Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hot Meth Dreams


I do not care for the heat.

Sleep eluded me for many reasons, one of which of course was heat related. The fans only seemed to circulate the warm air which didn’t do me much good. The other sleep issue was concerning the brain which would not shut down. I kept thinking about everything needing to be done today which caused me to not relax. When I would finally drift off, my Breaking Bad and a half episode watching before bed took its toll on me by making me into a drug dealer and having to watch my back lest I be shot by the Cartel. Yeah, it was one of those nights.

I started the tedious process of lining the kitchen drawers with contact paper. We had chosen one that is actually cork so it looks pretty cool. I was impressed with myself being that I tend to rush through projects, especially when left unsupervised. I managed to do two full drawers and they looked good! I had to do multiple strips because of the configuration in them, but my measuring and patience paid off. Now I just need to get some more cork paper.

If the electricians are granted 3 workers tomorrow they will finish everything up by the afternoon. If not, it is still slated to be done by Friday. The plumbers should be back today, also. I am excited since all of this does mean that Friday afternoon we can put in the appliances.

I am also hoping that Saturday morning and Sunday I can paint. Ken has to go to the team parent meeting on Saturday morning so I will just start painting on my own. I am pretty confident I can handle it. We have lunch plans with Grammie for around noon, but I bet I can get quite a bit accomplished. Plus, as my mom points out, the heat does make for quick paint drying.

I also think some of my stress is related to tomorrow. Although I am extremely excited that the last 6 months has finally paid off with my boys going to a good school, I get anxious that something will go wrong. I already expect tears. Bobby is excited, but Dax is clearly nervous. We will have them wear Minecraft shirts which will hopefully inspire conversation with their classmates. Seriously, start talking Minecraft and these boys are hard pressed to be upset about anything. I also recognize that these are teachers who have seen it all. They understand how to deal with a nervous kid. That doesn’t mean I don’t get that nagging tug on my heart strings as I walk away from my screaming kid. It is for the best and they will be more than fine, but it is still hard.

All of the soccer games have been scheduled which is nice that all of them are morning games. It does make for some stress getting between venues since Bobby is on one field whereas Dax is on another one, but I think we should be fine. It also means I can then go to the houses after the games and work and not feel like my day was shot. Ken still feels that we can be ready to move in to Steve about the end of September. Yay! We then can concentrate a little more on Halldale (which my mom has affectionately dubbed Eydie) since the renters would be ready for move in on Nov 1. Yay!

Clearly my office doesn’t quite understand that it is warm out since it is probably hotter at my desk than outside right now. It is 5:30 in the morning and it is 75 degrees in here. It is quite ridiculous that I need two fans running at all times and even that doesn’t help. I am really am ready for some rain or hell it can snow at this point. 

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