Monday, March 25, 2013

houses and easter and computers, oh my


Because if it isn’t one thing it’s another.

I seem to have thrown out my lower back. I really wish I knew how I manage to do these things. Maybe it is all the coughing and just the fact that sleep has not been perfect lately due to the sinus infection. All I know is that I am in a lot of freaking pain and spent much of yesterday on the couch, icing my back every so often.
I suppose it isn’t too bad considering the rest of the weekend wasn’t too bad.

On Friday I took the boys to school. They were surprised to see me at home since they knew I had gone to work. I opted to walk with them and even though my coughing fit about knocked me on my ass, it was worth it.

Dax was surprised when he saw me in the auditorium for the monthly awards ceremony. He seemed equally shocked when his name was called to be student of the month in reading. I am so freaking proud of him! These awards are not easy to come by, so for him to be doing so well in class made me happy beyond words.

After the ceremony, I headed home. I basically now had the day off. I needed to go get some cupcakes for Bobby’s class, but aside from that errand, I was able to just hang out. I watched the movie, Butter, which I highly recommend. It is this dark and warped ass comedy that happens to be on Netflix right now. Alicia Silverstone, Jennifer Gardner, Rob Courdrey, Hugh Jackman, and of course, most importantly, Olivia Wilde. I will not give anything away except to say I was concerned I would not catch my breath again from laughter at the end during the last sculpture.

For dinner we took Dax out to Lazy Dog since he won a certificate from there for his award. It was a nice night of dinner and laughing.

On Saturday, we had AYSO registration in the morning. It went smoothly, which is not too shocking. We only signed up 22 kids, which is what we expected since it was only for last year’s coaches and referees. One of those kids signed up was Dax. Bobby has decided to not play this year, which is ok by me. He really isn’t a sporty kid, which is not a bad thing. Perhaps he will choose to do something else.

On Thursday night we saw the house that I had high hopes for. It was even better than I had hoped. It is a good size, nice backyard, and in a fantastic location. We both fell in love with it instantly. The house is being sold by the daughter of the man who lived in the place his whole life. He is a WWII veteran (yeah, I did some cyber stalking (I mean, investigative Googling) on the house) who passed away last November. Seriously, this is a place that we could totally stay in for the rest of our lives.

Now, it is the waiting game. Our financer allowed us to put in an offer and I guess we won’t know what is going on until tomorrow since the house is in probate. We are crossing our fingers that for some strange reason we get the golden ticket.

For now, Ken and I are working on our house. We purchased a new toilet to install. We also priced out flooring which we will start doing soon. We are doing new flooring through the living room, kitchen and entry way. We are going to carpet our room. I have a ton of boxes that I hope to pack some more things this week. Papa Brenan is considering the idea of actually renting out our place instead of selling it. This is kind of cool, actually. So we are putting in a little work, which will make things nicer. It looks to be a busy next few months for us.

On an up note, I managed to score us some free tickets to go to a taping of America’s Got Talent. It is a cheese-tastic show, but it is one in which the boys actually like to watch with Ken and I. I told them we were going and they jumped up and down with excitement. Dax was a little bummed it wasn’t a taping in Vegas, but he was still jazzed. They spent the next hour asking me if the actual host would be there and asked about the judges and performances. Yay!

My new computer arrives on Wednesday, which is way exciting! I feel like things are getting organized in my house, which is happy making.

This weekend looks to be busy with Wondercon and Easter. Now I have to find some time to hard boil the eggs and we get to color them. I will do my best to not go nuts on Pinterest in the meantime lest I end up trying some crazy decorating on my eggs.

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