Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Break!


I don’t have gobs of time, so I thought the best way to preserve in journal form the spring break 2011 fun would be in list form.

Friday 4-15-11

Poor Bobby broke his Easter eggs coming out of class and broke down crying. This triggered his teacher into her own crying, which resulted in me comforting both of them at different times.

Dax would soon be next on the list of crying. While on the swing, he called out to me telling me he needed help. I inquired further, and he yelled, “there’s a snake!!!” Turned out to be a lizard, and it took all my strength to not laugh.

Went to dinner and saw Joy Luck Club with Stephanie. Stupid crying movie. Sigh, what did I expect from a flick about moms, daughters, and way too much death for me. Good movie, though.

Saturday 4-16-11

Went and signed the boys up for soccer.

Bus adventure day. We took busses from home to Spring Fest. We stopped at the mall, too. It was a lot of walking, too, when we walked from Spring Fest to check in on Matt.

Sunday 4-17-11

This day was spent relaxing while the boys played with their friend, Danny.

Monday 4-18-11

Zoo day! It was good weather, and we saw tons of animals we don’t normall see. Bobby was thrilled to see real live tigers.

Starting to wonder if Danny is a stalker since he showed up almost exactly when we arrived home.

Tuesday 4-19-11

Dentist appts for Bobby and I. Poor kid did have a fright when the fluoride hurt him. It was minor, and he picked out bubbles from the treasure chest.

Wednesday 4-20-11

Ken had a doctor appt we all tagged along to.

The boys and I met up with Stephanie and Sabrina in Pedro to go to the fountains. Way fun. Children were in undies before the day was done.

Then we hit up a park and Target. Always a good thing.

Thursday 4-21-11

Cavity filled at dentist. Not too bad as it was tiny.

Discovery Cube in Santa Ana. Gobs of fun. Nice museum and we got a season pass, so we will return. Saw Bubble Fest, which we thought was lame, but the boys enjoyed.

Friday 4-22-11

Boys played with Danny until we went with Ken to his class at Adventure Plex. Holy crap, that place rules. We will go back for sure. Thankfully, we didn’t have to pay this round.

Saturday 4-23-11

Captain overkill was on hand for coloring easter eggs. The boys and Ken lost interest while my alter ego glued on googly eyes and feathers to make lots of fun eggs.

Dog Beach fun. The dogs loved it. Luna drank too much sea water and managed to yak. It was ok, though. Boys loved going to beach.

Sunday 4-24-11

Easter! Baskets of candy, hunting for 120 eggs. Good fun.

Poor Bobby was sickly with a fever. Even Dax looked tired. I think we wore them out this last week.

Can’t wait till next year!

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