Thursday, May 16, 2013

internal dance


Tiny internal happy dance going on right now.

Brandon called me last night to tell me that the seller accepted our offer on the house. My understanding though is that we are not done in terms of the wait before escrow. We sent over signed paperwork and all of that has been forwarded to the listing agent, but until things are signed, we are still at the mercy of possible other, higher offers that could come in.

The good news is that it sounds as though because of the accepted offer, if we are the official buyer, we may not have to go through the court probate portion after all. This would be good for the simple fact that any possible issues before escrow should be avoided if at all possible.

There is work to be done on the house. There was extensive termite damage to the tune of about $7K. Of course some of this is stuff we can do ourselves so we may end up only having some of it done professionally. I think we at the very least will have things like the holes in the flooring repaired and then in the living room put down carpeting.

We will have to get new appliances since there are none present in the house. This means a trip down to maybe the Sears Outlet store there at Old Towne. Hopefully we should be able to make the house ready for move in quickly.

There is a bunch of 70’s wallpaper near the kitchen and specifically around my fab rotary dial phone. I think my plan is to find a cool looking frame, kind of similar to the one Monica has on her door in Friends and put that around my phone keeping the wallpaper intact as well. Then I can always paint around the rest and make that more of like a piece of art. If I get my way on this, I may even need to make it working art. Hee!!
If this all happens, there is a lot of work ahead of me. That being said, I think it will be super happy making work. 

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