Thursday, July 21, 2011

An actual blog!


I hung out with the boys as they splashed around in the pool. Bobby popped up from the water, all proud, with a bee on his arm. He declares how he saved him and just needed to get him to safety. I have always been nervous about bees. The two times I was stung were insanely painful and I didn’t want my son to go through the same pain.

I told Bobby to hold still so that I could come and remove it from his arm. I even suggested that he dunk back down so that it would float again and I could scoop it for him. Bobby was annoyed at my suggestion and laughing at my wussiness. This of course was until be burst into tears.

He started shouting that it had stung him. I tried frantically to tell him it had not, hoping that his tears were more out of fear than pain. I got up to him and aimed with my finger and flicked the shit out of that bee across the pool. I investigated Bobby’s arm and didn’t see the stinger anywhere, which once again made me think that he just freaked out. I scooped the bee out of the water with a stick and flung him across the yard where he smacked into the wall, and then oozed down to the ground.

Bobby had calmed down significantly by now, but we were still unsure of what happened. He said it hurt, but since it didn’t anymore, we moved on with our afternoon.

When we were tucking in the boys for bed, I reminded Bobby about it so we could tell Ken. After we described it in detail, we realized that it wasn’t a bee. It was a paper wasp, and when Bobby explained what the sting felt like (it said it felt like a shock), Ken knew it was the wasp sting. It was why I couldn’t find the stinger. In my panic, I didn’t even think about it being a wasp instead of a bee. Bobby was so pleased that he survived, so he announces, “Now I am a real bug guy!” Hee hee!

I picked up the boys early from camp. Really, though, I don’t think they needed to be picked up. Both of them were having a blast. My plan today is to not pick them up. I think I am going to vege out and watch The Lovely Bones since I have to return all my Netflix discs soon since I changed our service to only be streaming.

The boss was riding my last nerve yesterday, and I am concerned he will do the same today. I have a report I am supposed to be working on, but I am delaying it for now.

I also am all kinds of excited about my new parking spot. I know, how juvenile, but it is pretty cool. The front parking lot here has always been only for handicap or visitors. Since the great layoff of 2009, our lobby has been a ghost town since we no longer have visitors enter in this building. Therefore, the parking lot has really only been used by contractors that may come to work on our building. Recently, I noticed a coworker parking there. We have had gobs of parking politics, as I am sure I have mentioned in the past. I was sure this was just her taking advantage of no one enforcing any of the old rules. I took it upon myself to inquire about the rules for this lot. Turns out, it is a first come, first serve situation, which as it turns out, is incredibly convenient for me since as it is, I am the first one here. LOL! Plus, the lot is shaded, and set up nicely for when I go home. It also means I no longer have to wait till a certain time for a gate to open up for me and it allows me to enter the building quickly.

Not that this was my intent, but the coworker that “inspired” me to inquire about parking is kind of cocky with her car. She drives a very nice Corvette that she feels my company needs to protect because it is so nice. However, since the early arrivers have been made privy to the spots, she will probably not be parking there ever again. Oops.

I am really looking forward to getting paid tomorrow. It means I will be able to buy some groceries. We had a poor man’s banquet last night that consisted of hot dogs and top ramen. Not that it was gross, but I did feel like I was not exactly mother of the year.

I have been unable to secure anymore homes for the kittens, which means it is about time to take them down to the shelter where they will have better exposure. They have to be 8 weeks and 2 pounds. When I was playing with them yesterday, I am pretty sure I can say they are at the right timing. I also need to go get Mama spayed so that I can take her to this feral colony.

I also need to figure out a time in which I can go get my blood work done. I have to fast, so I need to determine a time. I am thinking of actually doing it tomorrow. I might just come in at normal time tomorrow. I can manage to not eat. I can then leave here to go down to LabCorp and get it all done. Then I can eat! I can probably take the rest of the day off at that point since who knows how long this will all take. There are errands I can do, also. Shopping for groceries and other necessities will actually be pretty pleasant without kids. Lonely, but easier. I think that will work out well around.

I just noticed that at the bottom of my word document here in Office 2010, there is a word count already in place. That is pretty damn cool. So far, I have to admit, I have not been unhappy with the upgrade.

Ken and the boys have been watching Avatar-The Last Airbender for the last few months. I normally don’t get into these things, but I have been sucked into it. It is really good. Thanks to Netflix, we have been able to just stream the series. I have watched a lot of it out of order, but since they have watched the series about 15 times, I have mostly been able to understand it all, and enjoy the hell out of it. Recently discovered on the Netflix is Inuyasha, another japanamation show that is pretty good. Hopefully the boys enjoy this one, too. It is nice to have strong female characters and these interesting moral dilemmas concerning destiny and right and wrong. Compared to some of the other cartoons out there, I think these are going well with the boys. Me too!

Poor Ken is sore. This camp is really taking its toll on his legs and knee. It is a lot of bending and moving around since most of the time he is there is spent sorting his billions of Lego. The good news is he has really done a crap load this year and I think this will be the first year where he will truly come out of the camp super organized. Yay!

Bobby has expressed interest in going up to the Redwoods. Now I have to figure out a time to do so. I would say we could do it in August, but I just don’t see that being an option this year what with the roof being re-done. I am thinking that perhaps towards Christmas time we can go up to the Compound, and then maybe take a few days to drive there for a bit.

Captain America looks good. I want to still see Green Lantern. And next Friday, that’s right people, Ken and I are all about Cowboys and Aliens. Woo hoo! It’s time to get our geek on.

I have been playing the role of IT here this morning, helping folks set up their new Outlook. Maybe I should consider taking some classes to learn more about IT which might allow me to move into an IT position some day? Especially here, it would be really cool. I like the department, and if AR ever downsizes, maybe I could be an admin there. Something to consider!

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