Tuesday, February 26, 2013

epic pain


I should be working on reports.

Sadly, the reports seem to have had some kind of an issue making report time even more stressful since it now means I have to wait for others to get into the office before I can even start work on them. Today was already going to be a more hectic report day what with a meeting I have at 10:30 and I am backup for Jean. Oh, and there is an audit being done which means I am often tapped for some pressing issue. Sigh. Good morning!

I feel better though, despite the added hectic nature of the morning. Yesterday my lady parts were in an uproar and I was in a great deal of pain. It was epic. It decided to even hit my back and legs with a force. It didn’t help that I randomly twisted my leg while trying to catch a stool with it, but even so, the pain was clearly from the epicenter that was located in my mid-section. It was super tense and annoying. The Midol did finally work, but it took way too long for my taste.

One of Ken’s students gave him Kings tickets, which meant he was able to go to the game with Bobby. It sounds like they had a great time, and the Kings won, which is a good first experience for Bobby. Dax was a little bummed about not going, but he seemed quite pleased hanging out with me in our bed and we watched AFV. He and I both crashed out by 8, but it was good!

Dax wants to color his hair black for his pictures tomorrow. I asked him why he didn’t want to do it some other color. He didn’t want people “getting in trouble for looking at his funny hair.” I think he just didn’t feel confident to do something like green. We will see how he feels tonight. We might be able to do a good temporary shade that he is ok with.

I started taking things off the walls in the living room. I need boxes! I am trying to not just toss stuff into a container, though. I am hoping to keep it organized. I figure I have some time so I don’t need to just panic and throw it all in a bag. I might as well get it all good. I am going to try to go through the kitchen this weekend and start tossing things like Tupperware I never use. I need to downsize our crap. Mind you, Ken is the one who suggested we do this, and we all know I am more on board with this than anyone, so this is kind of like a strange Christmas for me. LOL!

The only good news today is that I can stay late. Ken picks up the boys today and doesn’t have class on Tuesday afternoons which means I don’t have to rush to get back. I may take this opportunity to get some OT. 

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