Thursday, March 14, 2013



Hello slumber my old friend.

I crashed yesterday. I was not going to be able to face the day at 4 am as I normally can. I crawled out long enough to pee and call into work to wish them luck without me for a day. I then slunk back into the comfort of my bed and didn’t come back out until after Ken and the boys had left for the morning.

I considered the mess in the kitchen but after becoming winded and exhausted just from feeding the cats I knew that my plan for the day was to just sit. So sit I did. I worked on some AYSO crap for an audit and I also dinked around online. I ordered myself some shoes because, well, just because. I was able to watch another episode of my show and mostly just chill, which is something my body desperately needed.

My throat is still on fire. The good news is the coughing is less extreme in terms of frequency. I do cough from time to time, and when that happens it is a doozy, but the tickle that causes it has slowed. I took my NyQuil again last night and was able to freak out the boys momentarily, which was fun. I had backed the shot of thick, red medicine and a drop of it fell on my face right below my nose. I didn’t have a napkin, so I had to catch some of it with my finger and then headed to the bathroom to get a tissue. Dax looked horrified when he saw his mother with what looked like a pretty bad nose bleed. LOL!

I think that my plan for taking yesterday off to recover will work well in the long run since the boss has opted to take today off. It means 3 days of no boss man. Woo!

The tea is certainly helping my throat, but now it feels like it is 1000 degrees in here.

My sick was certainly messing with me. On Tuesday, Ken and I showed up at the school and I asked Mr. Manny if the book fair was ready for everyone. He looked confused, and after some more inquiry, it was realized that I was off by a week on the Open House and book fair. Yeah, that happened. Oh, and not to mention the random dreams including one in which I had extensive conversations with people about how all chickens should wear tank tops.

I am still house hunting. I found one on the site yesterday that is located at the end of a cul-de-sac which is super happy making. I am hoping we can go take a look at it soon. I also broadened my search to include Long Beach, although sadly the places I have liked the best are located in rather questionable neighborhoods in the large city. Ultimately, I know I have until Bobby hits Jr. High. Still, I would like to get into a new place long before then.

I have decided that I agree whole heartedly with Ken and with some of the clerical error money coming my way tomorrow I am going to purchase a Mac Mini. My desktop machine at home crashes on average twice a day. The laptop that is there that I have been using for pictures and music isn’t up to the quantity of memory I really need with my mad paparazzi skills. A Mac Mini will allow me to have gobs of space, a speedy machine, and it is small enough I could even take it with me if let’s say I go on vacation. All of this is a super win.

We have now watched up through movie 3 in the Harry Potter series. Bobby was not as impressed with the 3rd one because truly, the uber bad guy isn’t featured as prominently. What he doesn’t understand is the significance of Sirius and my personal favorite, Lupin, being introduced to the mix. Hopefully the 4th movie will knock his socks off, what with an actual death because of Voldemort happening.

I received the Zombie chocolate bunnies for the Zombie Jesus Day baskets for the boys. I am quite pleased. I need to dig out Zombieland for our annual viewing.

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