Monday, January 19, 2015

A busy sleep-free weekend

I shouldn’t be surprised that the sick is still kicking my ass being that my weekend was so active.
It turns out I can still stay out past midnight. It also turns out that I should not make this a regular occurrence lest I want to be dead on my feet for days afterwards. Both Ken and I were yawning even before dinner, which we had around 7. It was a lovely meal, as it always is when you go to P.F. Changs.
After dinner, we went and explored by the Chinese Theatre. People watching and random street performer watching is interesting on a Friday night. It’s always a wonder what these people think passes for a Batman or Tinkerbell. They are downright terrifying. There are also the overly aggressive music folks who practically shove their CD in to your bag and then would demand money. You have to really be on your toes when passing them by.
We got to the theatre that was showing our movie around 10. With only 2 people in line, we opted to go to the bar at Acapulco across the street. Sadly, despite the place looking quite empty, we were turned away because Ken was in shorts. Who knew a crappy Mexican restaurant with little to no patronage at 10 pm on a Friday night would be so elitist. I was not impressed.
We opted to just go hang out in line. It wasn’t so bad, and as a few other people showed up, we found ourselves surrounded by twenty something hipsters all playing their Nintendo DS games. It was a strange site for sure.
Kam ended up coming to the movie and hung out with us in line. I would have preferred just Ken what with it being our date night. That being said, I was too tired to really object.
The theatre is amazing. I highly recommend going to it even if for just a recent flick. It was built in 1923 and at one point in its history they removed rows for more leg room, which I have to say was fantastic. It only seats 400 people, but it feels like a huge arena. The Egyptian décor was gorgeous and well maintained. I felt all classy in there.
I had only seen Serenity once before. I am not the die hard fan that Ken is, but I enjoyed the showing a great deal. I did have some issue about midway when I started to lose my battle with sleep. Thankfully the action picked back up and I was awake enough to finish out the movie.
We didn’t stick around for credits or socializing. The guy who is in charge of these screenings of older movies was awesome, and it would have been kind of cool to chat with him and many of the fans of his work, but seriously, it was like 2:30 in the morning and both of us needed to be up in a few hours.
Ken left the house around 7, which is when I really started to wake up. I had planned on trying to get a little more sleep, and even forced myself to stay in bed despite being mostly awake. However, at about a quarter to 8, my mom called and offered to bring the boys to me, which was quite thoughtful of her.
Once the boys arrived, we set out to get our errands done. It felt like we had a lot to accomplish. Luckily most of it could be done at Target. We had a birthday present to obtain, supplies for an election poster, Epsom salts for Dax’s thumb, and a couple of other random things.
Dax’s thumb has been hurting him for a few days. Sadly, he had no idea what he had done when he first complained about the pain. He also didn’t tell us it hurt until he was in bed. Clearly, interrupting play time was not going to happen but delaying bed time was reasonable. He has been known to do this many times over, and we mostly assume the wolf is a delay tactic. Plus, his thumb on inspection looked fine.
Then on Friday, we noted the swollen parts and realized he had what appeared to be a bad hang nail that had now become infected. Sigh. It figures.   We had him soak his thumb on Saturday night in Epsom salt and warm water. It started to drain a bit on its own in just the liquid. He was incredibly brave based on how bad it must have hurt. Ken got most of the pus out and the pressure pain was certainly helped. Last night Ken drained a bit more and he put some Neosporin on it to help with the germs. It should be ok in a day or two now.
Our errands also took us to get some cupcakes for the team party on Sunday. I was quite pleased that they had a pack of red velvet ones since the team is red and all of the frosting colors on the chocolate ones were rainbow or other mixes. Of course, being the ding dong of a mother I am, I buckled to their pleas and also picked up a small pack of the chocolate ones for home.
Once we arrived home, with a full hour before I said we would, I opted to give the boys a little time to play before we had to set to work on Dax’s Pilot of the Week paperwork and Bobby’s election sign. I gave them till 1 to eat and play. I crashed out on the couch and watched some Parenthood.
1 o’clock came and went because I fell asleep. The boys said later that they checked on me but opted to let me sleep. I was appreciative of their decision. I didn’t sleep a lot, but a nap was certainly welcomed. I am actually pretty shocked I woke up at all. I couldn’t believe how tired I was.
Once I did, the boys and I worked on their respective school projects and then because I noted the reminder on the computer, I realized that we needed to go to the cemetery still. It was Leslie’s birthday and we always go and put flowers on her grave, and then we explore random sections of the cemetery. I had forgotten to pick up flowers, but luckily I had a teddy bear I had picked up in clearance at some point to just have on hand for emergencies. Ken got home around 4:15 and we set out for Inglewood.
The visits to the cemetery are always interesting. I know that I took some pictures of graves that I will spend some time researching this morning. I had hoped that I would have some graves I could look for since I spent much of Friday looking through the old Torrance papers for people buried there that had stories, but sadly I didn’t have any. Either way, it is always really peaceful and insightful going there. The boys enjoy it, too, which is fun. I also got to see one of the rock smileys that a person I met on Facebook places. She is a cemetery walker that lives local and I am all excited to have seen one of her rocks in person.
Sunday I tried to sleep in. Sadly, my bladder wouldn’t allow me past 8, which I suppose was ok since we still had to go to the team party.
The team party started at 11 and went to 1. It was a fun time and all but two of the kids showed up. You could tell everyone had a good time. I was bummed Becky couldn’t make it, and it was even worse because I knew it was due to her chemo treatments. Lou was quite emotional telling us all about it and it just broke my heart to see him so sad. I was glad that his daughter comes back from the Navy in a little over a month since it was a nice thing for his whole family to look forward to. Any light in that dark tunnel is a good thing.
After the party, we headed up to Field of Dreams where the Area Playoffs were being held. The BU10 final was happening at 2 and I just so happened to know the coach! Nikki from the Gunners coaches this team from South Torrance. Her son is on the team and I was excited because she had mentioned on Facebook that they were playing in the finals. We wanted to go say hello to all of our soccer peeps anyway, so it was a good time to go. We watched the championship match in which they won the game 3 to 1. The coolest part of this was that Mike, my old Gunners coach and dad to Nikki is the assistant coach. I had no idea! I got to say hello to both of them which was very cool. It was a bit of a shame that the game was a bit heated because of some referee issues, but I will choose to just like that I got to see my Gunner family.
After soccer, we took the boys to the birthday party they were invited to. Bobby’s best friend invited both Bobby and Dax to Gable house and then Laser Storm. This allowed Ken and even more kid free time, which was very strange. We went to dinner at Souplantation, which I will tell everyone, don’t bother with. It was over-priced for their selection and overall we were not impressed.
The boys were at the party till 7. Ken and I had considered doing stuff around the area but realized there wasn’t much to do so we went home. I suppose I could have taken Ken up on his offer to just have him go pick the boys up while I went to bed. I of course didn’t because I wanted to hear about the party. I still go to bed by 8, so it is all good.
I didn’t sleep great and I find myself in a bit of a haze this morning. I didn’t even bother with makeup since my eyes are watery from the sick and it would be just a smudgy mess if I opted to even go with some eyeliner.
The boys and Ken are planning on cleaning up my house today, which will be nice to get home to. I still have some things to tend to, but overall I am hoping to use this afternoon as a resting time. I don’t like being sick and it is in my best interest to get this cold over with.

So for now, I will try to make this day go by quickly. I have been here 2 hours already, which seems promising overall. I still think our company is awful for making us work on a day that much of the country is off, but what I am gonna do, right? 

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