Tuesday, November 19, 2013



Nothing ever goes as planned.

Turned out there was in fact practice last night, which put a bit of a wrench in my plans. Luckily I was able to bounce back and accomplish other things. I was still able to stop by Eydie and gather more items for transport. I really need to stop by today and do what dishes are left there. I meant to throw a box in my car to be able to carry those items.

I was able to do a crap ton of laundry along with even being able to go through some boxes from the garage. I put up some signs and even a handful of knick knacks. I am quite pleased! I did have to man the whip since the square carrot of Minecraft was not going to be used since we had a short time to do homework due to the early practice time. Luckily they get home early enough that they were able to play a bit last night.

Tonks is either getting braver or is just desperate. Poor girl wants to eat but also wants to maintain her scaredy cat status. With the food located high up for now due to dog, she would have to get up on the desk to eat, which in her mind exposes her to demons or something like that. She has now started coming out more and more, and seems to be ok with dealing with the other cats and even dogs if it means getting close to food on the floor. She doesn’t want to go on the counter for now. Hopefully the catio will be done soon enough, which will allow her the safe privacy she covets.

I put out the invite for Steve’s Big Debut! December 14 will hopefully bring some peeps to Steve’s door and I can show off our digs. We started it at noon since it looks like many people might not be able to make it due to other holiday commitments, but I figure our party isn’t formal, and is more of an open house with snacks, so it should be ok.

Today I will hopefully get more done. I am pretty sure the practice scheduled for tonight will be canceled which will allow for more time to get things worked on. I still would really like to paint the closet boards. I determined that finding an outfit for today was quite challenging due to how everything is currently stored. Plus, with my laundry crazies, I am noticing the amount of clothing is getting greater.

I hope to hit the gym again today. This time I am more prepared. I have a fully charged iPad which I hope to watch some tv on instead of what happened yesterday. Although, even with it being charged, yesterday was frustrating since the boss’ boss came in and was chatty, which is annoying when you are trying to get your sweat on.

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