Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nice Off


The wonderful smell of rain this morning was shattered when I walked in the office to the wall of cologne by one of my coworkers. 

The parent/teacher conference went well. I think both of us were overcompensating in how friendly we were both being. I don’t mind this since ultimately it is clear that  we do agree on one thing; Bobby is a cool kid. He is doing well. His writing is improving and it looks as though he does his best work on writing projects when they are a whole process including a brainstorm session and peer editing. A free write is not something he is as good at, but that just takes some practice. She said he was ready for the 3rd grade, so this is really all that matters. 

I ended up watching the rest of the episodes of Being Human that were available to me on Netflix. I did this with the boys in the room since both were intrigued about the show. They got pretty bored so turned to playing their iPods while I got sucked into my paranormal “stories”. They were a little concerned and then super amused as they watched me sob during a particularly awful part. I actually like that I can cry so freely in front of them without them being too upset. It is good for them to see me be at all emotions, and it is good for them to see that fiction can truly suck you in. 

I am feeling suddenly much better about my car. I have an embarrassing confession to make. I have been driving my car for a full year unregistered. What is truly remarkable about this is that I didn’t get one ticket during any of this time. Yes, we had a hefty fine, but the good news is that it is now registered again. It also got a smog check which shined a light on a potential reason for some of my gas mileage problems. There was a hose that needed replacing. This incredibly inexpensive fix has seemed to not only give my car more pep, it may make it more functional for a longer period of time. This is good since I don’t have to fanaticize about a new car anymore. I can reserve my daydreams for a new house. 

It looks as though a place we liked on the outside is still available. Our realtor is going to hopefully get us set up with a walk through. I am excited! The boys even liked this place, which was a huge win since they didn’t seem excited about the other place. This one has a cool room that would be theirs. It is a simple room, but it has stairs up to a small loft. It is super cute. The yard isn’t huge, but it is in a good area and near a park and the schools. Plus, it looks like a quiet street. All around, it has a lot of room and potential for us. Plus, it is listed at less than the other place. 

I really don’t want to do this board meeting crap. I am sleepy since I could not get comfortable last night. It was super frustrating. Most of it was temperature based. I was either too cold or too hot. I also seemed to not be able to turn off my brain. This is never a good thing. It also makes me want to consider not coming in to work tomorrow. There is nothing pending here and it would allow me to sleep in. I know, lame, but let’s face it, I have other things I would like to take care of and this would allow me time to do it. 

I managed to roller skate, albeit for only maybe 15 minutes, without injury yet I was able to get pepper in my eye while cooking tacos. Seriously, my accident prone self is always full of mystery. 

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