Monday, April 4, 2011

Date weekend with some comedy


Yay date night!

We dropped off the boys with my parents around 1, which gave Ken and I lots of kid free time.

After a couple of errands, we went home and got ready for our evening. Since there was plenty of time, it allowed us to stop on the way to Universal at Target to return some items. We stopped at the Target in West Hollywood, which has the most magnificent looking Target ever. It was like a church! I was thoroughly amused.

We got to City Walk around 5 and decided on the Mexican food restaurant. The food was fine, but nothing fab. It was funny to be there, still glancing at the kids menu just in case. We then got back to date night status and started looking at the drink menu.

With a nice buzz going, we headed out to browse the shops. The show didn’t start until 8:15, so we had time to kill. Unfortunately, there just isn’t enough interesting stuff to kill that much time. LOL! We ended up down at the Saddle Ranch for drinks.

Ken managed to get a free beer from a guy since we didn’t fight too hard to take these two open seats. I didn’t care if I sat or not as I had a carafe of Long Island Iced Tea. Woo hoo!

The show was great! Not surprisingly, Ken and I mostly enjoyed the acts that had humor that hit closer to home. Ray Ramano and Patton Oswald both talked about their kids, which was funny. The jokes comics did on the single lifestyle were not as funny to us.

I highly recommend checking out the Axis of Awesome on YouTube.

The night was certainly not over in terms of adventure. We headed out with the gobs of traffic and found ourselves in a random sampling for the sober checkpoint. Not a big deal since it had been close to 6 hours since we had both drank. However, the cop who shined the light into Ken’s face saw something not right and had him get out to do a field sobriety test.

I ended up having to hang out on the bus stop bench while I watched from afar. Ken had to do the walking a straight line, which looked difficult. No, it wasn’t because he was drunk. Earlier that day, he had just purchased a new pair of shoes that are Shape Up equivalents. Balancing in those takes practice, and he had not even worn them a full day and was being expected to master several balancing tasks to prove his sobriety.

During this time, I was also privy to watching the other cars being stopped. One car even contained one of the comics we had just seen. I was amused since he had declared his 6 months of sobriety on stage, so he didn’t have to be stopped for long. Part of me hoped for him to be popped for DUI.

The police did not seem to have much of a sense of humor aside from making fun of the people who would start of by insisting they had not had a drink, but then when the second cop would ask him, the drink count would come out.

Ken’s test took probably 20 minutes, even though it seemed like an eternity. I was nervous when they took him for the breathalyzer. I don’t know why, but it just seemed like the one test that could fuck you, even if you were not drunk. Ken blew a zero. Yup, dude had no traces. Nicely done, sir. LOL!

When they walked us over to the car, there was finally a more relaxed attitude. Ken told me the officer was super nice to him, but yes, he was extremely professional even though it was becoming quite clear that Ken was not intoxicated.

I should of slept in more on Sunday, but you know how it is when you have to pee right around the time you would normally get up. I was quite annoyed. But since I was up, I went ahead and got dressed and headed out to retrieve my boys.

Dax was a little weepy when we dropped him off, but he cheered up. We had been gone for no more than 3 minutes when he called me on my phone and said he had not said goodbye to me. We turned around for a full round of more hugs and kisses.

We got home and had a pretty mellow day. Ken played some baseball with the boys and their friend, Danny. I spent a lot of time cleaning, which was very satisfying. We even got a lot of the laundry done, while still being able to play with the boys and dogs.

Last night, Bobby came out not long after going to bed to ask my help with something. As I walked him back to bed, he turned to me and thanked me again for the little toy hamster we had gotten them. I was pleased with his thanks and memory to thank me without prompting.

Bobby lost his tooth last night, too. And when I say lost, I mean, we don’t know where it went. It had been loose, but our best guess is that it got stuck in the French Toast we had for dinner and it is somewhere in his intestines at this point. He seemed a little concerned about the tooth fairy not coming. Ken remembered something we had, which was one of Luna’s baby teeth. I then wrote a letter on Bobby’s behalf asking the tooth fairy to accept our replacement tooth in the lost tooth’s place. We put the letter in with the Tooth Goblin so that he could deliver it to Ms Fairy. Bobby seemed confident about this. Phew!

Jean is now due back on the 11th, which means I only have this week to deal with. Of course, this morning when I came in, I found out that I no longer have access to cover for her. My guess is there was an expiration date on the temporary access I had, and since she was due back today, I will have to be given it again. I am only annoyed since it puts me behind schedule.

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