Wednesday, May 7, 2014




That is how I am feeling this morning. It is a carryover from yesterday’s bullshit. I like my boss for the most part. He means no real harm. That being said, he is an idiot and there are times when despite his seemingly clueless puppy routine, he needs to be swatted on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.

His total lack of solidarity with his own department is legendary. He will always sign us up for tasks that have little to nothing to do with our department’s function, not considering the additional work load or time it will take. In a battle between departments and how a procedure will be done, he will always side with the manager of the other team, essentially throwing us under the bus much like the entire company does.

In the latest back stabbing, he allowed the new head of what truly is customer service have him write up a procedure for customer disputes that has credit and collections reps gathering ALL of the data needed for a credit memo. Our function at this company is to collect past due monies. Yet now we have been thrust into handling invoices that were only just billed yesterday. If said invoice was billed wrong because sales or inside sales fucked up, it is our responsibility to get all of that information and gift wrap it for the new team to simply push a button to issue credit.

The hoops have been placed and lit with fire. During the meeting yesterday he said no less than 6 times how this would be more work for us, but that ultimately it made it easier for the other team. Um, yeah, as if this is something we are supposed to be doing? We didn’t screw up in the first place, yet we are being punished.
It is all absurd and tedious and once again strengthens my resolve to not help make things better. Like a petulant child, I will simply ignore the new procedure and get things done the way they should be and play by my own rules. Sure, one could make the argument that I am being a rebel. Instead I am choosing the very popular phrase of “being on the right side of history”.

Either way, yesterday made me feel unappreciated as an employee. It was the source of great stress and frustration that left me wondering if looking for another job would be better or if I just needed to suck it up.

For now, I suck it up. Despite the copious amounts of bullshit I have to sift through, the ultimate perks are still outweighing it.

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