Wednesday, January 22, 2014



West Side Story is my new guilty pleasure movie. LOL!!!!

Yeah, watched that yesterday just for the hell of it. Clearly Ken had not watched it before, and it had been years and years since I had seen the goofiness that is that epic flick. Holy crap, it is a big ole dork fest. I was in heaven.

I have a soccer meeting with Jerry this evening at home, so I need to clean house. It won’t be a long meeting, but I still don’t want the place to be too cluttered. Plus, I love it when the house is clean. Really, it is like crack now. I really am turning into Monica.

The pipe work is just about done in front of the house. They moved the main line yesterday and I guess are filling holes today which means I will be able to park in front again. It has been kind of nice having these crews there what with the wave of burglaries in Torrance of late. I know that my house is well watched all day, so that is actually kind of nice. It will be almost too quiet when they leave. I know Ken will be happy if only because the big metal plates on the street will be gone. Those things are noisy!

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