength again. I really do.

I find it to be an odd position to be in as a non believer. I find myself encouraging people to stick with their faith rather than question it. This of course makes no sense being that I really don’t have a god aside from Kevin Smith. And he is much easier to believe in since not only is he someone I have met, dude this man is everywhere. God has nothing on Kevin when it comes to seeming to be everywhere. LOL!

No, but seriously, I do take faith seriously. I will mock it from time to time. I mean, seriously, who thanks god when you win the freaking Superbowl? Like anyone really can pin that on him? Does god have some kind of wager in Vegas? Does he care about the spread? Not freaking likely.

Yet, I think thanking your god when he ends suffering, or reaching out for strength does seem ok. There are people that believe heavily in superstition. There are people that have a totem that represents things. There are people that talk to the deceased. There are so many different ways we all look for not only strength, but inner peace. Just because one person gets that from prayer doesn’t make it wrong. And recognizing that people need that, it is important to me to respect it.

There are some idiots out there. Sure, they fight in the name of their faith. They judge based on their faith. They preach based on their faith. Wouldn’t it just make more sense to worry about yourself, and your own things rather than be an asshole about it?

I didn’t plan on writing a whole religion thing. I am mostly spouting out crap, so forgive me.

I also blame my tummy. I am starving!

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