Monday, July 15, 2013



I have a long week ahead of me.

Once again we have a “close” date in which I am actively counting down until. If all goes well, Friday is the big day. Paperwork has been signed and it is now in the 3 day mandatory wait period to allow us an option to bail if we want. Once that passes, the paperwork goes to the magical entity of Escrow. I swear, Escrow sounds like the man behind the curtain. There is a whole lot of smoke and grumbles, but really it is just some little old man sitting there rubber stamping things. LOL!

In the meantime, I have a lot of work to do. Today, since Ken has finished much of the playroom, I can pull up the carpet. I spent time on the boys’ room yesterday. I packed up much of their closet along with other items in their room. Ken told me in general I need to slow down since I am getting ahead of myself. I understand what he is saying, but I also feel like the only way to work on the current house is to make sure things are packed up so we can move things around.

The plan has changed several times with the final decision to do what we had planned in the first place which is to move Ken and my mattress into the playroom so we can paint in our bedroom along with adding a closet in there. The addition of a closet makes it an official bedroom, which will be good since it means we can consider it a three bedroom.

On Friday, I ended up binge watching my Orange is the New Black show, which was fantastic. I then was able to walk with Luna up to Wilson Park where I needed to sign some paperwork for the region. Ken and the boys met me there. I was glad I got to walk since it made sitting on the couch ok.

In theory, Maryann should be back today. I gotta say, I will be quite relieved since I don’t want to deal with her accounts anymore. She has coddled so many of them it is actually disgusting. I had a message on my voicemail from some broad who was all upset that I had simply left a message concerning payment on account. Never you mind that more than half her account is past due by 45 days and it was only a simple reminder. She was all appalled saying that Maryann is always nice and lets them have more time. Fuck, Maryann, what do you think this does for us as a company??

We now have another registration happening this Saturday. I am not as upset as I could be. It is shorter, and it is at the boys’ new school, which is kind of fun. I will get to talk to the principal and the boys can explore their new school, which is awesome.

I am hoping that if escrow closes Friday we can get an electrician in there ASAP. I know my mom will probably want to go to the house on Saturday to start work on the boys’ room. I really just want to get the house construction under way ASAP.

I went and stocked up on scented candles from Dollar Tree. We actually found a brand that has candles that burn all the way. Most of the ones always seem to get to the bottom and leave an inch or so of wax. These ones we found burn every last inch of candle. YAY! I think I will take a few to the new digs, too, so we can light them there when we are over.

The only place in the house right now that freaks me out in terms of getting it done is the garage. I have walked in there recently and no, it isn’t as bad as it used to be, but it looks to be something that will take a damn lot of time. I know there is no ‘rush’ for all of this, but I really am just looking so very forward to being settled again.

I have decided my house warming party will be a holiday party. I figure I will have things in some form of order by December, which makes a holiday party a fun idea. I also have decided that if anyone wants to bring me house warming presents, go ahead and stick to rum. LOL!!!

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