Thursday, February 28, 2013

Too much to do


I need to earn $1000 more a month.

It will be doable. There are numerous corners to cut and other things that will make this doable. Everything from doing the lawn myself to just being more careful with funds will be ways I can ensure that this extra cash will be on hand. I have also considered trying to get a second job.

Papa Brenan thinks we should rent out the back “house”. I think this is not doable. There is not a kitchen in said unit and truly, one of the reasons I like this little part is that Ken will be keeping his Lego out of my home. Yes, there is the garage, and truly, as I am cleaning out my house, my crap will be at a minimum, but still, I would like to hope that the garage doesn’t become his domain, also. Then again, I am more than willing to give up both spaces because I will have a house to work with. I also just don’t think that anyone will pay that much for said space. They will be dealing with no kitchen unit and 2 dogs and 2 kids. Plus, this isn’t 1950. I have to find some random person who isn’t going to do anything horrid to my family. Yeah, I think I will just concentrate on getting more money.

The house offer put in sounds like we are in a good position to get the place. I am still looking at other places just in case. As much as I really love this place, I do understand that house buying isn’t exactly simple.
I need boxes. Lots and lots of freaking boxes. I started taking things off of the walls in the living room and realized that I am lacking in boxes. I have asked the facilities manager here to bring any and all boxes my way, so hopefully I get a delivery of these before the weekend. My intention is to use the weekend, which currently has no plans, to make my house bare.

I told the boys that we were going to donate a bunch of their stuffed animals to this one charity for kids. They were quite pleased with this idea and I think I can bag up a bunch of that. I also have that bag of toys in the garage that clearly has nothing that would be missed in it, and I will take that to Goodwill this weekend.
I am hoping that there is a decent after school program in Torrance. I am considering letting the boys stay in said program until 3. I just did a check, and it looks like the bell schedule is different in Torrance. They don’t start till 9 and don’t get out until 3:15. Well, that helps me out! I can work then until like 2:30. Woo! I will still come in to work at 4:30. Plus, in a really short amount of time, these kids will be able to go home on their own. The route home is a little different compared to say coming home from Halldale, but it is a route we have rode many times before. I think they will do great!

I hate being at a desk when I am in super planning mode.

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