Friday, November 8, 2013



I am far more functional this morning than I expected to be.

My bout with icky yesterday may have been heat related. I took inventory of my day and I realize I was feeling crappy when someone turned up the thermostat in the office. I turned on my fans and I started to feel better. Then when I got home and was working in the house, the warmer the room, the worse I felt. Ken pointed out that I may have come down with a touch of something which made me more sensitive, and plus the weather has fucked with my sinuses to no end, so all of this coupled with the heat just fucked me up. This morning I am congested, but not as bad, and I am smart and am making my area freezing so that I don’t get to feeling like crap again today.

Ken did so freaking much yesterday!! He went through Steve and essentially finished each room. Guest room still obviously needs carpet and subsequently, base boards, but it is ready. Our room is done. Bathrooms, done. Kitchen, done. Living room, done. FUCK YEAH!! We need to go to Lowe’s tonight to get door knobs, shelves, a trash can and paint for the outside. This weekend will get the place all ready. I am not kidding when I say I want to sleep at Steve Saturday night. It means we will also need to get the blinds so we have privacy in the room.

The board meeting, although longer than I had hoped for, was way less painful than expected. I do enjoy aspects of it and it is nice that I am more comfortable with my smart ass remarks. I also do like that my RC enjoys them, too. LOL!

I got the boys’ soccer pictures. I would have posted them but I didn’t want to brag about having them before the other team mates had them. Dax’s picture shows just how much he had been running around right before pictures. He is al sweaty. Oh well. They aren’t fab, but they are fun. Bobby’s look pretty good. It is funny to watch his hair progression in soccer pictures through the seasons.

Dammit, I forgot to wear earrings.

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