Monday, July 22, 2013

fuckity fuck fuck



I fucking hate this so much. Friday was supposed to be a day of celebration. Now I have no idea when I will be able to breathe normal. The lending company apparently sent the wrong paperwork again. No one told Ken and I this. The correct packet was supposed to be sent on Friday or Saturday to the notary, who is going out of town. Of course, it seems to be missing. I don’t know what the fuck is going on as of right now. Hopefully the packet is tracked down today and a new notary is retrieved to get signatures. Then it will get over to escrow for the approval. I am so done with this. I am dying.

In the meantime, Ken and I have moved our mattress into the old playroom. We are going to start to work on our old bedroom since it will probably take the most coats of paint to cover the dark red in there. It was strange being in the front room. Especially so low to the ground. I am used to climbing up into bed as opposed to kneeling down to crawl into bed. It is also considerably warmer in there so hopefully this afternoon we will bring another fan in. As if the warmth wasn’t bad enough, the cats feel that this room was set up for them as a new playground. Clearly they have never dealt with blinds before. We have always had curtains. They were in a crazy state both nights, which is loud and annoying. Plus, since I am right under the window, when they would dive out from under the blinds with an explosive force, my legs were hit with a fuzzy bomb. They are lucky they are so damn cute.

I am sore from taking out the old bed frame and moving so many things. Plus, tired due to the cat antics. It should be an interesting day all around.

I am working on some better eating, though. We went to Costco and obtained items to make my breakfast burritos for the week and salad fixings. This means I have low calorie breakfasts and lunches, which makes me happy. I also have opted to not drink any coffee for a while and concentrate on only green tea and water at work. Now I just have to be good at dinner.

I must have been in a different world this morning since I realized when I arrived at work that I had not put any makeup on. Thankfully I have stuff at work, but it was strange how I completely forgot to do that step.
Registration was pretty simple what with us only having 20 signups. We were hoping for closer to 100, but 20 seemed like what we would probably get. The morning went surprisingly quick considering we had so few people. I was mostly upset though being that the bench I was sitting at ripped my shorts. I was very upset what with them being my favorite, and the fact that now my underwear could be on display. Luckily my shirt was long enough that no one was going to notice.

On Friday night we went to dinner at Islands. It was nice just to sit and have good food and try to not think about the escrow madness we are in. After dinner we walked over to Goodwill and found quite a few things. There was a pair of brand new shoes from Target that fit Dax and a pair of lightly used shoes that Bobby will be able to use. I found a pair of white platform shoes that are too big but I picked them up anyway since I may be able to wear thick socks. We also rescued two Woody dolls. Honestly, Pixar has fucked me up for life. I always was one of those kids convinced that the toys had feelings and now I would be hard pressed to leave any toy from Toy Story behind at a thrift shop. We also found a brand new Incredibles phone that apparently SBC was giving out to new subscribers back when the movie came out. It lights up and sounds like an emergency phone for super heroes. It is quite awesome.

The boys were able to finally play at the pocket park that was supposed to open almost a month ago. I had been hounding the city councilman who was part of the huge ribbon cutting ceremony back in June. The park has been locked up since that day, which annoyed the shit out of me. How nice that he got lots of press yet we still didn’t get our park. It was unlocked on Friday so this allowed the boys to walk up to it on Saturday afternoon. Luna and I walked up some time later to see how it looked. It was only us and one dad and his daughter there which was kind of nice. On Sunday when they went back there was even more people, which also was cool. I like being able to let them walk up there on their own, especially since this will give them confidence to walk places on their own, which will come in handy if we ever get to move. I like the idea of them going up to the park by themselves.

Camp is shorter this week, but in some ways it is still a long day what with it being the last week. Class ends at noon thirty, but they will be starting the cleanup adventure. I won’t have as much time in the afternoon by myself. This just means I won’t be as destructive. LOL!

I booked our room at the Wigwam hotel for a weekend in August. It is our summer trip, which may sound odd, but it will actually be just what we need. It isn’t a far drive, which is good. We are going to go to the McDonald’s museum since the kids thought that sounded like fun. We will then go check in to our own little Wigwam where the boys will then be able to take advantage of the pool all afternoon. That is really it. Swimming in a hotel pool and sleeping in a giant fake tent. It will be nice to not have any real places we need to rush off to see and we can relax. Yay!

Now if only I can get my mind off of Escrow. Sigh. 

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