Tuesday, September 25, 2012



We raised the boys’ social status by several points yesterday by showing up to the school for pickup with some of our critter entourage.

Hal traveled with Ken while Lucy and Brianna were with me. This was all brought on by one of Bobby’s classmates who did not believe him when he said we owned a snake. So I took a picture of Bobby with Hal thinking this would be pretty good proof. Ken thought we could do even better and wrapped Hal around his wrist as we went up to get the boys.

I thought it would be funny to bring the kittens since all these people always bring their little yap yap dogs, and wouldn’t it be cuter to see a couple of adorable kittens? Turns out this was clearly the best day some of these kids have had after school in some time.

Hal certainly got more attention as let’s face it, snakes are not exactly common place in most of their houses. The girls were very popular, though, and their floofy fur and cute faces charmed the crap out of many kids.

The afternoon presented our adventure in full 80’s fashion with a viewing of The Goonies. I had a desire to see it, so I just put it in without consulting anyone. The boys had not seen it before and it was nice to see them so interested in it. They seemed to enjoy it, too. Of course, their little friends showed up about 10 minutes before the end, which was distracting, but we convinced them to finish the movie and that they could go play after.

We decided to go ahead and get the good flea stuff for the household, hoping this would at least eliminate one issue that Monarch might have. Seriously, I cannot have that cat piss on me again. Sadly, even though there were no issues last night, I was half awake all night convinced I would catch him in the act. I also was battling these punk ass kids who were hosing down the house, but I think that was a dream.

Yesterday I spent the day confused as to what date it was. Turns out the calendar I am using is off a day. I would call the publishing company, but I don’t think Bobby will care too much if I tell him the calendar he made me last year is wrong.

I guess there was some kind of football snafu last night? I wish I cared.

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