Thursday, July 25, 2013

hoping and crossing fingers


Home stretch?

All of the paperwork is now officially signed and received. I even got the go ahead to change over all of the utilities to our name and we can start work in there. The seller apparently has all the patience and confidence in the world that this is a done deal. I suppose that should make me feel better, but to be perfectly honest, I won’t be satisfied until I have that key in my hand.

Based on estimates it will fund this morning and close tomorrow. I have heard this song and dance before, however I have also emailed with the loan people so they seem to be on top of it this time around. This morning means phone calls for me for utilities and some general waiting.

My mom is coming to lunch with me tomorrow which is super fun. She has never seen my office so I am going to show her where her daughter sits all day and introduce her to a couple of coworkers and then head out to Carson Burger for their nummy teriyaki bowls. Yay!

My plan this afternoon after picking up the boys is the finish clearing out our old bedroom. Maybe if we are ambitious this afternoon we might be able to bring down a little bit of attic stuff, but realistically that will happen this weekend. Either way, I am hoping for some significant progress today.

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