Monday, September 17, 2012

stupid mondays


I don’t anticipate this being long since it is quite difficult to type with these freaking nails.

Today has already been rough. I was convinced that I had grabbed my keys off the hook at which point I realized I forgot something in the kitchen. In that short amount of time and area, I somehow misplaced said keys. I looked frantically, and Ken helped me by getting me out my spare key. I got to work and it occurred to me that I never had MY keys and that those were actually in my backpack. Sigh.

I so considered taking the day off to spend with the fam since they get today off for Rosh Hashanah. I am going to take tomorrow off instead, which will allow me to take the boys to school (which I love to do) and let Ken go to Costa on time. Plus, I can then work on the house or just sit on my ass and watch my shows until I have to go to the school for Dax’s parent teacher conference.

It was a pretty great weekend. On Saturday, Ken brought me breakfast in bed. That was way cool. I really didn’t want to get up. It was 7 am and already blistering hot out. But the soccer game started at 10:30 and I still needed to get prepped.

We didn’t win. In fact, they got slaughtered again, but we did score once and that was like Christmas for everyone. The whole team was thrilled and I am telling you, it was the best part of the day. The team did better. I kept getting annoyed at the older kids who pushed, but I tried to keep it in check. Ken got annoyed when I was frustrated with that, but I pointed out I was not telling anyone but him.

We left Ken at the field and the boys and I went to Target briefly. I was so pleased at how good the boys were. I mean, they were hot, tired, and let’s face it, who wants to be drug around Target when all you want to do is go home? We picked them up a movie. They wanted Diary of a Wimpy Kid. We got home and they watched that. It was a nice afternoon.

I got ready and Stephanie and I went out to dinner and then wandered the mall. It was nice since we had not hung out just she and I in months. A good chunk of time was spent in Forever 21 where apparently there is a 90’s revival of “style”. Holy fuck it was bad. Shoulder pads and bad prints and stretch pants that shockingly did not have stirrups. It was all kinds of awful.

It also seemed amusing that we were wandering the store, listening to 80s music, looking at 90’s clothing while playing with our 00’s phones. It was all kinds of funny.

Sunday was the Torrance Centennial parade. Thank goodness for the bit of cloud cover in the morning as it made our ride there pleasant. We rode around Old Torrance, checking out the groups in the parade. Sadly, only about 20 of our region people showed up. No joke. Only 4 board members, and really, only I am a main member. Lame.

The boys got to carry the AYSO sign, which was awesome. They waved and blew kisses to the people who lined the short route. It really was just two large blocks in the Old Torrance square. Although we did stand around a bit, the boys and I did manage to go look a bit while we waited for the parade to start.

After we were done, we rode up to the Fantastic Café for lunch. Then we got to ride over to Lowe’s to get the pool vacuum. Yay bike riding! That part was awesome!

We got home and Stephanie and Sabrina came over to partake in our freshly cleaned pool. It was perfect. The water was nice, and it wasn’t as hot out as it was the day before. We showed the kids how to play Marco Polo, which was gobs of fun. Bobby declared himself Old Man Bob at one point, which made no sense but was one of the best things ever. I tried to duplicate the awesome waves Ken has been able to do in the pool. I did a pretty damn good job, which I managed to do several times, which delighted the youngsters. It was so awesome! Ken even came in to show us all how it is done.

We settled in to eat some dinner and watch something when it was noticed that E.T. was on. Ken and the boys wanted to watch that, despite my screams of “EVIL!!!!!!” So they ended up watching the first 25 minutes. Thankfully, the boys’ little friends came over and lured them outside to play. Phew! I was then able to watch Heathers, which is way better, and less nightmare inducing. I did record the offensive alien flick, but I figure the 3 of them can watch that today, without me.

Fuck I hate E.T.

I realize I forgot my gym bag. Crud. Oh well. At least I did a shit ton of activity yesterday so I won’t feel so bad.

So about these nails. I thought it would be fun to pick up more of the press on nails that I had tried before. They were easy to put on and take off and that way I could feel all pretty when we went out on Saturday. I grabbed a pack and apparently got the wrong kind all around. First off, I picked up Medium Length. I think that was ok when they were the press on variety, but not so much in this form, which is the ones with the little bottle of glue. Yes, I actually glued on nails. They are cool looking, don’t get me wrong. I feel all purdy. But I also feel a bit handicapped.

Two people called out already today. Of course, both of them are people I have to back up. Sigh.

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