Monday, February 9, 2009

I thought weekends were supposed to be good


It has been a craptastic weekend. Saturday morning we discovered that somebody had broken into Ken’s car. They took the boys’ DVD player, along with Wall E, a couple of Ken’s binoculars, and the checkbooks that were in his car. Not fun. As if this wasn’t enough, they also jammed something into the ignition rendering it unable to start. The morning was not good.

We had to go get a rental car, but on the plus side, they gave us a mini van. So we are going to be spoiled for the week. They gave it to us at a good rate, so the plan is that we will probably take it up north. They have to fix Ken’s car, which includes body work from his fender bender last week. Ken was not having good car Karma last week.

Other than that, the weekend was fine. Friday night, I did some good yoga to help my back, and my work out was fun. I got to make some fun of my dad who broke his foot. Apparently he was doing the Wii on Wednesday, managed to trip over the board. He assumed it was just a sprain, then went bowling for 4 hours. He got home, decided to check it out and noticed it was black and blue. He went to the doc the next morning and found out he had in fact broken it. Awesome. So he now has to wear this boot for 4 to 6 months. Not cool, especially since they are going on a couple of trips over these next 4 to 6 months. Luckily it isn’t a cast, so he can take it off for things like the shower, so he may be ok come that time.

The boys played in the rain that came while we were there. They splashed in puddles and got all kinds of muddy. It was awesome. My dad and Ken were not as amused, which I thought was funny. My mom and I thought it was great. You assume that men would be more open to the splashing. Then again, they were just thinking of the mess. Cool!

Saturday night, we went to Denny’s for dinner, and it was nice. The boys loved it and behaved great. They also wolfed down a ton of food, which is cool since that is free. LOL!

Sunday we did a grocery store run and Costco. I like Costco for the fact that the boys are in the cart. It means that Dax and I have one on one time since he is sitting inches from my face for an hour. We laugh, we chit chat, we sing. It is cool. Ken had Bobby in his cart, and every single sample they had passed out. When we were outside Costco waiting on Ken to return with our berry smoothies, Bobby turns to me, face covered in chocolate, and says very seriously, “Mommy, I love samples.” So freaking cute.

Today is supposed to be report day, but so far, nothing matches, which kind of sucks. I would like to get them done, but not much I can do if nothing is totaled right.

It is a short week, so I am happy about that. I have only 4 days. Friday we leave in the afternoon, so I have the day to run the kids while I clean the house before we leave. I am hoping to get most of that done over the next 4 days since I need to make sure that Friday can be spent getting as much energy out of the boys as humanly possible. That may be difficult since it will be raining! I might need to take them to Lakewood Mall and let them run around on the inside playground. I think there is one of those sort of things in Carson, too, so maybe I will go check that out. Or maybe just MacDonalds?

I think there is less cleaning than I think there is. A lot of stuff is stuff I can’t do. Oh, and I just realized the one thing I wanted to do this weekend did not get done. Granted, with the car stuff, we lost a lot of time. So maybe I make sure it happens today. When I get home, I am going to clean like crazy, so wish me luck.

My hair is driving me crazy. With long hair, there is more chance for tangles and it is a bitch to brush out. I just don’t know what to do with it. Of course, the obvious solution, cut it. As much as I know they are kidding, people at work have told me I can’t. They like it too much. I also know how much Ken likes my hair. I know I can make it pretty no matter what length it is, but I just don’t know how much longer I can do this long thing. I am keeping it long at least until the summer. Maybe the spring. I don’t know. I have not had it this long since I got married. I may need to just find some kind of deep conditioner to get it a little less tangled. I started using the infusiom crap we have, and although it does help with tangles and texture, it also takes away all of the curls I was getting. Plus, since it has seemed dried out, I don’t want to put a lot of product in it like mousse or my spray since that may just dry it out further. Such the dilemma. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I have been fighting with the bangs. This is probably why I grew them out in the first place. They are bangs that don’t want to stay together. They seem to part a lot, and that drives me crazy. I am afraid it looks weird. But I need to work with it since that is how it wants to be. I think I look better with the bangs overall, but it is still tough.

Tammy brought me perfume and lotion! How cool is that? I had mentioned how much I like her lotion she wears, so she got me a lotion and body mist of that, plus, two more sets of other fragrances that are similar all from Victoria’s Secret. So now I smell all pretty. I am shocked at how much I like them. I am very picky when it comes to perfumes. I mean, I have only two that I wear right now, and one of those I don’t actually have any and haven’t for some time. I don’t want to wear the one all the time, so I wanted something for other days. This stuff is awesome! And it is Victoria’s Secret, so yes, even though it is a fragrance that will only be in their stores for the next couple months, it is something that comes back next winter, so it is available. Plus, with three of them, shoot, I will stink good for a long time! YAY!

I am falling asleep. Not good. That means today will be a long one. I need to wake up!

More report pain. Ok, it is good and bad. Good is, I now am completely in charge of running the reports I need. YAY! It means I don’t have to wait on anyone (unless I mess up) and I can have it done any day of the week. I am happy about that. Plus, it clears up my IT girl from having to mess with it. She was quite thrilled and knows I can handle it. The bad is that I had to test this today. LOL! The report that ran was run on wrong dates, so my training now includes running the report for mid month Feb. Not a big deal, especially since it isn’t like mid month is as crucial, but it is a pain in the butt since it is manual every time. Since mid month is no longer the 15th, it has to be entered each time. Fun, right? Either way, nothing seems to be working right now. I have tried running it, and despite my best efforts, I am lost on it. I have throw in the towel for it today and will try to make it work tomorrow. Maybe. I don’t know. We will see.

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