Monday, January 26, 2015



The band aid was ripped off.

We have a couple of new residents at Steve. Stephanie and Sabrina will be staying with us for a bit. The big move took place on Friday, which could have resulted in a whole lot of crazy drama with Dave, but thankfully even with the sadness that comes with a big split, everyone has actually been quite civil and grownup about everything. I am so thrilled since all of them will be so much better off in an arrangement in which parents are not angry at each other around a kid.

The actually phone conversation took place Friday night in which I was present holding Stephanie’s hand while she explained to Dave what was going on. I have not been a part of this kind of support system in a while and it was nice being able to be comforting to someone. I am so glad I was there for her during this.

With Friday night behind us and my cold finally lifting, I took charge of things and kicked some ass.

I spent Saturday getting rid of anxiety. I finished up my audit and got the paperwork to our auditor. I cleaned up mine and Ken’s desk. I cleaned the living room. I cleaned the kitchen. I even was able to go through most of the boxes that I had to remove from the guest room closet and made the downstairs into a bitchin gaming lounge for my housemates. I then proceeded to make dinner. Yeah, I rocked this shit.

Saturday night, Ken and I watched The Interview. It was on Netflix, which was great since even though I had not heard great things about it, I still felt I needed to see any flick that caused such a tizzy for the studio that actually got them to pull the movie from its theatrical release.

The movie was nothing that it should have been, yet it was strangely enjoyable. The direction of the movie was very, um, confusing? It tried to combine about 5 genres all in one flick. There was the straight forward, slightly raunchy comedy aspects, which Seth Rogan and James Franco shine in. It then took the turn of sharp, political drama with the spotlight on how evil North Korea is. It then veered off into a little bit of a romantic comedy with Seth hooking up with a North Korean guard. Next thing you know, it feels like a sequel to Hot Shots. Oh, and let’s not forget the subtle undertones of stoner buddy flick. But no movie could be complete without the Tarrantino aspects of squished heads and exploding bodies. Yeah, it was all over the map. I think they are quite fortunate that there was such a controversy over all of it.

Sunday was a day of rest. We had a couple of errands to attend to. We left the boys with Stephanie, and so Ken and I went and took care of them, stopping to have some breakfast which was really nice.
It was a lazy Sunday. We introduced Stephanie to Dogma, which is still a fantastic flick even after all this time. She has not been fully immersed in Kevin Smith which is something she will now be subjected to living at Steve.

My hair has been given another lighting treatment. The front is certainly much lighter. The color that is about midway down is still there and not much lighter, which surprises me a bit. At this point, I think I will need one more treatment. Once that happens I can do the purple again, which excites me greatly. I think then I will get a hair cut to about shoulder length, possibly even an undercut for the hell of it. It will be fun to have a new style for a bit.

It’s report week here at work, so tomorrow I will be knee deep in Excel, which suits me just fine. I like that it keeps me busy all day. It means today I prep. I also have an open enrollment meeting to deal with at 10, but once again, it breaks up my day which only means my day seems to fly by. Hopefully when I walk out the rain will be coming soon as it will make for happy homework hour.

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