Friday, May 6, 2011

growling day


I am tired and sore. I understand the tired, the sore I am not sure on. My stomach muscles are from coughing, I suppose. My legs, not sure on.

The IUD is out. It was not painful. Hell, I didn’t even feel her do it. LOL! She said that was pretty normal.

She said my cervix looked incredibly healthy, and my muscle tone down there quite good. She was actually pretty impressed. She said that clearly my constant kegels through the years have been good to me. YAY!

She and the nurse were both excited about me possibly having another baby. My doc loves us. Even before I got to the exam room, she met me in the hall with a big hug. Awesome! I adore this woman, and we are going to talk to our PCP to see about changing to this one. Nothing against Nakashima, mind you. She is just retiring soon, and has less hours, so it makes more sense for us to get on board with someone who has more hours and that we also like.

Mother’s day tea with Dax’s class rocked. They had little hats they made for us, and presents consisting of pictures and a bracelet. They had a couple songs to perform, and we opened the present with them. Dax was happy. I was thrilled. We had cake and lemonade and we all hung out. Dax showed me around his classroom, showing me all the things he had made. His flower was on display in the hallway, which always makes me proud. I read to him one of the books in there, which Ms Lira said was his favorite and we even took it home for the weekend.

I tagged along with Dax and Ken for their errands. Costco and Target, which were fun. I then went off to the doctor appt.

My appt took like no time at all. I was home by 2:30. Ken had taken the boys to his class, which left me alone to do my thing. I caught up on 90210, and just relaxed.

I do not like the bloated I feel right now. I wonder if it is removal related.

Rocking the third cup of green tea. Hoping this will wake me up.

It appears that it is going to be a growling day. Grrrrr…….

Danny, the boys’ friend, came to the door yesterday to play with the boys. Danny says to them as they are bounding out of the house that he has a secret and that they cannot tell their mom. I quickly growled and Ken intervened by telling Danny that our family doesn’t keep “secrets”. The term secret sent me into a tizzy. I did not like the idea of one of their peers or friends having them keep something from their parents. I sensed danger, even though these are all young kids. A secret to them may just be ice cream, but some day it could mean hookers and blow. Ok, maybe not that extreme, but you know what I mean. Ken and I discussed it a great deal, and we knew a talking to was in order.

The boys came home, after stalling a bit, and brought in a cup full of flowers for me. This was the secret. It wasn’t a secret, it was a surprise, and it was all Danny’s idea. Well, don’t I feel like an ass. Either way, I think that this was a perfect way to explain to them that surprises are ok, but secrets can be bad.

We told them the story of my kindergarten teacher giving me a Snickers bar, and then telling me, along with the rest of the class, that the candy was a secret and for us not to tell our parents. Looking back, I am sure she meant it more as a joke. Ha ha, don’t tell your folks I gave you candy, wink wink. But as a 5 year old, this doesn’t come across this way. It came across as, I will die if I tell my folks I got candy. I was already afraid of this teacher, so this didn’t help.

My dad came and picked me up, and I remember clutching the candy bar behind my back, scared and worried as to how to get it in the car without my dad knowing. My dad, of course, saw my odd behavior and continued to ask me what it was that I had behind my back. I finally presented him with a mangled chocolate bar, all the while, weeping. My dad of course laughed after he understood what happened, but truly, some words are powerful, especially with a young audience. My kids say Shit and Damn all the time. I can assure you, they are less offensive that the idea of them keeping a secret from me.

I feel bad that I mistrusted Danny, especially since I think he is unsure of us still. He is enamored by Ken, but doesn’t know what to do with me, yet. On one hand, he is polite and the boys enjoy playing with him. On the other hand, I am leery of his stalker qualities, and the fact that he doesn’t quite get that my kids are half his age. This is the first real friend in which I had no real say in the pairing. Play dates with my friends’ kids and school mates are different. Even Anthony seemed harmless due to how innocent it was, and the fact that Anthony tired of the boys quicker than the other way around. I am not saying I want this kid to be like the friend in Leave it to Beaver, but I would like it if I didn’t feel so leery of him. Come to think of it, though, the friend from Leave it to Beaver was very much like Danny. Polite, but not so trustworthy in a lot of ways.

I am jealous that Ken gets to go to Bobby’s field trip. Then again, I know I would be a horrible chaperone. I would be more interested in making sure Bobby got the most out of the trip and would not give a shit about any of the other kids. Plus, I know if I went, Bobby would be more inclined to only hang with me and not his friends. I know a Mama’s boy when I see one.

Some folks here at work have poked the bear this morning, so I am feeling feisty towards a bunch of shit. Often, this kind of feisty results in super over crazy protectiveness of my family. Aaron is in rehab to clean up the drugs in his system. I am feeling pretty unsure of this treatment now since he texted us last night. Yes, his phone was taken away, but he insisted on having it back. I just texted him, telling him to turn in his phone. Aaron doesn’t like me much, so I know he doesn’t give a fuck about what I say. I think that annoys me a bit, too.

I really did not want to wear my hair up this morning, but it is just too dang hot in here. Hopefully my clip will be kind and not kink my hair for later.

Ken just called me. They are on their way to Cabrillo! YAY!

I wonder which Target has the least amount of fat folk shopping at their location. I will need to hit that one up for the clearance sales.

I love that someone here at work told me my hot pink shirt was very cheerful. I pointed out the giant skull on it, and apparently this did not make it less cheerful. LOL!

I have done this before, but I am thinking I need to do it again soon. I need to apologize to folks for shit I did to them at some point.

Holy fuck. It just occurred to me that my birthday marks a strange milestone. 18 years ago, I turned 18. I have lived an entire adolescence beyond my adolescence. Yie.

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