Thursday, January 7, 2010

day 3, a little less pissy


Why is it that the dog and the kid felt the need to both have issues 15 minutes before my alarm goes off? Sigh. I didn’t want to miss that sleep. I know, 15 minutes isn’t much, but it is still my precious sleep. In all fairness, I am not upset with Dax. I am pretty sure Luna woke him up with her tardo doggo routine. I swear, she is such a fucking idiot. I adore her, but my god, what an idiot. She was thirsty, so she feels the need to bark up a fucking storm to tell us she wants to go out. I am seriously considering putting her crate in a cage so she can still come out and drink. She seems to drink a lot. More than Lycos ever did. I am guessing she is just a puppy testing right now, but wow, it is getting old.

My hypochondria has kicked in again. Now I am sure I have a brain tumor. Wait, I have reasons. One, I keep getting muscle twitches behind my left eye. It is kind of above it, yet I feel like my eye socket hurts. Two, I had a nose bleed this morning. I don’t get those, but lately I have had a couple. It stops almost as quickly as it starts, but it still is concerning. So if I keel, make sure to have them check my brain.

We went to the grocery store to obtain healthy snacking options. I got some carrots (yay!) and even got a cucumber to try. We also got gobs of lettuce for salads. It was on sale, which rocked. I got some 100 calorie packs of some sweets and other things so that I don’t have chocolate withdrawals. We also got some V8 with the combo fruit and veggie. Brandy had been concerned about my lack of veggie intake, so I thought this might work based on her suggestion, and I thought it would put her mind at ease a little. My kitchen is overflowing with options now. Yay!

Did workout number 3. Discovered a kung fu game on it. Fun! I didn’t do great, but I enjoyed. I also found a marching one, which I failed miserably at, but I think I liked. I did great 2 great step class ones, and lots of stretching. I have been sore, so I thought that more stretching and strength training would be good for day 3. My ankles were sore because I wore wedges yesterday, so I didn’t do the running options.

I would be wearing new shoes today, but the ones I wanted to wear apparently have a defect. I slid on the right one, and it felt pretty good. I put on the right one and noticed something pushing up on my big toe. It hurt! I assumed it was just soreness from the wedges, but it was in the wrong spot. I took it off and noted that there was a manufacturing defect. I have emailed Hot Topic to see about a simple exchange. Ken told me I could order a new pair for now, but I think that if the shoes are meant to be, they are meant to be.

Ken had a rough afternoon. While at the store, I noted that they had H1N1 shots. I asked him when our doc was going to give him one, and he said that he actually did not have an appt to get one with her. So I told him now would be the time. I was impressed that he not only didn’t faint when they stuck him with the needle, he actually kept his composure quite well. Bobby had offered to hold his hand during the shot, and I was a little concerned Ken would crush his little fingers. Luckily, no little people were injured. But you could tell the shot didn’t make Ken happy.

As if that wasn’t enough, Luna was barking last night as we were going to bed. He went out to scold her, diving into her crate. Well, he missed. He came into the bedroom all woozy looking, and I had him lie down. He told me he hit his head on the crate. Sure enough, gobs of blood all over his eyebrow and nose. I rushed him into the bathroom and got him cleaned up. Not fun. I did tell him that if the one on his eyebrow scars, he would then get to be like Luke Perry. I don’t think he was as amused as me. Although he did appreciate the trivia that Luke Perry’s dolls from 90210 back in the day also had the scar.

Speaking of 90210, when the hell does my show come back?

I left late from work again yesterday. I need to stop talking with people 10 minutes to 2. I end up talking with them for way too long. In all fairness, this one started as work related, but she, being a fellow mommy, was sharing tales of her sons’ good teacher and bad teacher. The good teacher makes me excited for Bobby to go to school. The bad one? Terrified. I think in the next month, I want to walk down to the school to see when we register and see if I can meet his teacher.

I think my today should be less hectic. Of course, whenever I say that, it is the most hectic ever. But really, I don’t think I have any pressing issues this afternoon when I get home. If Ken doesn’t have classes today, I am going to send him out to get the shock collar for Luna (yeah, it comes to that) so I don’t have to go get it later. Then perhaps when we pick up the boys we can go for a walk with the dogs. They will want to ride their bikes, but I may suggest scooters since they go a little slower. Either that, or maybe we will just tell them we are just walking. I don’t know yet. I just think Luna needs a training walk, and I could use the regular walk.

My dad got some of those Sketchers Shape Ups. They are very squishy looking. I like them. I would be curious, and Ken is considering them. I may have him try them out sinc he is on his feet all day, so he would give a good test. They are also way too pricey to just get them for both of us without a test. They are $110! Holy hell! Do you know how many shoes I can get for that much? LOL! But I think they might do good for walks, and Ken specifically since he is always standing. So perhaps a trip to the Sketchers outlet store is in our future.

