Thursday, February 17, 2011

Updates and random


I am dying here.

Ken spoke to his dad this morning. He sounds better, but is staying in the hospital for more tests. He is scheduled for a head scan. His own doc is also headed that way. Ken is in class right now, so I am guessing that we will not know more until 10.

I am so tired I can hardly function. My nausea is up and down, and there is not much making it better. I just made some tea, hoping that will at the very least wake me up.

I have work open to do some things, but my body is just not cooperating. Thankfully Bobby doesn’t have too much in the way of homework tonight. I will be able to let them play on their scooters/bikes while I just zone out.

Based on the most current information from Ken around 8 am, I don’t foresee Ken going up to the Compound. Since Papa Brenan is functional, it means less of the emergency status. It is still scary, though. He had injured his leg a couple weeks ago, which Andy wondered if it actually has caused some circulation issues, especially since he has been sitting more because of it. That sounds like a better option than other things.

We have been watching HIMYM these last few weeks, and the story line has been Marshall dealing with the death of his father. It seems like an eerie coincidence, especially based on the show last night. Of course, Ken’s dad has not died, but the emotions of losing a parent or dealing with a parent with an illness is something that is scary.

The house is coming along nicely with all the cleaning. Ken painted the bathroom and is going to put in the shelves. This will make things good in there. Ken also has been going through the entry way and his Lego table. He has cleaned up quite a bit.

I spent a good chunk of last night counting out baggies of Lego plates for the satellite model. We are only waiting on one more shipment of pieces and then we can ship out all the completed sets. This will be good.

The plan is to keep the party guests outside if at all possible. We will have the playroom clean, but I would like to keep children from being in there. Of course, I am guessing Bobby may want to show off his stuff.

Thank goodness. That was a burst of energy. People talking to me and phones ringing. Yay! I also got some Wheat Thins from the vending machine. They seem to be less abrasive on my nausea then other things. Plus, I needed to eat something as I was starving and that made me feel even more sick. Vicious cycle.

The good news is the day is moving at an ok pace.

FUCK. Weather reports show rain on his party day. DAMMIT! I need to come up with a plan.

10 till 11. Papa Brenan is resting. Andy is with him. He barely got there what with the storm. In fact, the Compound is snowed in, meaning their mom won’t be able to make it to the hospital. Andy said the MD is coming around noon, so we should hopefully know more after that.

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