Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sugar Crash


Stress sucks.

I do have a new theory, though. You know how when you have too much sugar and you get hyper and goofy, and then when the sugar wears off you have your crash? Well, I am starting to think that perhaps me being too happy and cheerful with people (especially when I am uncomfortable) will result in a mood crash of epic proportions.

I picked up the boys from school and found myself trying to stay super cheery. Mostly this was due to me being happy to see them, but also I wanted to get homework done quickly without any kind of fight or breakdown. Thankfully homework was done and we even laughed a lot before heading into the dentists’ office for the cleaning appointments for Bobby and myself.

The apt was easy enough, but I tend to get into my strange giggly polite girl thing when I am around people like at a doctor’s office. It is strange, but at least I know I do it. It is the same mode that the boys question as to why it is that I am so nice to people. I don’t know if that means I am a bitch to other people, or if they just think it is cool. Either way, I do go out of my way to be uber sweet to people.

We left the dentist and headed over to PetSmart in order to prevent a coup and to replace the gentle lead for Lily that seems to have disappeared after our trip to the Compound. Truly, the shopping wasn’t going to take long what with there being only 2 things we needed. I picked up a couple other things (what? They were on clearance!) and dinked around in the store. Why was I dinking? I was waiting on Ken to make sure money was transferred into the correct account and to make sure I got everything we needed. Sadly, he was driving which made this take much longer. Plus, for some reason the store didn’t like my card. It was a kerfluffle of crazy which was only made worse by me still trying to be chipper. Plus, the boys were all excited at my chipper and were trying to show me things on their games the whole time I was on the phone, at the register, trying to stay calm.

In the midst of this, my mom also called. I didn’t answer only because I was on the phone. She happened to call right back and I answered all flustered, which only meant I was starting to melt.

I still had to go across the street to Daiso to get flowers for teacher appreciation week. And of course, the card still was angry with me. I tried to get a hold of Ken and he wasn’t answering texts. I was spent.
I drove to Taco Bell and called him. It was right at this point he had responded indicating his phone was not making noises for texts for some reason. I was flustered. I told him how I just wanted to make sure Taco Bell was still the plan and that I wouldn’t have any issues.

I ordered and sent him a quick text to apologize for being a notch. Yes, notch, because autocorrect was not keen on me calling myself a bitch for some reason.

It was at the window that it looked as though I had been using an old card that I had not removed from my wallet. Oops. Turned out notch meant dumb ass.


I tried to de-stress by playing with the dogs outside, but it was at this point that apparently Trixie tried to have some kind of stroke or seizure. Ken said she did this random collapse. She didn’t repeat it, but that was not great for my level of yie.

I ended up going downstairs and lay down on the carpet. Ken had just vacuumed so it was all clean. Lily in particular was thrilled with this as it meant she could lick my face to her heart’s content. Both the dogs were happy because they could play down there with me close. Trixie came and hung out with me too. Sissy tried, but the dogs’ antics were much too crazed for her to deal. She did mew at me from afar, though.

It was crazy relaxing. I didn’t have any idea what was going on in the rest of the house and I was essentially forcing myself to stop. I think I will try this again tonight, this time I may have a couple of hits to really force the issue. I think that it is something good for me and I need to make a point of taking time like this.
Saturday is gearing up to be busy. In the morning we have the Farmer’s Market registration. After that, Grammie and Aunt Dee are coming to see Steve. This means I am in crazy cleaning mode this week, but that is ok. It is another one of my calming techniques and I had been meaning to straighten up, anyway.
Sarah is picking me up at 5 to go to a place in Long Beach with Alyssa for our long overdue monthly hangout. Yay!

Now I just have to make it through 8 hours of this place. Bleah. 

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