Monday, June 25, 2012

No baby


I don’t think I am pregnant.

Friday morning I went to the doctor’s office. Bobby’s cough was the appointment I was able to make for the morning, so even though I was scheduled for a visit at 1, I was able to piggy back a bit on his appointment.

I took a pee test, which I knew would be negative, if only because I had just consumed about a gallon of water. I had made some excel formulas showing what days I should start based on average cycle length and even putting in ranges showing if it was a standard 28 day cycle. As much as this all was cool, they pointed out that it still might be too soon for a positive test result. As much as this was nice to hear in terms of knowing I wasn’t crazy, I didn’t like the fact that I would have to wait another week to know for sure.

Bobby’s diagnosis was just as vague in a lot of ways. He wasn’t told outright that he had asthma. But there are signs leading to everything from just allergy based coughing and all the way up to exercise induced asthma. She sent over a prescription for another 2 canisters of his inhaler, and we also got a note for the school year. She was supposed to prescribe some Zyrtec, but for some reason that didn’t come through.

What was the most interesting part was the circle of eczema on the back of his neck. I had noticed it in the lobby. It was very faint, and if anything looked like his sunburn from a few weeks back that was still peeling. The odd part was that it was a perfect circle. Ken remembered to bring it up and she was pleased to see this since it was a typical spot that comes up from this random asthma diagnosis. Medicine is freaky!

At 2, I had my hair appointment. I had printed out some pictures of what I was hoping for. They were pipe dreams. The cut section that we had done when the bleach burned me was just too short of a section to work with in order to do some of the cuts I had wanted. The stylist was pretty blunt about the damage I had done to my hair, and pointed out that at this point, I should cut out as much as possible in order to make it somewhat manageable. I didn’t want it uber short, but I put my trust in this woman.

She did an amazing job considering what she had to work with. Thank goodness I have a lot of hair, and thankfully my roots are healthy. Even though yes, the back is crazy short, I have a pretty full head of hair. She styled it super cute into this total 50’s cute cut, which worked amazingly well with my pink color. I have been unable to duplicate that style, but I have worked with it a bit over the weekend and it should be doable for now. We will not be coloring it at this point. She was concerned that since there were still bleached sections that they would possibly soak up a brown color wrong. So for now I am going to continue with the dark roots and pink tones. It isn’t ideal, but at least it isn’t bad.

Ken was not as thrilled with the cut. He felt out of place at the salon being that I was surrounded by the stylist and Stephanie who both were encouraging the short cut. Ken doesn’t care for short hair, and since he didn’t want to be mean there, he didn’t want to say anything. Sadly, that is not the kind of mood a girl wants when she is nervous about her new style. His choice of words after we got in the car were poor and only made me feel ugly and somewhat controlled. I didn’t like it one bit. Later when we discussed it, he asked me what he should have said. He wanted to know if honesty was not what I had wanted. After now thinking about this for 2 days, I didn’t want him to lie. But wouldn’t it have been more constructive to say to me that he didn’t like the short cut, but that he knew that I would still rock it? It allows for support with still pointing out he wasn’t happy with it.

Friday night also brought to us two more Brenans in the form of orange and white kitties. Sheila brought over the kittens I had agreed to take so I could present them to the boys. We had them out in the garage cage overnight. Sheila had also brought a bed they liked and their toys. Luckily, these girls are incredible. Both are very affectionate. Both are patient and truly they seem to have the perfect temperament for this purpose of giving the boys their first kittens.

We didn’t present them until after we got back from the registration event. We opted to have them still “buy” the kittens with their stones. We gave them some reward stones. Dax got some for his academic award. They got some for perfect attendance. They got some for being so good at the registration. They already had saved up a bunch, so adding these stones would put them at the 500 mark, which was kitten price.

Bobby came into the living room and was counting out the 500 to buy a kitten He didn’t notice me sitting there with the two girls in my lap. The one with a more white face then jumped out of my lap and ran over to Bobby. She had chosen. Both boys were thrilled. Bobby’s kitten was dubbed Lucy. It was almost as though he had planned this name for a while. Especially cute since his dad’s first pet was named Lucy, even though Bobby didn’t know this at the time. Dax had a harder time coming up with a name. I suggested him using character names or names of people he knew. He kept going with things like Fluffy, and we steered him away from those. I mentioned using names from school and he instantly called her Brianna. I suggested shortening it, but he was dead set. Brianna is the girl he had declared at one point was his future wife. Talk about the ultimate romantic gesture wasted on youth.

Lucy is much more playful and outgoing. She is curious and sweet, and apparently enjoys Doritos. Brianna is much mellower. Super affectionate and spent a good chunk of the day in a kitty coma.

They live in the boys’ room. We have their own litter pan in there along with their food and water. We have the boys doing all of the chores associated with cat ownership. They feed them, change the water and scoop the pans. They are doing pretty well on this. The kittens slept in their room, and you could hear all 4 of them playing happily all Sunday morning. Sunday the kittens were allowed to wander the house. Poor Tonks was not happy with this. She saw the two of them at one point and flipped out. Ittles was equally spooked. The kittens didn’t back down, and if anything seemed to have the upper hand.

Monarch, in typical Monarch style, didn’t give two cents about the little ones. He saw them and pretty much ignored them. The girls growled at him, and he didn’t give a shit. It was pretty funny, actually. I like that he isn’t threatened, and that if anything, I think he already has plans to make them into additional minions so that he has a full orange army.

Saturday evening we went out to dinner for Matt’s birthday. We met at TGI Fridays. Matt was already wound up when we arrived. He had a meltdown soon after we were seated when Ken pulled the blinds because the sun was way bright on the table. Matt flipped out. He cursed and hollered and was beyond flustered. He even jumped up and looked to be ready to storm off. Thankfully the boys didn’t notice anything unusual about his hostile behavior. It was crazy, though. He was angry at Ken for pulling the shades, which made zero sense.

He may have been still worked up from his accident on Thursday. He was parking his car at work and proceeded to accidently hit the accelerator instead of the brake. He smashed through a fence and over a small Toyota and then into the front of a pickup truck. Yeah, it wasn’t good. He called Dad and said, “Dad, I need help.”

His car will be in the shop until July 9th. Thankfully it sounds like insurance will cover everything beyond the $500 deductible. The only thing it doesn’t cover, though, is his frayed nerves.

Ok, update on pregnancy: I started today. I guess no baby.

I am shocked at the fact that I am not devastated. I expected to be more sad being that I was getting pretty jazzed about this whole prospect. Granted, I am upset and pretty sad, but I don’t feel like this was the last chance I have, nor do I feel as if this was my last chance that it is a bad thing. I would love to have another baby. I would be ok if I didn’t. Maybe I am not as crazy as I had assumed?

The worst part of this right now is the crazy, horrific cramping I have now. Yuck!

My day looks to be pretty basic. I have to make it through this whole work day thing and then I think we are riding up to Lowe’s to pick up some items. I am supposed to go to Brandy’s this afternoon, also, so I need to find out what time that will be. Other than that, I think I may as well have a cocktail since it won’t hurt anything now. LOL!

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