Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Did you miss me?


Yesterday was crazy. I barely had time to pee. I had reports to work on, I had statements to go through, and a cash forecast that had to be done. It was a full 8 hours for sure. I was pooped when I got home. But I still managed to do my workout so I am pleased with myself.

The last couple nights I have been trying to do the things that I want to make sure are done nightly. Dishes, scooping the pans, straightening the boys’ rooms, a load of laundry. I wanted to see what it takes to have those things done before I crawl into bed each night. It isn’t too much stuff, really. While I make dinner, I can clean the kitchen as I go. Before I start the dinner, I scoop the pans. Of course, a load of laundry is running during all of this. Put everything away in the kitchen after I am done eating instead of waiting for Ken to do it in the morning. While Ken washes the boys, I can fold laundry, and then clean up their rooms. By the time they are in bed, I have accomplished the items that are musts every night. Last night was harder since I went to my mom’s. I may need to work on some of that differently in order to accomplish everything.

Tonight Ken is going to a neighborhood meeting to discuss this clean up that they are doing at the old pesticides plant down the street. We apparently are in some kind of bad plume area. I don’t know what any of this means, so hopefully he can find out the information.

I have been on my meds now for a full week. I don’t know if they are doing anything as of yet. I had a minor anxiety attack last night when I was in bed, but it didn’t last too long so I didn’t bother with a Xanax. I figure those are for bad ones. I feel a little edgy this morning, which may just be me feeling edgy, having nothing to do with the pills. In actuality, it may have more to do with dumb things my work does and doesn’t do. LOL! It is a strange combo of feelings to be annoyed and cranky along with being super tired. On one hand, I want to jump up and scream and holler at the idiots, but on the other hand, I really just want a nap.

I seem to have tweaked my lower back last night. Not sure how or when. All I know is when I got up this morning, I could hardly move. The shower and some stretching seemed to help. I have not taken any pain killers yet. I figure since I am mostly just sitting all day, I don’t need to medicate.

At night, I feel so old. I prep Ken and my pills each night. We each take a multi-vitamin, 2 of those fish oil pills, and we each have our respective prescription meds. It is pretty sad, really to take all those pills.

I opted to blow dry my hair this morning just for the hell of it. It looks pretty decent when I do that. It is a huge pain in the ass, though. I am still unhappy with the color, and I am really wishing I could do something to fix it. Unfortunately, I don’t know that I am the right one to do that. I worry that I will make it worse. I know that I could shell out some cash and go to someone to fix it. I don’t know that I hate the color that much to spend money on it. Man I am cheap.

Crap. I just scratched this itch on my boob and how the area is all red. Not a huge deal except when you are wearing a rather revealing shirt and your normally white breasts are now splotchy. Uncool.

My cold seems to be finally going away. Yay! I didn’t take NyQuil last night and seemed to sleep ok. My nose is relatively clear this morning. Of course, I worry about Friday since now for 2 Fridays in a row I have come down with some kind of sick. Maybe I will end up breaking something?

My diet seems to be going pretty well. I have cut down on portions and have limited my desert intake considerably. I probably should be eating even less, but I think by starting slowly, I am having more success. I should also be exercising even more, but once again, I need to find time. I would like to take the dogs for a walk. As much as I like the rain, I am hoping it stays clear so I can go back to that.

I am feeling a little overwhelmed. The boss is driving me nuts with his retardation. I sent him an email with attachments of all the data he asked for in his original email. He has called me a half a dozen times within 10 minutes to ask me for various forms. All of these forms are the attachments that he didn’t read. It is aggravating. In all fairness, the situation is something I apparently did wrong. But it is something I should have never been in charge of in the first place! Plus, it is fixable! I set up an account with a vendor for electronic billing. They took money out of our account instead of just billing us. What is even funnier is it looks like they did bill us. It is $60, so not like it will break the bank. It is stupid and annoying, and wow, it doesn’t require him to call me 100 times.

On top of that, I still have folks being needy this morning. Work folks coming up to me pretty much asking me to drop everything to help them right away. People asking me if there is a report that shows certain things, and when I tell them that I am unaware of one, they question me. Do they really think I am withholding information? Have I done this in the past??? I also have a friend who I know through work that is being overly needy and crazy. I understand her crazy, but at the same time, I don’t appreciate her needy. When she emailed me yesterday after I didn’t reply to a text, I explained I was super swamped. She then pouts in her email back to me and acts like I am horrible for not responding. It is frustrating to say the least.

I wonder how much the new iPad will cost.

Simple dinner tonight. Since Ken is going to this meeting, I am thinking it will be a leftovers kind of night. I really want pizza, but I am trying to be good. My mom told me that she doesn’t use the phrase “being good” anymore. She has traded it in with “being responsible”. I like that. It sounds less like you are being bad when you choose to do something not as good for you. LOL! Actually, I don’t even really want pizza. I just want easy. I am pretty sure I can whip something up that is easy tonight.

I feel like I drank more water than normal this morning. I think I have gone through like a gallon and a half!

I was wrong. We do have a mini family trip for summer time. My nephew is getting married August 16th, which is a Monday. I assume we are invited, but who knows. If we are, we are going. I would imagine it will be in San Francisco, but I really don’t know. Depending on when and the details, it might be fun to take the week off. If it is in San Fran, we can do the wedding, which is a Monday, then do the tourist crap with the boys for a day. We can also maybe go up to the compound for a few days. Of course, this all depends on details! It would be a good time to take off, anyway, since Bobby will be starting school in September, so it will be nice for him to get some good family time in before the big day. I will OF COURSE take that day off. I will be a wreck. I wonder if there is a kindergarten mommy support group for the first day.

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