Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh Davy


Poor Davy Jones didn’t know what to do with me.

In all fairness it is an awkward situation when a fan is sitting there, having what seems like a normal conversation with you, but while doing this, they are sampling different flavors of whipped body cream. He was blushing and stammering during the whole encounter.

It was much easier chilling with Kevin Smith. He was such a fun time, and gave me a pretty good haircut considering he isn’t a barber! It was a little strange that we thought that the best place to do this was while I sat in a chair on my parent’s table, but I suppose whatever works, right?

The hair worked well for the soccer game, although needing to go to the vending machine to get a new uniform was interesting. It was so nice to be able to get a fresh one right at the field.

My dreams are very interesting places to visit.

I broke down and bought the first Twilight movie. I found it at Target for $8, so what the hell, right? It wasn’t great. The book was of course far more interesting. I didn’t like the casting for some of the parts, including Carlyle and Esme, but Alice rocked and even Bella was tolerable considering what she was supposed to be. I will need to get a copy of the second movie now. Alyssa loaned me movies 3 and 4 part one.

In the pretty mellow weekend, I also managed to finish Ready Player One. Fantastic book, especially if you know geeks, the 80’s and anything gaming. It was very well written and moved at a pretty good pace. It was filled with amazing descriptions of different VR scenarios that I am anxious to see in a movie now.

It just occurred to me that I have a cocktail party to attend this evening. Oh my! Whatever shall I wear??? Of course it is an AYSO gathering, but I might as well rock it. Ball gown? Hee hee!

The pool arrived much earlier than I had anticipated. I thought it was slated for this Friday, but when the boys and I were arriving home Friday evening, Ken was in the process of set up. It took less time to fill than I had expected with it being full when Ken was leaving Saturday morning at about 6. It is much larger, which is awesome for the boys. Ken will need to build another deck that is larger. We will use it in conjunction with the old one and make it into a series of steps. It will make it easier for both boys and dogs. Luna figured out how to jump in, but I am unsure of her ability to get out.

My weekend was super productive. All but 2 loads of laundry done, and this includes gobs of bedding. I managed to clean the hell out of the kitchen. I cleaned the bedroom and even the entry way. YAY!

I was pretty proud of my mom’s day package to my mom. The card was not a Mom’s day card. It was a Thank You card (complete with iTunes gift card) that explained how I was thankful for my mom helping to raise me from a squishy baby into a purple haired crazy mama. I included a small baby doll, and a more grown up doll that I found that had purple hair. She loved it!

My blood sugar was “high” this morning. 114. I don’t know why. I need to watch evening activities. I have not had too many issues in the morning in a while, so I am sure it is nothing super bad, but still. I don’t tend to go over 104.

I have a meeting at 9:30 that will be a lot of me just going, “ok, ok, ok, ok”. I am debating on explaining to these people for the 50th time what they really need to do instead of wasting time. They are not working smart (or hard). They just seem to want me to bail them out, which would be fine if I was paid more.

After a week of no washing, I opted to wash it Sunday. I then uber conditioned it again with my oils, and it felt pretty good. I even have it uncovered here at work. It is kind of a cool pastel spread, and not nearly as horrific as it has been. I still am anxious for my reds to be put in, but I am giving it some more time to recover. Nothing more seems to be falling out, so this is a good sign. If only I could make it look so effortless like my hair muse.

Somehow despite having multiple Tivo’s, we do not have anything set up correctly to record the shows that we want to watch when we finally have time to sit down and watch them. It is about time to subscribe to Hulu Plus.

Crap! It just occurred to me that I finished the book on my iPad. This means I don’t have a book currently on there for my walk today. I need to go hunting for a book!! Either that or maybe I can watch a show. Hmmm…So many choices.

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