Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dumb People and Soulful Books


I sometimes really hate people.

There is a hallway here at work that isn’t dark. It is pretty well lit even without the light on. It also isn’t super long or something you need to light up. This is why I don’t turn on the light in the mornings when I get here. I also have an issue with leaving lights on when you don’t need them.

I just said good morning to my coworker, the gentleman who is a manager (not mine) in the department. He asked me, rather rudely, why it is that I don’t turn on the light. I told him it was one of those conserving electricity things and that I don’t see the need for it to be on. He said he always turns it on, which is fine. It makes no difference to me. He snipped about how we don’t pay the electricity here so we shouldn’t care. Sigh. He was such a dick about it and I just didn’t understand his hostility. I just shook my head and walked away. It isn’t like I kept the department in the dark. It was such a random fight to pick.

Seriously, the people here worry me. They are getting dumber.

I was out sick yesterday. I still am super congested and achy, but I needed to come to work. I slept till about 9 yesterday and then lounged all day. My foot still hurt like hell, so it was nice to be able to sit around and let that rest, too. It is a shame it was so damn hot.

In the early afternoon I went into panic mode since the registrar from AYSO sent me a crap ton of invoices and refund requests. The RC also sent a text about some refund check that was mailed and the parent never got it. So I scrambled and made sure everything was ready for signatures. No one came to sign. Sigh.

Jimmy did come by, though, to deliver a printer. Ken and the boys were at practice, so Jimmy and I ended up talking for a couple hours, which was awesome. We talked about soccer and about a bunch of spiritual stuff, which was super fascinating and fun. I was exhausted, but I was glad he hung out.
I have my doctor’s appointment today. The boys were going to be walking home all latch-key style today, but my folks offered to be at the house for them, which is nice because it alleviates my stress.
Homework started ok yesterday, but Dax got overwhelmed with the math. He gets frustrated when it doesn’t come quickly to him. I understand because I do the same thing. He also knew he needed to finish before practice. Sadly, Mr. Chin has still not improved when it comes to instructions on homework. I am tempted to mention it at Back to School night.

I am all pleased that the book I suggested Bobby read has become his favorite book. He is reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I figured it was perfect for him. Sure enough, he loves it! I feel such happiness when the boys (or anyone for that matter) enjoys a book I suggest. It is like they are approving a part of my soul.

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