Friday, September 12, 2014

eff this sick


1 o’clock can’t come fast enough.

I couldn’t sleep well last night what with the combo of my throat and nose not cooperating. When I finally settled, I think I only got a couple of hours of decent rest. I am a zombie right now.

When I got home from work I was feeling ambitious. With my music blaring in my ears, I set to work on chores around the house. I got a ton done and subsequently exhausted myself. Thank goodness the homework was minor.

It is frustrating to have to tell the boys they can’t tell me tales of their school adventures. They choose to do this when they are stalling on homework and I just can’t allow it. Especially when the homework was so crazy simplistic. Bobby had accidently done last night’s homework on Wednesday so all he had to do was write spelling words. Dax had done much of his math homework in class, leaving only a simple sheet of rounding numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. He would whiz through it and then just decide to stop and play with a cat. It was maddening.

In addition to this, I have discovered that both boys don’t learn when I help them with a question. They assume I will say the answer enough times that they can copy my words verbatim. I came up with a plan last night while trying to sleep. When we discuss a problem that they can’t solve without help, I am going to make them repeat back to me the answer. Perhaps then it will start to sink in. What is the worst part, though, is most of the time they know the answer and understand it, but they want the way I explain it as their answer.

It is supposed to be super-hot tomorrow which will suck for the game. Our game time is High Noon. I am hoping there is a bit of a breeze.

I am trying to drink some tea this morning but it is making me very hot. I just turned my fan up. I may have to just skip that and go with straight water. I like the tea because it soothes my throat. Oh well.

The boys both want to take this sculpting class on Wednesdays after school. Even though it is a bit pricey ($87 each for 6 weeks), I am thinking it would be cool. It is the day they get out early so they would just stay at the school for the class and come home after. There is no practice on Wednesdays so it might be fun.

Hopefully this afternoon is mellow. I really need to go up to the school to get volunteer forms. I may stop by the school on the way home from work and pick a couple up in the office. I need one for me and my mom. Ken probably needs one, too.

Ok, I need to wake up. 

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