Friday, June 22, 2012



I am officially sad.

Two tests later, including one this morning with the most concentrated urine, I am still coming up
negative. I don’t know why I am surprised. Ok, I do, but I hate this. I probably jinxed it. I got too excited
much to early into the process. This morning I guess I will call the doctor to see what is up. I need to
make an appt for Bobby, too, since his cough has been officially going on for too long.

On to more interesting news.

Dax tried to die yesterday. Ok, it wasn’t that serious, but he did hit a car with his bike. We rode up to the
post office in Old Torrance and as we were heading back towards the grocery store, Ken and Dax were
getting ready to cross the street. Ken circled around as there was a car coming. Dax did not stop. He
panics and takes his feet off the pedals. Luckily, the car had seen us and if anyone knows Old Torrance,
it is a slow moving little area, so the guy had stopped. Dax plowed into the side of his car and bounced
off. It scared the shit out of Dax. Although, it apparently scared the guy in the car even more. He wasn’t
worried about any damage or anything like that. He simply asked Ken if he could find his soul since he
was sure it had escaped in the terror of possibly hitting a kid. My poor Dax was ok after a bit of heavy
crying. He seemed to ride a little more cautious on the rest of our journey. I was surprisingly calm. I
knew he was in no danger as I watched him barrel towards the car. I had seen that the car saw him and
I saw that Dax wasn’t going horribly fast. I was actually pretty happy it happened since it hopefully put
this fear in him so he would be more careful.

In other Dax news, he claims he kissed a boy. We were watching an episode of Friends when Bobby
starting asking questions about kissing. He asked why some people kiss all the time and things like that.
Dax then piped up randomly and said he had kissed this one kid. I wasn’t familiar with the name and
asked him which kid that was. He then proceeded to describe him. I was more amused than anything
and asked him if he liked it. Not in a sexual sense, btw. I was more curious as to what he thought about
in kissing. He said he did not, which made me chuckle more just in the idea that he was so matter of

In super compulsive, crazy news, our house will be the proud home of two new kittens. Vicki sent out
an email from our old boss, Sheila who was looking for a home for two kitten sisters that her friend had
obtained. I guess her friend had dropped them off when she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and
could not care for them. These kittens, a good 4 people deep, were adorable. The pic of them showed
2 little orange and white kitties, who are 8 weeks old. I got it in my head that it would be fun to give the
boys each their own kitten. Ken was not thrilled, but allowed me the impulse. The plan at this point it to
pick them up tonight (they may be brought to us at home). The boys do not know, and we are going to
hopefully get them after bedtime so that we can present them with the giant bows.

The boys have become a bit to anti chick in my opinion. I showed them the Katniss doll and since she
had a bow and arrow, they only could think of her being related to Hawkeye. Sure, I can see that. But
let’s add that to the trip home from work. The boys had been dropped off by Ken and so as we drove

home, they said that they would rather have a baby brother since then he could play Star Wars with
them. I pointed out a girl could play, but they were skeptical. They then proceeded to quiz me, a girl, on
Star Wars. I. Kicked. Ass.

Now add that Bobby actually didn’t want to see Brave because he said it looked like just a flick about
some chick shooting a bear. Sigh. What the fuck?? Have I not been a strong, female role model? Have
I not pointed out that I can do shit some boys can’t do? Sadly, I think being in school with a bunch of,
well, girly girls has tainted their view of chicks in general.

It was pointed out that they should watch Alien. Yes, I say. Strong women will be their new homework.
They watch Korra, so I don’t get how they don’t see the strength there. But I suppose this is just how
they have to learn.

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