Friday, September 7, 2012

Band-Aid Bitch


Fuck I am tired.

The board meeting went until 10. It was pretty entertaining during parts, though. The key to the building we meet in has gone missing, which forced our meeting to take place in the actual park. This was fine by me as it was very nice out. However, this was a big meeting, complete with catering. LOL!! Also, writing checks and going through paperwork in the wind isn’t easy.

One of the board members who is reconciling and then may end up handling the travel teams approached me about some questions. I was at first on the defense, sure I had fucked something up. Turned out he was just picking my brain to see how to make everything run smoothly. Look, I know I toot my own horn quite a bit about being awesome, but as a Gemini, I have two heads. One head is always sure everything is done better since I did it, and the other is sure I have made a complete mess of the task.

And then there was Band-Aid Bitch.


She is the one I have been leery of since her “triumphant” return to the region. She is like the old head cheerleader of a school that figures even though she has graduated and moved on that when she comes back she should still be worshipped by everyone.

Her husband, the Frank Burns to her Major Hoolihan, took on the task of registrar. He is harmless, and mostly fine. She on the other hand feels as though since she used to do that job should be the only one who anyone should talk to. She is condescending and brass, and there is something about her that makes me want to take a two by four and whap it upside her head.

Here’s the kicker, though. She was put back in the system as the safety director. She takes care of any injury reports that might come through. She also orders band-aids and ice packs for the fields. Hence my new title for her of Band-Aid Bitch.

Thankfully, if she really pisses me off with something, I think more people are happy with my logic than hers.

Looks like I am in for a bitch fest here at work today, too. I am ready. My ducks are not only in a row today, they are heavily armed.

There was a little drama yesterday at the school. I got a phone call from Bobby’s teacher telling me that he didn’t have his lunch. I had not answered the phone since I didn’t recognize the number. I got her message and she and I texted back and forth to see what was up. Ken assured me when I spoke to him that the lunch was somewhere on campus since he watched Bobby put it in his backpack. As I relayed this info, they found the lunch on the playground where it had fallen out of his backpack. Crisis averted!

Today I don’t have to deal with homework. I can pick the boys up and go to my folks. We do have some things that need to be accomplished this evening such as snacks for the game tomorrow, but it should be a mostly event free evening. Yay!

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