Thursday, May 12, 2011

rescue kittens!


I am the proud foster mom of a mama kitty and her 5 adorable week old babies.

A litter was found at Brandy’s old work. The lady there truly was clueless on what to do, which meant they needed rescue from their rescue. I volunteered. I actually love doing this part. Socializing kittens is something I did as a kid. When my cats Maria and Whiskers had their multiple litters (Whiskers in particular was a bit of a whore. We would plan on getting her spayed, but would at least wait until she was done nursing the current batch. But then she would disappear for a few days and come back knocked up again), it was me who would sit in with them for hours, playing with them, naming them, and loving the hell out of them. I would cry when every one of them would go to their new home, but I was always happy for them.

I am especially jazzed to have kittens around now since the boys get to see the whole process. I would have liked them to see a kitty give birth (truly a remarkable sight), but I like that they can have the same hands on experiences that I had as a kid.

Ken set up our monitor camera in the garage so that we can check on them without spooking them at times. We will be handling them all a ton, but they need privacy, too. Plus, watching kittens without them knowing about us being there can be entertaining.

The boys are thrilled. Bobby wants to hold them all, despite being freaked out at first about the one he picked up which he was sure was pooping on him. It was only the umbilical cord. LOL! Dax has taken to talking to them the same way I do, which is freaking adorable to hear the 4 year old refer to them as “darlin” and “sweetie”.

Mind you, the kitten rescue did not come without drama. Ok, it wasn’t drama so much as adventure. When I got home with the litter, I wanted to take them to the garage without dog or cat interference. So I set the boys out to let the dogs inside, and then I could go around the back. I hear them run through the house as I stood clutching the cat trap out in my front yard. I heard the gallops of Luna and the slow march of Lycos. I then heard some more chaos, a slight crash, and Dax screaming. Fuck.

No one was hurt. The boys were pissed because even though they let the dogs in, they did not stay in. They knew I was home, so they clamored to the side gate, completely ignoring the two children trying to heard the bumbling idiots into the house. Kids upset, dogs in goofus mode, and me holding a trap with a freaked mom cat and 5 yelling babies.

I handled it. It all worked ok. This is until we headed back to take the trap back to the company I retrieved them from in the first place.

I decided to take dogs with us so that there was no accidental meeting of dog and cat yet. I herded my boys and canines to the porch. Unfortunately, Luna was so wired, she sprinted towards the car. She is accustomed to jumping into an open van. Well, PT was not open. I had to rush after her since she also ran into the street like a fool. In the mean time, Lycos was on the porch, unrestrained. A boy and his little dog were running by. Before I could even compute, my fucktard of a lab lunged off the porch and rushed the pup. I screamed out to Lycos, who instantly realized she had fucked up big time and did kind of a tuck and roll into submission. I drug my blonde dog with me as I went to secure the black dog. I snipped at Lycos, but at the exact same time Luna felt that she needed to kiss Lycos. Let’s just say thank goodness Lycos doesn’t have as many teeth as she should. My cheek is thankful for that since when her mouth did graze it, I was sure I would be maimed.

I was pretty tousled after that, but we managed. I tried very hard to not flip out at things I would normally get all worked up over. Kind of like counting to ten. I thought I would try in an effort to keep my anxiety in check.

My lunch room has become a Cantina. At just about any time of day, now, There are several jovial Mexicans, all of whom are eating some kind of yummy smelling homemade Mexican food and laughing and chitter chatting in Spanish. It is due to our old warehouse combining into the warehouse into my building. Now, all of those workers break in our lunch room. Apparently they seem to break a lot, but it isn’t too big a deal. Although I have to admit, it isn’t as easy for someone like me who doesn’t know most of these guys, to walk in there. I get all shy. It is silly, I know. I hate going in there when I know the people! LOL!

I tried to rock my tiny hat today, but I could not make it work today. I am sad.

I started reading the Tina Fey book called Bossypants. It is awesome, which means working is hard since I feel like I can just read by book back in my little corner that no one comes to.

Ok, work time.

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