Friday, January 24, 2014

Benadryl Coma


I itch.

The back of my hand, a spot on my thigh, and it feels like all over I have spots that are irritated. I don’t see any sign of a bug bite, and the only redness is most likely from me trying to combat the feeling each spot is radiating. It is super annoying. It was especially awful when in the middle of the night you have to keep scratching your hand.

Of course, every time I had to scratch, Trixie thought this was an invite for me to scritch her. LOL! She was very needy last night again. It is lucky for us that she is so tiny and cute.

I took a Benadryl, hoping it would combat the itch, but sadly all it seems to have done is put me in a state of twilight while I am at my desk. Seriously, you could probably remove my wisdom teeth right now and I wouldn’t notice.

Math night was not what I had expected. It was mostly designed as a way parents could go to hear a couple of the teachers talk about the new CORE expectations for math along with ways they are teaching, while the kids were left in the cafeteria with some other teachers and student volunteers from the high school. There were math themed games for the kids, and lots of estimation jars fill with various items from erasers to cotton balls, all with a sheet next to them that the kids could put down their best guess. The ones closest won a chocolate bar at the end of the night.

There was pizza and salad from Costco, which was of course nummy. Dax and I showed up early, which was cool since we ended up talking to Mr. Chin who asked if Bobby was coming. I explained the soccer practice situation and he assured us it would be great if Bobby could come right after. We got pizza for Ken and Bobby and they showed up right when everything got started, which was cool. The boys played their games, Ken and I learned ways to deal with how they are changing the system up.

I do love that the kids are not just memorizing numbers. That being said, I feel like I am enrolled in 3rd grade math now because I am learning new ways to think about these numbers. Ken apparently learned all of this on his own, but some of us, most of us, are more like me in which we didn’t have this kind of learning experience. So helping our kid is more than just telling them the answer. We have to help them get to it.
Bobby has his speech today for room rep. I honestly don’t know how he will do. We wrote the speech quickly last night since we got home late from Math Night. He seems to think it only needed to be a super short speech, and he used his old poster, so it isn’t like he put tons of effort into it. That being said, I know he is well liked in his class, so who knows how this will go. I am so proud of him for running again despite losing last time. He must really like the idea of this, so I will encourage him as much as possible.

Lily broke the pet proof screen on the sliding glass door. Sigh. We really need to get some air circulation down there. As much as I love my light fixture in there, I wonder if we shouldn’t look into a ceiling fan. Or we just need to hook up the window fan better. Over all, I feel like we need to redo some aspects of the furniture arrangement down there. That could be the clutter yelling at me.

Stephanie is coming over this afternoon. Yay! She is going to meet Lily and drink some coffee from my shiny new machine. Hee! I think I am getting a manicure from Sabrina, too. Awesome!

Tomorrow is game time at 11:30, and after I am going to go start painting Eydie on the outside while Ken refs a couple of games. I need the front to be painted since I need some pictures so I can post them on the rental listing. I have people coming out on Tuesday to give us estimates on debris pick up.

Fuck you, Benadryl. Ok, no, you do rock in so many ways, but I really did not think about one knocking me on my ass like this. Fuck. 

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