Thursday, February 7, 2013

drowning in bullshit


I re-read the second two books of the Hunger Games trilogy this week.

It has been nice having them in PDF form since I can read them at my desk at work. I also just really enjoyed getting into the world of Panem again. I was fully immersed and it was a little disturbing when I noted how much the VP here reminded me of President Snow.

The only problem with getting into a book is that I couldn’t just be content with reading it at work alone. I would have easily had a couple of hours worth of read time here but I ended up reading a bunch at home last night.

Thankfully I found a copy of Deathly Hallows online so that will be my escape for today and tomorrow.
I am bailing out a smidge early today. Maybe even more than a smidge. I realize that with this board meeting tonight, I am grossly underprepared for it. I need to go get statements and update reports before showing up for it. I figure taking time to go get it done today is the best way to combat any stress, but it will perhaps allow for a nap.

The sick is truly taking hold on me. Thankfully it only seems to be in my nose and head, but I worry it will creep down to my throat soon. Bobby has the hacking, awful cough I am way too familiar with, so I expect it to happen soon. I took a shot of NyQuil last night and here at 6:30 I am still under its effects. Yay!

I am also annoyed this morning. Bobby turned to me yesterday in the midst of homework with tears brimming in his eyes to tell me he had been benched at recess. He proceeded to explain that the book packet they bring home for a month at a time was missing books when he returned it last week. This of course could not be the case simply because we never open this fucking packet.

Since the beginning of the school year, each student in his class brings home this envelope of about 12 books. They don’t seem to have any assignments associated with them and so I assume it is similar to the book borrowing program that was done last year in which they brought home a book from the classroom. Since we have enough books to open our own library, we don’t bother with these books. Most of them seem pretty lame, so I simply place the packet in his homework basket and have a timer set up for when he needs to return them each month. This has been fine.

Last week, he returned said packet with no further discussion. This would be the first time I would hear of missing books. Bobby even explained to Ms. Jenkins that we don’t read the books, which sadly resulted in more woe. I was pissed. I quickly penned a letter that explained to Ms. Jenkins what was going on and even added that she needs to stop punishing Bobby for this. I also assured Bobby that he was punished unfairly. I told Ken and he will speak with her this morning. I am frustrated. Already these kids have too much fucking work, but now they are getting punished for things that didn’t happen?

I told Ken last night that fighting doesn’t seem to help. So instead I will do what I can over the next 4 months to make sure Bobby just makes it through this class. His tests always come back with A’s and B’s so I know this kid gets the material. They are just drowning him in bullshit.

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