Monday, May 20, 2013



Inspections looming make me nervous.

We received the adorable letter from our real estate peeps that said Congrats! We are in Escrow! That being said, it is the tentative scary time right now due to the impending inspections by not only a licensed professional but by our financers, Ma and Pa Brenan. The house does have a lot of work, but even after having looked at it again yesterday in more detail, I can’t help but see all the potential that oozes from the 57 year old walls.

My folks came with us yesterday so I could get a little input from them as well. My dad is nervous about the work as well, but my mom I think fell in love with the place with the same passion I have. She loved the neighborhood, the size and the park/school down the street. She was super impressed with the place. She even offered to be there during inspection as a nice buffer for my fragile esteem while Papa Brenan was slamming the place.

Tomorrow is the big day, with the Brenans flying in at 11 and then they basically go to the house for inspection and head back home at 6. As Ken pointed out, at least it is a quick turn-around. I also have my Xanax prepared so I don’t stress too much. I totally understand why the harsh criticisms being that this is a half a million dollar investment. The issue is I take it personally, as if I have found a piece of crap. I also really like the place and I worry that he will pull the plug on the whole thing.

But seriously, I love this place. The boys picked which room they want, which thankfully was not the one Ken and I will be using. LOL! I have big plans for every space and I find myself imagining every piece of furniture we have and I have places for just about all of it. It seems to flow as if it is meant to be. We got two new (to us) couches, too. Our new neighbor who is just now moving in was getting rid of these two big, nice couches and so we bought them from him. One will go in the Rec room and the other will go in the living room. Yay!

I have been pricing out flooring. I had hoped to put down carpet squares in the Rec room since it would be a heavily trafficked kid room. I thought that then I could remove squares when need be for things like a spill in order to hose them off. We had these at my parents’ house while growing up and they were awesome. I have even seen some that come in packs of all different colors that you put down together and the rainbow effect is awesome. That being said, I am looking at $600 for this, which is pretty pricey.

We were excited to find that the god awful lighting they had in the kitchen is super easy to fix. We also noted that since the ceiling in the house is the actual wood from the roof, we could easily put in a skylight at some point. This was cool, too! I am sure the cats would love a kick ass sun spot.

Speaking of cats, there are also a couple of spots in the house we could screen in to make nice indoor/outdoor spots for the cats and more specifically, their pans. It would allow them the benefits of fresh air without the dangers of being outdoor kitties!

I am telling you, this place really speaks to me.

In non-house news, we had a busy weekend. Registration day for soccer meant spending the day at Hull on Saturday. I didn’t mind, though, since the school now says future to me what with it being the place the boys will hopefully attend. It also wasn’t too crazy and the boys were very well behaved. I would have been ok with it being a bit busier since it would have made the day go by quicker, but it was ok. I was all kinds of proud because the 3 ideas I had last registration were implemented this time with lots of compliments about their success. Yay!

Saturday night was a mellow family night. We rented a couple of flicks from the Redbox and just chilled in front of the tube.

I am thinking that I will finally get some sleep after tomorrow night. If Papa Brenan doesn’t decide to back out on the house, I will feel so much better. I can then for sure say I am in Escrow and I will feel like we are moving forward. I find myself tossing and turning at night because I am so nervous about everything.

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