Tuesday, May 29, 2012

less than productive


I should have been more productive.

On the plus side, we did a lot of fun things. On Saturday, we went and saw the Avengers a second time. We considered MIB3, but opted to wait on that until it has been out a couple of weeks. The boys were thrilled, and it was a bargain matinee price so a great morning.

After the movie, we headed out to Venice Beach. I was really looking forward to showing the boys my old stomping grounds. Here was a place I used to go to constantly. But after spending a couple of hours there, I don’t know why. This is not entirely true. I used to love shopping through the tons of cheap and fun jewelry. I liked the people watching aspect and even just the smell of the place. Sadly, most of the performers and people you would want to watch all seemed much angrier, with all of them holding signs that stated they didn’t want you taking free pictures of them. Some of the signs were downright pissy, too. There were the occasional people with a sign saying “Free Hugs” or “will work for pot”, so those were nice, but they still seemed wrong.

Instead of jewelry and knick knacks, there was a medicinal marijuana dispensary every other shop. Tons of people dressed in green jumpsuits harassed the people passing by, shoving business cards in their hands to get them to go and see if they qualified for a medical card allowing the purchase of pot. I know I could easily get one, but I think that these people would have given cards to the boys.

Even the artists didn’t seem interesting. I could have gone down to the Hermosa fair that happened to be going on and I would have seen the same things, and felt less likely to be pick pocketed by the other people walking around.

I am glad we went, if only so that I could see this change with my own eyes. It is possibly nothing has changed and in reality only I have changed. I hope this is the case, as that is less depressing.

Aside from hitting up Costco on Sunday, we mostly hung out at home. NB was clearly being kicked out of his house most of the weekend, which meant he kept coming to our home. I really feel bad that I hate him, but he certainly doesn’t try to endear himself to me. He plays with the boys in the front, and every 20 minutes or so he would yell out to Ken. He would then proceed to ask Ken if he could use his tools to build a ramp, or he would ask Ken if he would give him some wood to do something. This kid was talking to Ken as if he was entitled to everything we have. This kid seems to think that we should provide him with toys, tools, food, etc. I do not care for his arrogance.

He truly put the nail in his coffin, or more realistically, the cactus needle in my kid’s foot.

He thought it would be a good idea to kick the cactus that is next door to us. Never you mind it isn’t his cactus to kick, but he thought it would be funny. He then goaded Dax into doing it, also. Dax came in screaming and crying because his toe hurt. Turned out a needle went through his shoe and sock and right into his big toe. It was awful. It took Ken, Bobby and I an hour to finally get the thing removed. I held Dax while Ken operated while trying to hold on to Dax’s leg, and Bobby held on to the flashlight and was the gopher. Dax’s screams were horrific, and with good reason. It was super painful.

The next morning, when NB came over, and then proceeded to ask if the boys could come down to his house to help him build something, Ken tore into him. He told him that there was not a lot of trust towards him after he convinced a 5 year old to kick a cactus. Sure, it could be argued that peer pressure is something that we will have to deal with, but that being said, this kid is 10, hanging around a 5 year old, and he already can see that Dax has been emotionally fragile lately.

We kept him away from the house the rest of the day.

We rode our bikes up to Target, which was a lovely ride. The weather was perfect, and everyone seemed to be in good moods. When we got home, the boys went in the pool. I answered the door when NB showed up and I told him the boys had chores to do. He didn’t come back.

I changed into my swim suit since truly, the only way to bathe a dog is to be prepared to get very wet. I pre-groomed Lycos, removing shit tons of fur. I then scrubbed her down, removing even more excess fur debris. Ken even brushed her later, leaving a Chihuahua sized fur ball. Lycos now looks all shiny and pretty. It is a nice change.

I washed Luna, too. She wasn’t as gross, but she needed some dreads cut out, so the cleaning was a good thing. It would have been even nicer had she not opted to roll around in the dirt while still wet from swimming. My golden dog now looked like she had been dipped in chocolate. Sigh.

The pool thermometer broke, leaving glass in the pool, which is not easy to find. Ken went in with goggles and retrieved quite a bit, in the process forgetting that he should have put on sun block. His back is quite red now. I went in the pool, also, figuring I would be able to find the glass. Sure, I meant in my foot, but it would be better found in my foot than in the boys’ feet.

Bobby was thrilled that I came in, and he and I swam around for a while, which was nice. The water was actually pretty decent, especially since it was so hot out. It also was warmer than hose water, which I had already been drenched in from dog washing.

Dax decided he wanted a haircut. Both of them needed their bangs trimmed, but Dax wanted his short. Ken busted out the Flowbee and did their hair. Bobby’s is still shaggy, which suits him. Dax has a much shorter look, and even though I am used to his longer hair, this looks good. It will be easier for summer time, so I think it is probably a good thing. Plus, his hair grows fast, so it will be back to shaggy in no time.

With it being a short week, our close is all honked up, which means I have reports tomorrow. It means today will probably be hectic. Bleah. Let’s just hope it makes the day go by quickly.

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