Ken has a gig at the Adventure Plex in Manhattan Beach on Saturday. They have been in talks for him to be able to do his Lego parties there. It is a popular destination for the kids in MB to do their parties, so they want him to do a demonstration to see about making him another option I think for their party packages. I don’t know the whole scoop, I just know Ken is doing a 30 minute demonstration there on Saturday morning. Maybe if he gets the job he can get the boys some passes. LOL!

I have to start planning a birthday party. Bobby will be 5 way too soon. I would like to do something fun for him. I want cake, I want guests, I want a theme. I don’t know that he would invite kids from his daycare, so for that, I am going to make goody bags and a cake and stuff for them to do there. But at home, I want him to have a good day. His birthday falls on a Wednesday, so that night I want to take him to Disneyland. But I am thinking his party should be the following Saturday. I am hoping to do a little something for him also when we are on the compound. Yes, I am going all out for his birthday. Shoot, how often do you get to turn 5? He has not decided on a theme. I suggested Buzz, he agreed. Then I suggested Optimus. He agreed. Then I suggested Star Wars. He agreed. So they may all need to make an appearance. I wonder if I can design a shirt with images of Buzz, Optimus and Star Wars folks all to be on a shirt. I think they can all be on the cake. Why not? If I get a Costco sheet cake, get a couple of little toys, it will be great. I need balloons, I need decorations. I am going to go wild at Party City!

I still don’t have a freaking calendar! Dammit! I think I will need to go down to Office Depot this weekend. The problem is, I want a fun one, but I think I missed the boat for good calendars. Sure, I could order one, but I don’t want to go to that much trouble. That being said, I also could have had one from work, but I wanted to find one. See, I am still in the mind set that KROQ has their calendars. It has been probably 4 years since they stopped doing them, but it still is in my mind since they had them for like 13 years. Hopefully I find something tolerable.

Dude, Bean just mentioned that they have been on the air for 20 years this month. So true, and so scary. I have been listening to them for 20 years! They were saying that they were on the air only a couple weeks after the Simpsons first aired. Wow. Just wow.

All I want to do is go hide out in the bathroom and read my book. It is one of those times where I wish I was still breastfeeding. If I was, I could easily be gone for 30 minutes at a time to pump. I suppose I could take a break since we get 2 of them. But f course, I am a grownup and it seems to me that if you have to schedule breaks, you lose the title of grownup. Besides, I take breaks all day long. LOL! That being said, it would be easy to disappear for a while. Who would know? Of course, it would be the one day someone needs me. Most days I am all by myself over here. I could read at my desk! But it is harder to hide a book then articles I download.

I am looking forward to the weekend if only because it is a mostly open weekend which means I can get some work done. There are still giant bags of toys in my bedroom from the boys, which are toys that got scooped in a “we will just have to clean your room for you”. I need to go through those and determine what is good, what is ok to toss. I think my plan then is to put all the going away toys on my lawn with a big sign that says free. I am tired of our bedroom being a dumping ground. Of course, I am ok with that compared with the alternative, which is the whole house is a dumping ground. Either way, I have some serious cleaning to do, including putting away the Christmas crap, and some other light organizing. I think a Target or Big Lots run in order to get some dog food containers is in order. Also, my dad suggested getting some hay for the dog houses, so perhaps a jot down to Lomita is in order as well.

The magic and beauty of email is that you don’t have to talk to the person. This is why email at work is my best friend. I don’t have to talk to people at my company. So why is it that my boss doesn’t understand that when he sends me an email, he doesn’t need to walk down to my desk to tell me he just sent me an email, and then proceed to tell me what is in the email and tell me what he needs me to do. Often, he runs down to my desk and I have not even received the email yet. Mind you, I am super quick at my emails. He couldn’t wait a few fucking minutes. Holy shit, he is driving me to drink. How many calories do shots of vodka have in them?

Do you ever wonder if the words that come out of your mouth are at a different frequency, which is why no one you talk to seems to understand anything you say? I swear, I think this is what is going on with me. I talk, people look at me, they nod along, act as though they hear me, but they have no idea what I said. Heck, sometimes, they will think I said something else. Sometimes, of course, they just don’t hear. This happens with the boys a lot. I think perhaps their ears are not fully developed to even hear that something is coming out. I wonder if perhaps I need to go to the doctor for this since I should probably get that checked out.

The boys also seem to think I am nuts. I am sitting in the bathroom with them, brushing our teeth, and they look at me and just start laughing. I don’t get it. There was no visible issue on my face. It isn’t like I have never brushed my teeth in front of them before. Yet the continue to laugh. It is as if they have no idea that I would possibly get angry for them dinking around or that I wouldn’t be the one to answer to if they screwed up. It is very strange. I think perhaps I have something similar to an invisibility cloak. Instead of making me invisible, it makes me seem non threatening.

I just ate my cookies. Wow, those are quite good! Bobby picks that kind when my mom offers them cookies at her house. I can see why he likes them. I need to hide them, though, since these are my cookies, dammit.

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